Closed Small but Steady Steps

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Augustus Westwick

Flourish & Blotts Asst. | Staring Eyes | Shy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
9/2038 (23)
Augustus was used to the general feeling of anxiety he usually had, but tonight it was a bit worse. He really, really liked Addison, but he had felt lately like he was messing up every part of being her boyfriend. He had never dated anyone before, and he wanted to do it right. He just sometimes needed some time to figure things out. He was haunted by their talk in the gardens, by how kind and generous Addison had been when he hadn't said he loved her. It had been impossible to get himself to say the words, even if the feeling was there. He knew deep down that Addison wouldn't be as understanding forever, so he had tried his best to prepare some things to say tonight. He fidgeted with his cufflinks, silently going over everything that could go wrong at the dance. Last night he had dreamed he spilled punch on Addison's dress, so he knew he had to be careful with the drinks. He was preoccupied with his worries, looking down at his feet as he waited for Addison to arrive.
Addy was honestly a bit nervous about this dance. It was their first real dance as a couple. She didn't think she looked particularly breathtaking- not like most of the girls in their year. Addy knew she wasn't the prettiest. She was mousy, short. Even with her heels she knew Augustus would still tower over her. But still, she tried, even getting Allie to help her with her hair and make-up.

Eventually, she made her way to the ball, spotting her boyfriend quickly. Her heart skipped in her chest. Biting her lip, Addison walked over, reaching out to place her hand gently in the crook of his elbow. "You look dashing tonight, Augy," She greeted shyly, giving him a tender smile. "You also look worried. What's wrong?" She fretted gently.
Augustus looked up as Addison touched his elbow, giving her a small smile. All his worries always seemed a lot less real whenever Addison was around. "Thank you." He said softly, blushing a little. "You look really nice too." Augustus shook his head, running a hand through his hair quickly. "Nothing. I just... want to make tonight great." He told her honestly. "But I'm not worried." He said, a little less honestly.
Ryan didn't really do school dances, not like other people did. He went to them, sure, but he always got the feeling everyone else was getting something out of them he wasn't. It made him think of Finn and his weird insistence that randomly making out with people was fun. Ryan just didn't get it. However, with how things had been with Augustus lately, Ryan had put in the effort to come to the hall tonight and maybe make some sort of an effort to have fun with his friend. Even if it meant Addison had to be there too.

"He's not worried, his face just looks like that," Ryan said flippantly, joining their conversation and motioning vaguely to his own face in explanation as he walked over, trying to ignore his annoyance at seeing the two of them already practically joined at the hip. "It's cause his eyes are so big."
Addy was about to reassure Augustus when Ryan walked up out of nowhere. She turned to him, smiling. "Oh, hi Ryan," She greeted. She paused as the boy said Augustus' eyes were big. She couldn't tell if he was joking or if it was meant as an insult. She decided on a more neutral reply. "Well, I think they're gorgeous." She took Augustus' hand, smiling at Ryan. "How are you today, Ryan?" She asked.
Augustus had been planning to spend the night with Addison on their first official date, so when he heard Ryan's voice he felt his stomach drop a little. He remembered their recent talk and wondered if Ryan had purposely picked tonight to seek him out to ruin their date. It was perhaps an unkind thought, but Augustus couldn't help feeling slightly annoyed. "Hi, Ryan." He said quietly, deciding not to comment on what Ryan said about his eyes. Addison's words made him smile and blush, and he looked at her fondly. Maybe it wasn't so bad that Ryan had joined them for a chat, he was probably not planning to spend the entire evening with them. Right? Augustus squeezed Addison's hand and looked into the hall. "It looks like they're back to winter decorations." He said softly.
Ryan grunted a hello, not really keen to talk to Addison that much, turning to look around the hall when Augustus commented on the decorations. "I don't know why they always go for the Winter theme, it's weird. Maybe Professor Alicastell's British or something," he said, squinting up at the enchanted snow before looking back at Addison and Augustus. He knew a lot of the professors were American, but he didn't know if they were responsible for most of the decorations. "Are you guys going to do boring couple things all night?"
Addison was getting the distinct impression that Ryan didn't like her. He was almost ignoring her, not speaking to her directly. She hesitated, but tried to push past it, thinking it was just in her head. She tried to smile at Ryan, hoping to seem more friendly. "Did you know that winter on Uranus lasts twenty-one years?" She asked, thinking that a fact might break the tension. She hesitated at his question, peeking up at Augustus. "Well, erm, I wouldn't say boring...?" She tried to offer, uncertainly. "As far as I know, it was just, the usual things, get snacks and talk and stuff..." Her voice trailed off and she looked back to Ryan. Was he just a bit awkward as well, or did he just... not like her?
Augustus glanced at Ryan, shrugging slightly. "Maybe." He said softly. "You could.. ask her." He added cautiously, wondering if he really would. He doubted Professor Alicastell would appreciate it, but it would give him and Addison some more time alone. It didn't really seem like Ryan was planning on going anywhere. Augustus looked at him uncertainly. "Well, we are a couple. At a dance." He said slowly. He smiled at Addison's small fact and gave her hand a quick squeeze. "Maybe we could dance too." He said quietly, though he wasn't a very good dancer.
Ryan squinted at Addison when she smiled at him, glancing over his shoulder to try and figure out what she was so happy about. He mulled over Augustus' suggestion, knowing that Professor Alicastell was probably around here somewhere, but not really wanting to leave Augustus and Addison just yet, since he'd only come down here anyway to hang out with him. "Maybe later," he said slowly, trailing off when Addison chimed in with a fact about Uranus and he had to force himself to not say something rude. He didn't like Addison taking up all of Augustus' time but he figured outright insulting her would probably not win him any points. "How long are the Summers, then?" He asked instead, loath to engage with her too much but still curious.

He gave Augustus an unimpressed look when it seemed they were going to be a boring couple all night, wrinkling his nose as the suggestion of dancing and looking at the dance floor. "I always think it's easiest to see who's having a bad time at these things when you look at the dance floor," he said, nodding to a couple that looked distinctly uncomfortable trying not to step on each others' feet nearby. "You said snacks though, I'm hungry," he said, starting to head towards the food, checking over his shoulder to see if the other two were following.
Addy smiled, placing her free hand in the crook of Augustus' elbow. "Oh, summers last 42 years," She told Ryan, pleased that he seemed to like her little fact. Maybe that was her way in, little facts. She blinked as he moved to the snack table, looking up to Augustus and following her boyfriends lead. "Did you know The 'Dancing Plague' of 1518 was a mania that lasted a month and killed dozens of people in France?" She offered, smiling between the boys.
Augustus glanced at Ryan as Addison gave a fun fact, wondering if that would appeal to him. He didn't look very impressed, honestly. Augustus doubted anything Addison said would impress him very much. Augustus felt tense, wishing he could make Ryan go away. He liked Ryan a lot, he was probably his best friend, but he wasn't sure how to deal with him right now. "I think the people dancing are usually having a good time..." Augustus said hesitantly. "But... snacks sound fine." He said hesitantly, starting to move over to the snack table. Addison added another random fact and Augustus looked at her with interest, he hadn't heard that one before.
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