So...Yeah, original title goes here

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Aleyha Snow

Parselmouth / Albino / Mother / Hostile
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Ebony 13 3/8" Core of Basilisk Fang and Venom with a special handle
This is my ever so favorite female Parselmouth, Aleyha Snow, and I normally don't post in here to save my life. But some things have to occur in order to get a huge plot done. For this year, I need Aleyha do get as mad as possible. Extremely mad. Almost mad enough to kill, you know?

What I need are people that will hate her Parselmouth gift. Give her hell over it, and she cannot fight them or else she will have to deal with Professor Zhefarovich (he is keeping an eye on her this year for reasons that you would have to PM me to ask why and what for). So, she won't fight back. But I want people to just call her a freak and stuff, and it gets under her skin, and by the time she gets out her wand, she gets led away pretty much. Either by Professor Styx or someone else. She promised to be on her best behavior, and she wants to stick to it.

What I require are third years and up, preferably those around her age or older, to tease her about her gift because she does not hide it at all. First years, second years; she won't tolerate them. So, any takers?
Wow, shock horror, alright!

My biggest rps and my course start in a few long weeks, so I've got the time. I'm taking this as a fair opportunity to use Jai Dionysus, if you'd like me to help out, since I think he could be cruel enough. He is just a third year Slytherin (but he's big enough to think her a physically smaller threat) and cares nothing for any particular house including his own, so there's no parseltongue pride there. He doesn't bother actively bullying people he thinks are complete freaks unless they make a spectacle of themselves (or breathe wrong or something). Say if he 'caught' her speaking it: if you wanted him to, he could easily say a choice word to her that spirals out of control.

I don't mind if there's consequences for him. Jai'd deserve every inch of it and he'll take it. Anywho, I'm assuming this is a one-or-so rp kind of thing so that's okay with me. No sagas with Jai till Linda comes back :wub: Questions, problems, acceptations, rejections?
Not sure if you are aware of this, but Jai is inactive. ;)
But one choice word won't be enough to set Aleyha off, or to get her angry. That is what I am looking for. (She is used to being around Theodore, she is used to the few choice words, so see what I am saying? :lol: It has to be active bullying, I suppose)

I have Lily Fossil.
She's a major b!tch, who doesn't really give a crap about anyone.
She has serious trust issues with the entire world, and doesn't feel
good enough. She had to hide away her talents (of dance) while at
Hogwarts, and because of recent events in her family, she's decided
to not persue dance anymore. So, this has made her one p!ssed off
slytherin. Apart from that, she's not doing much. She's attempting
to get friends, but she's cold and her sarcasticness and evilness will
always win.
She's a fifth Year, so around Aleyah's age. She'd very easily make fun
of her, because she's so open about her gift, and frankly Lily would find
it pretty weird, not to mention she's not a fan of snakes. Lily would
pretty much just keep going and going with the slurs and insults, but
she'd never fist fight, and she wouldn't be quick to duel either. Lily is
also the type that sees it's annoying and making them angry, and for
that reason wouldn't really stop
So, I'm not sure if she's what you're looking for, But I thought I'd offer
her up anyway.
That is exactly what I am looking for!
Aleyha, if it wasn't for that one small thing in her life, and being a Parselmouth, I'd say they would be friends, but what she does in the end, tis awesome. (Lily would be safe)
As soon as I get one thing done, the pre-event, and then the whole bullying-ness can occur. Can only get one thing in before the Halloween feast, but might be able to fit in two RPs where people bug Aleyha.
This event, it is super important to get Aleyha pissed off before the Halloween Feast.
Hadan Johnson said:
That is exactly what I am looking for!
Aleyha, if it wasn't for that one small thing in her life, and being a Parselmouth, I'd say they would be friends, but what she does in the end, tis awesome. (Lily would be safe)
As soon as I get one thing done, the pre-event, and then the whole bullying-ness can occur. Can only get one thing in before the Halloween feast, but might be able to fit in two RPs where people bug Aleyha.
This event, it is super important to get Aleyha pissed off before the Halloween Feast.

Okay, Awesome.
I'm glad I could provide. Okay, whatever you need for her to do and when.
Lily doesn't have any other plots going, so She's pretty much available at any time.
When you are ready to start it, you can just PM this account and we can started.
Yeah, I know Jai's inactive (I'm getting him changed back). Jai could say more than just a word. I think he's perfectly capable of being cruel if he's in a foul mood (like if a certain crush isn't talking to him), so he's free for you to use if you still want him. :)
I don't know if you need anyone else but I can offer Eden. She is a Seer and she feels like a freak because of it. She would more than willing to call someone else a freak just so she could feel better about herself. That and she is pissed cause little miss snake talker has the love of her life safe and well not in Azkaban while Chase is. So Eden could really get in her face and even dare her to do something.
KR: If I have time after Lily and Aleyha, then I'll hit you up.
Eden: Aleyha would totally whip her, to be honest. Being a freak and calling someone else out on their own ability, not good in Aleyha's books, and she would not hold back, thus destroying the hidden anger I wish to build. :/
Emzies: I sure will. ^^ Thank you so much for helping me out on this plot. *huggles*
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