Slytherin Quidditch Try-Outs for Y13

Isabella Romanes

nurse • injuries specialty
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Misha Haden
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
Isabella Romanes was completely baffled that she was made the Co-Captain. Ever since Theodore Snow and Aleyha Devearux had left, it left the positions of Beater open. Isabella was one of the beaters, and she was good at what she did. The pure-blood witch walked down to the pitch, knowing that Ariah Rowan would be along soon because she was a little late. Isabella had her emerald robes on her as well as her Streak with her. She did not really know how to do this, but posters were up, and she had to be here with a seventh year Slytherin. She was nervous, because if she did not do a good job, then that would look bad on her record. Isabella waited for the other Slytherins to arrive, including Ariah Rowan herself. Isabella shifted in her shoes, and she glanced around with her magenta eyes. With a heavy sigh, she waited out, the sun shining from her golden hair.
OOCOut of Character: Directions
Post here, and say your name and what position you are trying for. If you have any questions, just PM myself or Ariah Rowan.
With the sun high in the sky and a breeze lightly ruffling her hair, Milena made her way down to the Quidditch Pitch, her broom in hand. She was dressed in comfortable, light clothes with a pair of good, sturdy shoes on her feet and her long blonde hair tied up high in a ponytail.Arriving at the always meticulously well kept pitch, Milena looked around to see if she was the first or last one to arrive. Not particularly bothered, she decided to move towards the center of the pitch to enjoy the sun whilst she could. It really was quite beautiful standing in the middle of the pitch as the sky had no clouds, so her world was lit up with blue. It reminded her of happier days from her childhood, when you didn't realise that growing up came with the responsibilities of life. Although she pretended to be a child most days, there were times when Milena felt it was becoming harder and harder to keep a hold on what it's like to have a bit of carefree fun in her life.

As she was now face to face with he teammate, Milena smiled at her showing her respect mostly. She recognized her as she was in the team for the couple of two or three months. Loyal as always, quite nervous yet thrilled to be there she decided it was time to speak up. "Good Day! I'm Milena La Fleur, trying out for seeker once again." she stated loud and clearly. While waiting for the others to arrive she tried to look at the beaming sunlight while adoring it's beauty. Hopefully, the slytherin thought, this day will be spent having fun and forgetting about the woes of the life ahead of her.
Ariah felt horrible that she was a little bit late for Quidditch tryouts. She had given her newest Co-Captain Isabella Romanes the go ahead to and get them started because if she didn't then the Slytherin team could have been way behind. This whole NEWT thing was a big mess and Ariah was trying to work her time into seeing all the Professors to make sure she had notes and was fully prepared before she even had to take the class. Ariah had horrible study ethics so the sooner she started studying the better it was for her. But today she needed to focus on Quidditch and getting together the best team possible so they could do well against the other house teams. Ariah wanted to absolutely kick their sorry untalented butts if possible. Emerald Quidditch robes flew behind her as she dashed through the hallways and towards the Quidditch pitch. She had just returned from talking to Professor Hensel. If he wasn't such a babe she probably would have been out of there much quicker than she ended up getting out of there. Her Emerald Streak was clutched tightly in her hand and finally she reached the Pitch. It looked like she had still managed to get there early and with a breath of relief she headed over to where Isabella and another girl were standing. "I am soooo sorry that you had to get these going. Dang NEWT's are sucking up a lot of my time these days." She rubbed the back of her head and smiled apologetically at her younger Captain before she let her mint green eyes lurk over to the girl that just arrived. Ariah remembered her from last year, and once again she was trying out for Seeker too. "Hello! Awesome!" They were in need of a seeker now that Hilde was gone. Hopefully there wouldn't be a big battle for it like there was with Beater's a couple of years ago. Then again that was going on while Theodore was leading the team. Writing down what the girl was trying out for she set her broom down and moved some of the equipment around while she waited for other's to arrive.​
Jaden, unannounced return to Hogwarts raise some concern for the almost sixteen year old teen. Eliza feared Jaden was acting out on her own already and making decision without conforming her first. Jaden paid no mind, return to Hogwarts and did whatever suited best for her. She didn't jump into classes right away, rather she took her time sipping into her old environment. One thing she did do, and it came shocking for her too was deciding to join Slytherin quidditch team. Throwing whatever she fish out of her trunk, she went down the pitch flossing a broomstick she borrowed from her room mate. "Aye, I'm Jaden and I'd would like to ah try out for keeper or chaser, whatever doesn't matter" she spoke to the team captain. She played a little back in Salem, it's nothing new to her. she can in fact say she was good at the sport now.
Kendra Snow got her firebolt from her closet, and dusted some of the cobwebs from it. Kendra might not be a fan of Quidditch but she had gained some interest in it. It ran through her blood, even her older brother was once on the team. Kendra put on some Quidditch robes, and she tied her long blonde hair into a ponytail because she would need it. If anything, she was going to try out for chaser. Kendra had gained some titles in school now, and she was willing to be a chaser on the team. Her twin brother was on the team too, but he might not be this year. Kendra put on her shoes and she headed on down to the pitch. Once there, she saw Isabella Romanes and Ariah Rowan. She smiled at the two of them and said, "Kendra Snow, trying out for chaser." She hoped that she would be able to make the team. She also wondered who would be captain after Ariah left the school. Probably Isabella.
Finally, the young Slytherin was old enough to be trying out for the team. And he was wanting to be in the same field of Quidditch that he figured Keyne was in. Keyne was once a beater. Zayne wanted to be like him. So, hurrying down to the Quidditch with a rusty broom, and some robes, he soon found himself surrounded by other Slytherins. He saw the two older girls yet one seemed to be younger than the one trying out for seeker. Zayne approached the girls and he said, "I'm Zayne, and I want to try out for Beater." Zayne settled his broom over his shoulder, and his silver eyes danced over the girls. He quickly realized that he was the youngest one here, and not only that, he was the only boy. He felt like there was an anchor on the inside of his chest. He hoped that he could make the team, and make his father proud of him. And also his mother, wherever she may be.
Alyss walked towards the pitch, holding her streak tightly. She smiled slightly when she recognised Isabella and Ariah from the Quidditch team the year before. 'Hey Isabella, Ariah.' She said, 'I'm trying out for Chaser again.' She couldn't help but allow her blue eyes to dart around the pitch seeing who else was trying out for Chaser, and who had been on the team before. She recognised a few of them, and gave them a nod of acknowledgement before turning back to face the captain. Ever since Alyss' second year, she had been on the Quidditch team as Chaser, and she hoped that this year wouldn't be any different.
<COLOR color="#9300C4">Ariah grinned and greeted every single member as they came forth and told her that they were interested in trying out. She wrote down the positions they were interested in and made sure to keep note of who had been on the team once before. Those members knew how to fly and play the game so she didn't need to worry as much about whether or not they could handle playing. So far only one second year had come forth to try out, which was interesting though. He was a little cutie though! Ariah finally cleared her throat and got all of their attention. Hopefully more people would show up to the pitch and try out, they needed all the players they could get. Plus there was still a ton of positions open. "For starters guys you should take a couple of laps around the pitch so we can evaluate how well you can fly on a broom. Now for those of you trying out for beater, once you have your laps finished take your bats and show off your skills with hitting bludgers. Seekers, signal one of us to release the snitch and if you can...catch it. Chasers pass the quaffle back and forth and try shooting for the hoops. Anyone trying out for Keeper, go either side and block the Quaffle from going in! Any questions? Get started guys." Ariah would also assist with being Keeper for one of the hoops since that was the position she had been playing in previous years. She really hoped they all tried their best and didn't hurt themselves though. With one look at Isabella she hoped the girl understood to keep her eyes out to see how they did. Ariah would be assisting on the pitch.

OOCOut of Character:
We still have plenty of positions that need to be filled. So if you are a Second year and up and have ever thought of ever having your character play Quidditch pleasepleasepleaseplease post here!!

As for everyone else, Roleplay your character trying out for their position now. If you have any questions you can PM or Isabella Romanes!
While waiting for the others to arrive, Milena was left simply staring at the clouds for no reason at all. It's been a while since the last time she played Quidditch. Well, it was her third year in the team or was it fourth. Anyway she wanted her good impression to remain, also she wanted to be back in the team more than everything. Milena's position the last time she joined was the Seeker, and now she's ready to try-out for the same position once again. Upon hearing their Co-Captain, signalling them to start their try-out. Milena started to get hold of her broom, "Up!" she spoke loud and clearly as she and her broom went up on the sky, higher and higher. Taking a deep breath she was glanced at the co-captain and assured her that she was ready. As the snitch was set free, Milena swiftly followed it. It was fast just like she expected it to be, and that wasn't a problem for her. She's been practicing at the same time training herself for this. Horizontally, Diagonally, Vertically and even curved the path seems to be changing each minute. As she was chasing the golden snitch, the other players who were trying out were busy partaking. Still it was her time, her game. Milena was in control of the moment, the bludger almost hit her once or twice but that didn't stopped her chasing the golden snitch.

Keeping her eyes on the snitch, Milena was busy concentrating. In just a couple of minutes the snitch started to disappear put of the blue. There was one thing to do, she then closed her eyes and tried to listen to the sound of the golden snitch just like she used to practice. Even though there were many players trying out, Milena wasn't distracted at all. There was a certain sound coming from the snitch that Milena memorized and took in mind the particular sound. Upon closing her eyes and trying to take in the sound she heard, Milena then rapidly went to the side of the Pitch. The golden snitch was there, she then grabbed her broom gripping it tightly. Now the snitch was just a way from her, stretching her arms and trying to reach it. "Just a few more..." she mumbled and slowly kneeling at her broom. Now her right arm was holding her broom while her left one was reaching out. Milena decided to jump a few inches as the snitch were now centimeters away from her. Obviously, she would fall on the ground upon doing that but Milena thought of another idea. Her broom and her was one, it then followed her just when she was bout to land. Slowly opening her hand, she flashed a big smile as she saw the golden snitch onside her hand. Once again she got the snitch, Milena then lowered her broom and flashed the snitch to the co-captain. "Got it." she told her matching her french accent.
OOCOut of Character:
We decided to wrap everything up, because...well, everyone else seems to. Anyways, here are the new positions! Once more, have any issues, just throw us a PM.
Ariah RowanKeeper and Co-Captain
Isabella RomanesBeater and Co-Captain
Zayne BarosBeater
Kendra SnowChaser
Alyss SummersChaser
Jaden WestChaser
Milena La FleurSeeker
[th colspan="2"] Slytherin Quidditch Team[/th] [th]

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