So Many Reasons Why

Marilyn Rambolt didn't keep much store by time. In fact, she abhored it and how it passed so quickly. If she could turn it back or stop it she would. She missed having her little girl at home. So much of that time had been stolen while Cecily was away at school. Then when that blackhearted monster married her. She ran her fingers over the silks and satins, admired the lace trim. She had hoped that nice Nicolas fellow would have proposed to her daughter. Yet she knew how office romances could be. Most of them never lasted. She marveled over how her own marriage had only strengthened through the years. Her green eyes smiled as she thought of her James.

So lost in her thoughts she nearly missed her daughter coming toward her. "Well hi there stranger," she laughed, rushing to hug her only child close to her heart.
Cecily hugged her mother close to her, inhaling her wonderful scent of peppermint. "Mum, oh mum I've missed you." Tears sprang to her eyes. Laughing, she stepped back and looked her over. Thinner yes, but she looked so happy. "Mom, this is Nicolette," she turned and gestured at her friend.

"Niccy this is my mum, Marilyn."
Nicolette was supposed to not only help Cecily shop for a wedding dress, but she was also supposed to meet her mom. As excited as she knew she should be, Nicolette was a bundle of nerves. She had never met her mother, or grown up with one in her life. So the concept of mother was all very new to her. She really wanted Cecily's mother to like her too, specially since she and Cecily were living together. When what she assumed to be Cecily's mother came over and embraced her daughter, Nicolette made sure to study them carefully.

'I wonder if I'll be a good mommy.' She thought to herself as she put her hands on her tummy for a moment. Apparently she wasn't sick at all, just pregnant. boy what a kick in the butt that was to her. She had yet to tell most everyone, Alphonse, even Alexander. Morely because she didn't know what she would say to them except..oops? Nicolette was knocked out of her thoughts when she heard her name being said to the new face. When Cecily introduced them, Niccy immediately put on one of the brightest smiles she could muster at the moment before she stepped over and enveloped Cecily's mom in a friendly hug. "Hello there Cecily's mom!" She giggled and released the woman. "It's awesome to finally meet you!" Her grin never faltered and suddenly she wished more than ever that she had met her mom at least once.
Marilyn laughed delightedly and hugged the younger woman back. There were few things in the world as comforting as a hug, especially a hug from a mum. "There now, let's get a look at you." She pulled back and studied Nicolette with a warm smile. "My aren't you pretty. If someone didn't know better, they would think I had two daughters." Her twinkling eyes went from between Cecily back to Nicolette.

"Now Cecily dear, I thought this one was nice." She smiled at Nicolette before turning back to her daughter and showing her an off the shoulder cream colored dress.
Cecily held fingers to her mouth, eyes sparkling as the two women hugged. Niccy's outgoing, bubbly attitude was so infectious and comforting, she knew her mother would just love her. She waited until her mother started suggesting dresses and didn't have to wait long. Grinning she walked over and ran her fingers along the lace inlet in the collar. "I dunno mum. It's not singing to me," she joked, a common occurance between her mother and her.

"Why don't we split up and hunt down a dress each and see which one works?" She laughed lightly, thinking it sounded like fun.
Nicolette had never really gone dress shopping before, so at the moment she heard that they were going to all go off and choose a dress for Cecily to try on, she began extremely excited. "Ooooh I have an idea, excuse me for a second!" She grinned and bolted off towards the racks of dresses. The only issue with ever finding a dress to Nicolette was, deciding which one she liked best, she often like multiple ones and that always created a problem for her. Hopefully Cecily would be better at making up her mind than she was though, otherwise they may be here for awhile.

After maybe half an hour, Nicolette had narrowed most of her choices down to three. All of them were white because for some odd reason most brides liked white. And also they were sort of poofy, they sort of reminded her of a princess. it may not have been Cecily's style, but she liked them and figured that she might as well give it a go and see if her friend bought into any of them. "Try these." She handed the three dresses to Cecily before she mused off for a look at some shoes.

Dress One
Dress Two
Dress Three
Marilyn decided right off the bat that she did indeed like her daughter's newfound best friend. She was bubbly and the way she rushed about made her smile. Chuckling she began looking through the racks at a more leisurely manner. Too big, wrong color, too short, too long, too lacy, not enough lace. Finally she came across two that she thought were very pretty.

"Try these two darling," she hung them on the long rack at the dressing area, surrounded by many mirrors with a pedestal.
With a deep breath, Cecily took the first dress that was hung on the rack and went into the large dressing room. She tried on dress after dress after dress, and although they were all very lovely, they just weren't her. She hung the last one on, grateful the attendant on duty had given her a lovely robe to wear as she looked around the store. She went through an open doorway and felt her stomach drop. There...there it was! Walking slowly, she approached it and reached out a hand, trailed it along the smooth, soft surface. It was perfect. Lifting it off the hanger, she hugged it to her body gently and disappeared within the dressing room.

Moments later she came out and stood looking from her mother, who approached with a necklace and to Niccy. "This is it." Her tone had reverence in it, and tears had come to her eyes at the thought of Prodan's face as he saw her walk toward him wearing this beautiful gown.

There'll be a pic of it at the wedding. ;)

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