So you're here are you?

Patrick Cavanaugh

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Patrick Cavanaugh flipped through another file on the kitchen table. He never went into the office on a weekend, that was a pact that he had made with Camilia, that he sometimes wished that he hadn't. She was out right now, so it atleast gave him time to check the files and he would be contacting his assistant soon to get a lowdown on some of the business. He shook his head as he flipped through another file, atleast this one was better looking then those other ones his damn designers had bought him. Currently, he was trying to refrain from sacking the entire staff. He had already sacked more then half the design team, a decision he had made in the heat of the moment. He sighed and flipped the file closed, tossing it onto the counter before finishing his morning meal. It was only toast and jam, though if Camilia saw him eating it, she would likely hit him, she hated his being unhealthy. He shook his head and decided to head to the library. He didn't like tv, he wasn't even sure if they owned one, if they did he wouldn't have cared either. He entered the library and started searching for the books on finance. He had decided to go through this years finance bracket, seeing how much he had made in regards to last year. Usually Camilia did this, but he felt like doing it for a change.
Dietrich Cavanaugh had been in New Zealand for a few weeks. He was having trouble finding a place to crash. He wanted a break from his hectic life in London, so he decided to come to New Zealand. It was mainly because he heard his favorite nephew was out of school at the moment. Dietrich planned to just drop by his brother's place and crash there for awhile. He knew Patrick would be mad, but he loved when his brother was mad. When they got into fights, Dietrich always won. Still, his brother had everything he ever wanted. Money, fame, influence, servants, and a family. He sighed. Why did his brother have to get everything? It had always been like that since Dee was born. He was always compared to Patrick. "Why can't you be like Patrick?" "Why do you have to be so short tempered? I will go get Patrick to scold you!" "You better behave before I get Patrick!" Ugh! He was forever in his older brother's shadow, and it made him so angry. Dietrich gently knocked on his brother's front door. A servant had opened the door, and he just pushed past her and walked into the house. Why couldn't they just have house elves? At least he would already know he was around dirty blood. With these servants he did not know which were mudbloods and which weren't. Dee placed his suitcase on the ground and placed his hands around his mouth. "Ciao! Dietrich Cavanaugh has arrived!" he yelled quite loudly. He thought about magically enhancing his voice, but he decided against it. Patrick knew his voice very well. It was impossible to forget! He was informed that his brother was in the library. They had a library? Poor Kyle. He could only imagine how many books Patrick had forced him to read since the break started. Dietrich simply laid himself on one of the sofas in the living room. He did not bother taking off his shoes. He had a feeling Camilia was not home, so he did not have to. If she had been home she would have started to scold him for being so loud. He took out his music player and put in his earbuds. He had modified it so that it would work in magical places. Dietrich placed his finger on his throat. "Paatriickk!" he he said in a magically enhanced voice. He removed his finger from his throat and laughed. His wand was in his bag, but he was skilled in wandless magic, but none of his family knew that. He had managed to hide many of his skills from his family. It was only so they would stop comparing him to his brother.

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