So why are we out here?

Leviathan Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 10" Flexible Pine Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
Leviathan did not want to roll out of bed today, however he knew that he had to. For a little while now, he and Ariah have planned this thing together to go out in the gardens and plant something. Levi was not a planter, and he did not appreciate plants, however Ariah did and he thought that it would be better for him to go out with her than for her to choose some mudblood that loved Herbology to help her out. Levi was highly protective of Ariah, and will always be, from the moment he had met her, to the moment that he marries her, to the end of their lives. However that has nothing compared to his jealousy issues, probably inherited from the Zhefarovich Family. Axel might not have those issues, but it appeared that Professor Styx did. He was rather unsure about the rest of the family, because Levi was a little intimidated by a few of them. Then again, now that he was getting taller and taller, he should not be as intimidated now. He would have to stand up with them and speak to some of them. Levi opened his silver eyes, as his thoughts went on about his family, but he looked over at the time, and saw that he needed to get a move on or suffer the wrath of his girlfriend. That was not something he wanted to feel today, because he was grouchy enough as is right now. He wanted to sleep in today.

Putting on a clean outfit, Levi stretched and he combed his blonde hair before he left the Boy's Dorm in the Slytherin house. He looked around at the people that were walking in and out of the Slytherin House, before he too left the dungeons. He did not really like the outdoors unless he was going outside for a nap or something. Sometimes he had to patrol out there to ensure that no first years or other so-called 'brave' students went to the Forbidden Forest at night. Whomever did that had a death wish. Levi exited the Hogwarts Castle, thinking that he would be late to meet up with Ariah, and hoped that he would not get yelled at for something so small as to being late to plant something. Levi looked down at his chest, and noticed that he still had that Prefect badge, which still amazed him in every way possible. It was an unexpected surprise, and he enjoyed every ounce of it. Walking out to the gardens, Levi took a seat on the bench to wait for the one that would have wanted him out here in the first place. He had forgotten what plant that they were going to plant, but he was sure that Ariah would know. Hopefully it was not something silly like a rose or a flower, because he did not like those. Those were for girls. Levi crossed his legs in a manly manner, before he looked around to wonder where she was.
Ariah Rowan yawned tiredly as she sat up from the comforts of her soft mattress and looked about the room. It was completely empty right now and she looked at the time. Her nap had lasted longer than she thought it would end up being when she had laid her head down to rest for a few minute's. This year of Hogwarts was draining her energy so quickly. It was like there was a cord attached to her and it was draining any ounce of energy she had and giving it to everyone else that weren't even close to needing it as much as she did. Sure it was her seventh year and she had a lot she needed to study for and get finished before she Graduated and went out into the world. Ariah could not stress enough about all of this. There was a lot of work she had yet to really accomplish but she didn't know what she could do or say to make anyone stop and listen to her. Leviathan was there and had been from the start but she didn't want to bother him with her problems constantly when he had his own life to be aware of and keeping up with. All in all Ariah hated feeling like a bother to him because if she had to face the hard facts, he was cranky enough as it was without her help. Ariah took a thin comb and ran it through her hair to make it appear less messy. Going outside with a massive case of bed head was probably not the best idea in the world. Also she threw on some clothes and bunched her hair up into a ponytail. It looked like she hadn't been sleeping now, well sort of. Her eyes still looked a little tired but she figured Leviathan of all people wouldn't mind. He was probably napping right now anyways. He was always napping. It was a cute quality but sometimes she wondered how he managed to get anything done. He always fell asleep while doing it! Once Ariah ran a couple of thin fingers through her ponytail she gave herself a soft smile in the mirror and grabbed a packet of seeds that she had purchased over the Break and left her dorm room. Her boyfriend wasn't lounging about the common room so she hoped that he was outside. Because storming into his dorm room to pull him out of bed wasn't as fun as it sounded. He was quite heavy and quite the brute to move. Once outside Ariah headed towards the Garden, to her surprise there he was, sitting on the bench.

"Wow, you got here before me?" She was genuinely surprised. Normally, he was late and she had to sit around and wait for him. Maybe he wasn't asleep in his dorm before he had come here. His hair was even combed and neat looking. By the stare alone one could tell that she was amused but curious. How was it that he managed to make it look like she was the lazy one now and he wasn't? "Were you sleeping before you came here?" Ariah giggled that girly little giggle she had that probably made people like Levi gag on a normal basis. Because it was so sweet and soft. It sort of matched that face that she had. Which she hoped didn't make anyone gag when they saw it. She wasn't in control of people's emotions but if she felt that they all thought she was ugly she would probably feel a little bad about herself. Ariah was not the type to care too much what people think about her but it did hurt her feelings when someone thought she was ugly and actually had the heart to tell her so. She was a girl and this affected her more than she wished it did. Shaking her head she displayed to Leviathan that it didn't matter much if he was or not. Ariah was just shocked that he was early for once and she was late. Steep close she leaned down and kissed his forehead softly. "So, I know this will probably sound uber lame to you, but I really wanted to plant some pumpkins before I Graduated. I promised myself I would do this years ago but I kept forgetting. Also, I didn't want to do it alone sooo...I asked you to come." Ariah shot him those puppy dog eyes. Hopefully he would pity her and actually agree to do this instead of making fun to her. He probably didn't like gardening but this wasn't a lot of gardening, just planting a couple of pumpkins that they may have to tend to every once and awhile.​
Leviathan was relieved when he saw none other than his beloved girlfriend and future wife walking across the lawn and toward him. For once he was somewhere before she was, which in turn was amazing anyway because of how lazy he was. He never liked to be early for anything, and that meant a lot. He uncrossed his legs and he straightened his prefect badge but he was unsure if she would even care that he was not the most tidy of males in the world. Like that was any help either. Levi was not the neatest of Slytherins, but for the one that he was going to spend most of his life with, that was a different story. His silver eyes flickered over her outfit, appreciating what body he could see. She was developing nicely. He did not know if she was noticing it though. Levi did not mind that she did not have her hair fixed up in the way that she normally did, which was fine with him. Soon he would have to wake up next to her and everything, so he would need to get to know this side of her, the messy hair and the drowsy look, the look that she had just got out of bed. Levi was sure that she had seen that before out of him, and she knew that when he was asleep, he talked and never remembered what he said to another while he was asleep. Levi stood up when Ariah was close enough to him to greet him, and like herself, he was surprised that he was out here before she was. Levi shrugged lazily, like it was no big deal even though it was in a way. Nothing like this had ever happened before either. Levi smiled lightly to his girlfriend before he muttered, "Eh, it will only happen once, so don't be surprised even on our wedding day, I am a little late." Levi shrugged once more even though he wondered if that would be true or not, if he would end up late on their wedding day. Levi wondered if he would need to write vows because he was not there during the wedding of Theodore and Aleyha Snow. Those two as a couple were amazing, and they were Death Eaters from what the vine had told him. He could never be more proud to have those two as relatives, even if they were not pureblood and they had...Part-Veela babies. Spreading the filth, but it would clean itself out, would it not? Well, over time it must, that was what he had convinced himself anyway. It was the only way he would even talk to Theodore anymore.

Folding his arms across his chest, Levi rolled his eyes at the giggle that came out of her mouth. Only she could do that in his presence without him saying a word, but she was not safe to the oh-so-common eye roll of his when he heard it. Levi answered honestly, "In and out of sleep mostly because well, was a little restless for once." Levi smiled a little more when he noticed what type of face that she had on her right now. It was just too precious for him to ignore. Levi went on ahead and sat back down for the sake that he did not want to remain standing for too long. He could get tired really easily. However it was not until the kiss on the forehead and then she explained what she wanted to do, and Levi let out a groan by impulse before he gave her one of the weirdest looks he could muster for the Slytherin Prefect. Planting a pumpkin? She dragged him out of bed, to plant a damn pumpkin? He could be doing better things than that, like sleeping. Or making out with her and exploring newer territories that he claimed without really...getting to touch just yet. Levi let out a sigh and he muttered, "Planting a pumpkin? You could have asked someone with a much greener thumb, but I guess. But then I can a freebie on grabbing your arse." Levi had a serious look on his face for a moment, before his lips curled into a rather cocky smirk. Sure, he would not have to deal with planting much of it, before he stood back up and this time, he stretched so that he could get some blood into muscles that he would be using for the sake of Ariah. He hoped that she would at least compromise on what he proposed to do. He would help her, in return that he got something out of it. It was the natural way he worked, and wondered what she would say about it, because he knew how embarrassed she could get, which in turn made it even better.
<COLOR color="#000">The mention of wedding day made Ariah pause. Occasionally it slipped her mind that she was supposed to be married to Leviathan once he graduated from school. Mostly because they had been dating so long she was just used to them being in a relationship and doing things the normal way rather than face being forcefully married to him. Not that Ariah minded by this point. In the end she cared for the grouchy Slytherin and that was what kept her coming back to him every single day. A small smile formed onto her slightly glossed lips and she wanted to tell him that he could be as late as he wanted because Ariah would be nervous regardless. But she wasn't sure if she should open her mouth and say anything to him about it. "I keep forgetting that we are supposed to get married." Ariah commented honestly. A part of her wondered if there was ever a time when Leviathan himself forgot about the fact that he was already planned to be wed to a girl he did not choose himself. He would not be blamed if he hated the idea of it. No matter how much two people could care for one another it was still a very cruel thing to put them through. Free will was something every single person desired and lived by, but one of the most important dates a girl could ever have, her wedding day, wasn't even being decided by her. She and Leviathan could hate one another's guts but they were still expected to get married and even have a baby! Eventually Ariah would have to give him a son or a daughter and she wasn't sure if that was something she wanted so early in life. But Ariah cared for Levi and as long as he remained the way he was now, she would be willing to give him whatever she could. Their wedding day was vastly approaching but the thing Ariah was even more currently worried about was the fact that she and her boyfriend would be separated for an entire year after she Graduated. Who was going to take naps with her and cuddle, and make her laugh with their grouchiness? "Hun, you seem like the type to be late to even your own funeral. I wouldn't expect anything less." Ariah teased, her fingers grazing his cheek softly. Hell he would probably even be late to the Hospital if Ariah ever did have a kid. This was probably the safest idea for him to ever do. Shaking her head to rid herself of the thoughts of a wedding or a kid, she tried to focus on what she wanted to do today. Hopefully Levi agreed to it.

Ariah frowned for a minute. He was restless? "Is something wrong? You rarely get restless." Ariah remembered easily how he was normally just tired and generally lazy. Nothing looked to be the matter but since she could not see inside of her boyfriend's head she assumed that if there was he could easily have been hiding it. The closer she got to Graduating the more restless and anxious she got as well. But Leviathan didn't have anything going as far as she knew. Hopefully if there was something wrong he would actually tell her and not make worry. He sat back down and Ariah stared at him oddly. Him being early must be a one time thing because his aura of laziness still seemed to be present. It made her want to giggle again but she knew he would just roll his eyes if she did. It probably was annoying and Ariah knew that, but it wasn't like she could help it. He made her laugh! Apparently he didn't like her pumpkin planting idea too much because he groaned and gave her an odd look. One that she quickly wanted to laugh at despite her disappointment in his reaction. "Awh come on Levi! Please! pleasepleasepleaaase!" Ariah stomped her little foot hoping to emphasize the fact that she really wanted to go out and do this, it wasn't like he would be doing a lot of the planting anyways so she didn't see why he was whining about it. But then he said that he would, even if he thought she should have asked someone else and Ariah nearly cheered. But then she heard what he had to add on at the end. Her mouth dropped and she gave Leviathan a look of surprise. Her and Levi had made out, quite a few times actually. But she didn't really ever think he would go that far. But if it was one thing she learned over the past years, it was that it was more fun making him suffer a little bit before she ever let him have his way. She wrapped her arms and kissed him hotly. "Of course you can, in like twenty years!" Ariah removed her arms from around his neck and walking away towards the pumpkin patch laughing, full out laughing instead of giggling for once. She hoped he enjoyed that little slap in the face because she got a kick out of it. That was what he got though for thinking he would get such a payment.​

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