So tired

Ares laughed "Thats actually, exactly what I was expecting" he raised his eyebrows and nodded "Horryfying!"
Jessy nodded, trying not to giggle. "So you'd better be nice to me, okay? Else it'll be stupid-jerk-lake-guy for all eternity. And you don't want it to catch on, do you? Before long even teachers'll start calling you stupid-jerk-lake-guy, and you'll be doomed to an existence of stupid-jerk-lake-guy." She put her hand to her forehead dramatically.
Ares widened his eyes in mock horror "You wouldnt!" he whispered. Then smirked "well just in case, Wow have I ever told you how pretty you look today" he jokingly complemented her as if trying to get on her good side.
"I would!" Jessy cried dramatically, then giggled when he complimented her. "Why thank you!" She flicked her long black hair with one hand, twirling for emphasis. "Keep this up, and you might become nice-compliment-lake-guy."
Ares laughed "Im not sure if I wanna sound like a complete suck-up either" he finally said.
Jessy nodded. "Fair enough. Noone likes being a suck-up. What about just Lake-Guy?"
Ares laughed "I think I kind've possbily, maybe, preferred Ares" he joked "Unless of course you dont mind being Lake-Girl?"
"Hmmmm." Jessy considered it. "I suppose then we could be lake people... or even lake superheroes, fighting lake crime and righting the wrongs of the depths!" She grinned. "...But I think I prefer Jessy too." She finished, smiling.
Ares laughed at the girls comment she was quite funny. "Jessy," he said empahsing the fact he was using her name "What house are you in?" he asked curious as to why he'd never met her before.
"Hufflepuff." She smiled. "It works out, because I like yellow and black." Jessy laughed. "Makes me feel like a bumblebee."
Ares rolled his eyes and luahged "Cause feeling like a bumblebee is cool?" he asked laughing.
"So cool." She smiled. "C'mon, who doesn't love honey? And if you were a bumblebee you could sting your enemies." Jessy grinned.
Ares smiled challengingly "Yeah and you'd also be this big" he said motioning with his fingers the tiny size of bumble bees. "And changes are before you'd get a chance to sting your enemies, they'd swat you" he grinned "And if you did get to sting them, you'd die right after!"
Jessy stuck her tongue out. "Yeah, small we may be, but what other creature that tiny can cause a whole room full of people to run around, shrieking in panic? Besides, they can TRY to swat us, but have you ever actually hit a bumblebee?" She smirked.
Ares smirked "Actually, I have with a knee reversal hex! Poor thing had no idea what happened" he challenged her.
Jessy tried not to giggle. Hurting the poor bumblebee was cruel, but it was also absolutely hilarious. "Poor bee! You meanie." She mock-glared at Ares, pouting slightly and folding her arms.
Ares' jaw dropped in mock horror at Jessy's reaction "Poor bee? The stupid thing wanted to sting me!!" he exclaimed.
"Yes, poor bee!" Jessy said. "It was only trying to defend itself from a nasty, attacking giant." She continued to mock-glare at him.
Ares poked his tongue at the younger girl again "You were just saying it you were a bee you'd sting people!" he exclaimed "How do you know they dont try and sting us on purpose, just to amuse themselves!"
"I would sting people, but only evil, nasty lake-guys who tried to swat me!" She grinned, crossing her arms, and poking her tongue out back at Ares. "Besides, can you honestly think of noone you'd like to sting?" She said, in a slightly more serious tone.
Ares thought long and hard "Actually I cant" he said looking rathered worried rescanning his mind. There had to be someone, he thought, thinking of everyone he knew. "Wait I lied" he announced quickly thinking of Henric "You win! Happy?" he joked.
Jessy grinned. "Perfectly." She smiled, pushing a lock of her hair back and smirking slightly. The smile disappeared though, once she thought of her parents. Oooh, she would love to sting them. Or just make them not fight anymore. Whichever.
Ares frowned as he noticed how quickly Jessy's smile disappeared. "Whats up?" he asked looking at her concerned.
Jessy sighed. "Nothing." She said. "Just boring angsty family stuff."

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