
Hazel Butler

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Apple Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Belladonna
Hazel hated the feeling of being in Bleat Street. It made her feel too much like what she was 'supposed' to be. Dark, evil, because that's the aura Bleak Street exuded. But she had to make the trip every so often to stock up on potions supplies. Though you would expect it to be the other way around they had the best quality herbs and animal parts, even if they were a bit pricier. But price didn't matter when it came to keeping herself from becoming the horrible monster once a month, worse than any girls PMS. She had a small bag of the main ingredient stashed away shrunken down in a pocket of her jeans as she quickly walked to the exit of the alley which was still so far away. She didn't like to apparate directly out, because in this place who knows what she could wind up bringing with her.
James was lurking in the shadows of Bleak Street, twiddling his wand between his fingers, his sharp, dark eyes focussed on it. Waiting.
He needed to get Antoinette. He needed to see if she had changed her mind.. But perhaps one more time of fun should prey wander his way.. And as luck would have it, it did.
James smiled as he saw a woman passing him, elegant in form, not at all threatening.
This will be easy, James thought to himself with a smile before he stepped out from his hiding place.
"Boo!" He said, rather jokingly. He did enjoy a good joke.
James thought this would be so easy that perhaps he deserved a laugh in the process.
"You do know it's dangerous to be traveling alone at this hour, do you not?" A dark smile etched onto his face with a creak. Elastic in its essence and ready to snap back at any time.
He was playing the caring and playful stranger; this often lured women into his trap.
The Caring and playful stranger would have probably worked better if she had been in any place but the darker part of Bleak Street at this time of night, for a bit Hazel wasn't buying it. But then remembered that she was down here too and although anyone she passed that bothered to care thought she had dark intentions they were far off, hers were actually to fend away the dark affliction. What an irony that she traveled to Bleak Street of all places to do that. With this being thought out, she decided to put the instinctive warning signs on the back burner for the moment, the hair on the back of her neck stood straight up and her ears parked up and folded a bit towards the man. This general atmosphere had her on edge, though a Werewolfs' strength would break the grip of a person many times her size, so many spells could take her out in an instant. But she couldn't see his wand and his hands were both clearly visible. So she let her defenses down, "I know that... But I believe I can handle anyone who tries to start something." she said, her voice low but calm in reply, "Thank you though." she added out of reflex.
James continued to smile only now he felt something turning, waking.
"Do you live nearby?" he asked in a concerned tone, "I could always.. I don't know.. Walk you home. No problem for me. I'm just here because I'm bored."
Alright, James had been bored but he had gone there with an intention; he was looking for some fun once more. This would be the last time. He had promised himself that.

James reached a hand up to his hair and rubbed it thoroughly until he had a wild bed-head hairstyle which only improved his good-looks and his inner insanity's appearance.
This woman seemed like she would put up a struggle. The chase was always fun. Exciting. Thrilling.
James did not care if she resisted- he would win her in the end.
Hazel eyes the man skeptically, he was bored... so he decides to come to Bleak Street to hang about. But this was the most dangerous leg of her journey home and if he had wanted to try anything she figured he wouldn't have let her get such a good view of his face, unless he was under the effects of polyjuice potion which she doubted. At the very least if her senses went into overdrive she would be out of there in a flash, apparating away before he could say Bleak street. "It's a good half hour walk, are you sure you want to bother? Surely you have better things to do." she responded. When he ruffled his hair she had to admit to herself that he was quite attractive, though far too young for her. But there was something about the glint in his eye that wasn't quite right, and Hazel wanted to know why. Her curiosity was often her downfall, along with her anger. Soon enough both would destroy her.
James played the only card true to his nature; the gentleman card.
"Ah, half an hour is nothing when you have such good sweet company, such as yourself."
He gave a slight bow which was a cross between something theatrical and something flirtatious.
"Shall we?" And then he offered his arm to her.
James could tell she was nervous. That she suspected something. He could feel it.
"I am James Dalton," He said, taking hold of her hand without asking and pressing his lips against it briefly.
"And I would not be telling you my name if I was going to hurt you, would I?" His teeth gritted a little as the creature inside him dug its claws in, beginning to climb up..
"You can trust me."
When he spoke again he seemed more genuine, her ears returned to normal and although her hair was still standing on end, more like a cat than a dog she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. The hard edge in her brown eyes softened. She could tell out of her peripheral vision that the exit wasn't too far away, a pin of light in the distance that did not yet shine on the pair deeper within the alleys depths. Her years of distrust of the human population in general came back to bite her in the ass at the worst time as she figured letting her guard down once couldn't do too much damage as she took the offered arm, Despite the shivers that ran down her spine. She chalked alot of that up to the place they were in now, not exactly comforting. "My name is Hazel Butler." she said simply. For the moment anyways, James had his prey.
"What a lovely name." He smiled, though names were not important to him. They were mere labels.
Labels that could be changed.
"So.. Hazel, tell me about yourself.. do you have children? A husband?" It was always best if they were alone in the world.
If they had no-one to run to except James with his welcoming arms, his heart beating so lovingly.. But only truly for Antoinette.
Yes, other women may have been attractive but only for the twenty minutes he needed them.
Hazel shook her head when he asked about any possible children or a husband. "Noone for me, I tend to stay alone and to be honest I prefer it. People just get in the way most of the time." she said, she didn't want nor need to run into anyones' arms. The only person she had ever really loved or relied on had been her mother who was long since dead. It was a hollow existence to most but it suited her just fine. It was the way most werewolves lived, whether they were keeping the humans safe by staying away from them keeping a steady distance from prey. While she wished she could be like Remus Lupin and get a job as a professor, find a husband and have kids that was not going to happen. Chances are it was biologically impossible for her to have them. Besides so many things could go wrong if she attempted to be a mother, it was a road she didn't want to travel down in her lifetime.
James was beginning to re-consider seeming friendly; it was getting him nowhere.
He reached into his trousers pocket and slowly drew out his wand. His eyes flicked down momentarily to his wand but then immediately back to Hazel.
"I'm sorry," James said, almost a little sorry but not very much. He whipped his wand up to be in line with Hazel's face and with the other arm, he bent his elbow, pushing against Hazel's neck and forcing her to the wall.
In a matter of seconds Hazel found herself with a wand in her face, an elbow in her neck, and forced up against the wall of this narrow part of the alley. So her instincts had been right, of course they had why had she tried to push them away so hard? She decided to put off pondering that until later, because her reaction was definitely needed. "No you're not..." she said darkly with a smirk, seeming very out of place given her current position. With lightening fast movements she knocked his wand out of her face, hoping to knock it out of his hand completely. Her other arm whipped up to get his elbow out of her neck and she grabbed his forearms, slamming him against the opposite wall with nearly bone breaking force, a mighty growl ripping out of her throat as she looked him in the eye. "Stick that wand in my face again and I'll snap your neck." she threatened. The look in her eyes was absolutely feral, this was no bluff. Though she was still the same petite brunette on the outside, Hazel was gone. The wolf had came out to play.

[Minor godmod was approved beforehand ^_^ ]
James' wand flew from his hand and clattered somewhere further down in the darkness.
Now he was the one slammed against a wall, a growl emanating from Hazel's throat.
At first, James looked genuinely scared. Well, he was taken aback but after a moment he found himself smiling uncontrollably.
"I've never met a female one before," he said, having recognized the signs. He knew what she was.. and he liked it.

James didn't even struggle. It was somewhat relaxing to be restrained for once rather than being allowed to run free and do what he wanted. His grey eyes found hers and James looked at her, dark smile on his face.
"You're right, I'm not sorry. In fact," His eyes flicked downwards for a moment and his smile stretched on one side.
Hazels smirk grew larger as she heard his wand clatter to the ground. Unless he was a whiz with wandless magic she had the upper hand here. Her next move was, how to apparate out of here without bringing him or allowing enough time for him to get his wand back before she was long gone. She was formulating a plan when his look of fear turned into a smile, much like hers had. She reinforced her grip, he would definitely have bruises in a few hours. In the very small proximity it took to restrain him properly the tension, anger and other forms was so thick a knife wouldn't cut through it, the energy was buzzing around them, it's silence was nearly deafening. "Intrigued are you?" she asked, the smallest taunting edge lacing her voice as she followed his gaze. "It would seem we have very...different reactions to being restrained." she added, her voice lowering.
"It would seem we do," James said smoothly, his eyes flitting between her eyes and lips. Eyes and lips.
"If you are like this normally then I'd love to see you at full moon." He gave her wink, that playful expression back on his face.
Never before had he been the restrained one but he didn't mind one bit.
"Now," he said softly, "Am I going to waste.. this or can I continue with my original plans?"
Yes, it was an insane move but then James was not a wholly sane person.
"We both know you aren't going to kill me- hurt me a little maybe but not kill me."
Pain was something James had become used to, something he had learnt to make the most of.
"So you would eh?" she started, leaning in a bit closer. "Just a day too soon, what a shame for you." she whispered, her breath sailing right past his ear. She tried not to use her strength to her advantage in everyday situations, though she usually did anyways. But this was no everyday situation before. She had a man under her control, who had clearly never been physically outmatched by a female before. The look on his face when he was first overpowered was priceless. This was a side of Hazel that she had never felt before, dark, powerful, and dominant. Though they seemed pretty evenly matched when it came right down to it.

"Don't assume things so quickly James... I may try to keep my head above the waters of darkness, but I think you've forgotten... Werewolves are dark by nature. I could easily kill you if you tried to force me against that wall again." she replied, her voice like heavy silk. "Now... about your current situation..." she paused, her eyes flickering downwards again. "I don't see why we should put that to waste." she ended, looking at him for a moment, a darkness in her eyes lingered that hadn't been there before. She moved closer, their lips touching... gentle for only a moment as all the tension in the air imploded upon them both. The air was sizzling.
James did not struggle at all; rather, he leant towards Hazel as much as he could as their lips met.
He enjoyed the feeling and it felt.. it felt different to what happened normally.
James felt so.. pumped full of adrenaline, testosterone and hormones.
He had not felt this way before and yet he knew what it wasn't; it wasn't love.
No, James also had a suspicion as to what it was; lust.
As she moved closer to him, James kissed down her neck slowly.
Hazel took another step forward, closing the last few inches between them as his lips blazed a trail down her neck. She saw his wand out of the corner of her eye through the darkness, stopping only for a moment to kick it up with her foot and catch it she slipped it into his robes. She then hooked her arm around his back and pulled him closer to her. She hadn't been with a man in a while and wanted to make the most of this even if they wouldn't see each other again after this night. Moving her lips to his ear she nibbled a bit, not hard enough to be considered a bite, because even that could cause some nasty effects with her Werewolf DNA. "Your place or mine?" she whispered.

James woke up in unfamiliar surroundings, the light of the early morning piercing straight through his eyes, jabbing at his brain.
Squinting in the sunlight, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, bed covers sliding against his stomach and only then did James begin to remember.
He didn't take the time to look to see where Hazel was- He leapt from the place he had slept and began searching from his robes, leaving the bed cover for Hazel whom he assumed was still asleep.
James managed to find his robes and began hopping about the room as he tugged his trousers on.
There was a creak behind him and James turned his head towards the noise.
Damn it why did I leave the bloody curtains open? she thought, her eyelids fluttering open as the harsh sun filled the room with a white light. She yawned and sat up in the bed, the covers falling and making a pile at her waist. As the memories of the night before came back to her she was greeted with the sight of the man hopping around her bedroom, struggling to put his pants back on. She let herself be amused by this for a few seconds before she pushed the remaining cover off of herself and put her clothes back on. She had nowhere to go as far as she knew so why waste a clean outfit on a day of lounging around the house? Until nightfall anyways when she would head to her windowless basement, she would need to take her Wolfsbane later.

She was about to pull her shirt over her head when she got the idea that a shower would be a good way to start the day. so she went ahead and threw the shirt in her dirty clothes hamper. Stepping on the creaky floorboard as she did so, she looked back and his eyes were on her. This was odd... in the past usually the guy was gone before she woke up or she left their house without a word. Talking would just be odd, what was one to say really? Noticing a small problem with his dressing she figured she'd go ahead and help him out a bit. "You know, it may help if you put those on the right way." she said lightly, he had been trying to put his trousers on the wrong way, easy mistake when you're half asleep. Deciding anything else would just be too much she got some more clothes from her dresser and walked into the adjoining bathroom, shutting the door behind her and turning on the shower, letting the water heat up.
James finished dressing and took his wand from his robes.
His eyes moved to the door Hazel had just walked through.
Dare he do or say anything?
It had all been awkward enough without the thoughts of communication.
James was going to leave. Apparate and not see Hazel again.. At least, that was the plan.
But he felt he had to say something and so, standing just outside the bathroom door, James called "I er.. I had fun... Thanks"
Ok, that was awkward enough.
He walked for a moment, focussed and..
He was gone. Gone to Antoinette. The girl he loved.
Drowned out by the shower water Hazel had not heard his words, she hadn't been listening for them either way. About a half an hour later she emerged from the bathroom, steam escaping the room behind her as she did so, her hair freshly washed and dried. She walked across the house and down the stairs to her potions lab, taking the final swig of Wolfsbane for the month before heading back to her room, she cast a few quick charms cleaning and making the bed back up before collapsing on it. Tonight was the full moon and she was drained.


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