Social links, friends, Rps needed..

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Vayne Rozeleouxe

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kingwood 15 1/2" with Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
so, Vayne here needs some RPs since his Hogwarts life is slowing down a little, I need some more friends for him, and possibly, a best friend.. :)

So, here's so facts about Vayne,
Vayne is unassuming, laid back, eternally good natured and always smiling with a philosophical wisdom and maturity which betray his external appearance.

Vayne is also an optimistic type of guy. He always see the best in everything even if the others cannot. Despite of all the things that he's been through, he still stood strong and proud. That is something that he had inherited from his parents.

Vayne likes to do things that he is interested in, and he wants to realize his dreams in a natural way. When there's something that he is unwilling to do, he always refuse with the greatest gentleness and patience. No one knows his true feelings on such occasions, unless he is in rage. As a matter of fact, Vayne is good at settling disputes and creating a harmonious atmosphere around him.

Vayne can also be very determined and stubborn sometimes. Once he decided on something, he'll do his very best to achieve it. Even if he fails so many times, he won't give up. As long as he's not stepping on anyone.

Vayne doesn't mind if he is being hurt by others, but when one harms whoever it is that is important to him, Vayne can be really dangerous. He can be a bit over protective of his loved ones.

Vayne tends to empathize with people. Most people, even complete strangers, express how reassuring and soothing his presence is, often opening up to him completely with their problems.Rarely does he seem displease or stressed out, taking almost everything in stride, his lenient and contemplative nature is the reason why most people even accuses him of being "so slow"
How about sara here- being a best girl-who-is-a-friend. Seeing as Sara is very argumentative, and has a temper, her and vayne should balance each other out, and seeing as they already know each other..

So, what do you think, I mean she would be just about to get in trouble, and Vayne would calm her down etc.

What do you think?
That would be a great plot i think.. :D
Tara could be a friend, she is also calm and peaceful, and slow to torment. let me know what to think. i cant remember if they met or not (was he in that huge topic at the yule ball?). ether way they should get along.
Tara Sitara said:
Tara could be a friend, she is also calm and peaceful, and slow to torment. let me know what to think. i cant remember if they met or not (was he in that huge topic at the yule ball?). ether way they should get along.
Tara, they do met on the yule ball already.. :D

Maia can you start it? I think it would be better that way.. :)
Great! Thank you for starting it! :D
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