Snobs need friends...and enemies

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Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Basically, Shaylah's turning into a bit of a larry loner sonce her dad went to azkaban. She has about four friends because she beats up anyone who tries to become friends with her. She needs someone who's stronger than her so they can stop her from fighting them and perhaps become friends. She also needs more enemies.
If you have any ideas for plots then my ears (or eyes) are open for ideas. SO POST!!

I could offer Veronica. She is physically weak but she has a big attitude and a little of evil in her. But i dont want a fight so they could be friends after Veronica beats up Shaylah in some way...maybe. We could start something in Makutu mall if you want.
Yeah, that sounds cool. Shaylah can't go to Makutu though because she's in school. It would have to be in Brightstone or something. Do you want to start??

Ashton might be entering his 3rd year at Hogwarts. And that's a big MIGHT. And he's 12 going on 13 so if you like to rp with him, up to you. Just to let you know he's a little out of it. He lost his family in a fire and is living with his sister Leah. He hears voices in his head, one calls him boy the other one master. So yeah that's the main at the moment.
That sounds great. If he has any strength then he could be the person who stops her beating people up and drags her out of fights and stuff?? Otherwise she could just understand him because they've both lost parents??
I maybe :r
I don't think Ash can stop you from fighting but the understanding part sounds good. We might have to wait till break cause Brightstone weekend is closing
OK. :D Just give me a nugde when it's break because I'm likely to forget. Thanks.
I have Jessica who can drag you out of fights? She hates people who pick on others because of their families, and she's a fourth year so she can beat Shaylah up to get her to see sense.
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