Open So That's Quidditch!

Gregory Friend

an unlucky friend shaped dropout
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
too young to care
Straight 12 Inch Unyielding Larch Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
01/2046 (17)
Gregory had seen the noticed on the hufflepuff bulletin board for the quidditch try-outs. He'd seen brooms, and learned that his friend Zerrin had a dad who played on a team, but he didn't actually know what that really looked like. Like what the sport was like when played. He knew he could wait until the first game, but it seemed cool and Gregory wanted to know immediately. So here he found himself walked through the stands of the quidditch pitch as players below began shooting up into the air. It was impressive, the pitch felt massive, the hoops were so high, and he was craning his neck a little to spot the players. The players were fast, lightening fast at times. but he could gather from it, exactly what they were doing, a keeper felt obvious, there were some people passing a ball, scoring, people with bats that seemed like they were to cause damage and some players following something he absolutely could not see. It was cool though, Gregory knew it would never be for him, but it was endlessly cool.
Thursday loved wandering around the school now that she felt free to do so. She had a bit of different colored strings in her hand and was mindlessly twining them together, not watching them as she wandered around that day. The sun peaked from clouds and it was chilly, warranting the froggy knit sweater she wore over her top and the jeans as well as the rain boots just in case the weather decided to be finicky. Her red hair blew into her face occasionally, but as she climbed stands to find a place to sit and make her little bracelet she just brushed it back. She couldn't find any of her scrunchies, something had to have hid them - maybe borrowers existed and they had borrowed them. She sighed gently, but her thoughts broke as she spotted someone. "Hey, did you come to watch, or are you making things up here to?" She asked, as if coming up to the quiditch pitch to work on a bracelet were common practice for every student. She held up her little bracelet which had a small white charm on it - a talon from an owl that she'd found on the floor of the owlry her first day exploring.
gregory was enjoying watching the try-outs. He didn't entirely understand all that was happening but that could just be explained by the fact that this wasn't an actual game so it was a little less how it would be played when two teams, he presumed house teams, were up against one another. He spotted someone as she approached him. He wasn't sure what he could be making up up here. "I'm watching," he motioned to the try-outs, "Wanted to see what this quidditch thing was all about," Gregory looked at what she appeared to be doing which was like searching for something.."What are you doing?" he didn't think she was watching the try-out like he was.
Thursday smiled and looked down at the game, it was like sky rugby, and golf, and polo, and American football - kind of. She looked back at him. "I don't understand it, and I can never see the thing those people are chasing." She said, referring to the seekers, but she didn't know what the position was called. "I'm making a bracelet while I wander around. Are you going to play the sport?" She asked. She had never been sporty - her twin seemed more sporty than she was not that that was hard.
Gregory didn't know a whole lot about quidditch, so he wasn't sure how many things were being chased. But he was sure that had to be the player that was just darting about the place, away from the throng of other players. ”You can probably get binoculars,” Gregory wasn't actually sure about this, but you could buy that sort of things for the theatre, he'd seen it in cartoons, so it had to exist for this also. He wondered what the girl was using to make a bracelet, ”Oh no… seems pretty dangerous. Are you?” he also knew that, given how uncoordinated he could be, that it just wouldn't be the smartest idea to put him on a broomstick. ”What are you using to make a bracelet?” he asked.
Thursday had never considered binoculars. "I bet they have magic binoculars just for this game that helps you track things." She said, but she didn't know for sure, she was a mugleborn after all. She shook her head at his question, ginger locks bouncing around. "Absolutely not! That would be so dangerous! You're smart to not play." She said nodding along with her words. "Oh, this is like a silky fishing line and this is an owls' talon he3re for the charm. I'd like to have had a beak but those are hard to come by naturally." She spoke happily showing it to him.
Magical binoculars seemed pretty cool, Gregory hoped they did exist and that they would work while he still wore his glasses. He would have to ask an older student if Hogwarts had any. He could try to pretend that he was asking because he had like forgotten a pair at home. Try to do so without it appearing like he was muggleborn. He agreed that it was dangerous and smart, at least for him and possibly her, to not play. He looked at the bracelet she had with the charm of an owls' talon. Gregory didn't know how she might get a beak, but imagined there as still a right way to do it. ”Have you asked the potions professor?” he said, ”It might not be naturally, but maybe they're used in potions?” He didn't know, but it just felt like something that could be used in a potion.
Thursday was elated that he seemed not so weirded out by her hobbies. she shook her head before admitting, "I'm a bit intimidated by some of the professors. I hear there's one that's like 12 feet tall. I think I saw him at sorting. It's scary to talk to adults about stuff like this." She said, after all, what if they said she wasn't allowed to do her hobby anymore. "Do you have any hobbies?" She asked, trying to change the conversation.
Gregory frowned a little. ”12 feet tall?!” Gregory replied in surprise, he had noted a man who seemed exceedingly tall, but he'd just thought it was because they were sat on a very tall chair or like it was just taller than average. Humans didn't grow to 12-feet…right. He didn't know if the man was like a man or some weird magical thing that he knew nothing about. ”Oh…not really any more, I used to play video games a lot,” Gregory replied. Given that she too was scared of a 12-foot professor, he had to imagine that she was like him, muggleborn.
Thursday nodded as if to convince him of what she said. She then became intrigued by what he said as far as his hobbies. "So did you grow up with a muggle parent then?" She asked, not understanding that it may be an inappropriate question if someone didn't want to reveal blood status. She didn't see the importance in blood status and thus the importance in the question.
Gregory nodded lightly, "Both of my parents," he was a little nervous as he said it. Just unsure as to if he should say it or not. She seemed okay, but he didn't know if her seeming okay and her actually being okay would match up. "Did you?" he returned the question, hoping that she might either be like him or close enough to him. He wasn't sure, but if she had asked that of him, then perhaps it would be okay.

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