Sleeping Under a Tree

Amy smiled at Blane, "Its nice being surrounded by friends isn't it?" she said.
"No I agree with you, its just nice i guess, change of scene and all" she said smiling.
"Yeah i do actually, to sit on my own and just think things over" she said "how about you then?" she asked.
"Yeah I guess we all do now and again" Amy said smiling.
"Nope I'm an only child! What about you?" Amy asked.
"Yeah its lovely" Amys aid glancing up at the evening sky.
"Nope thats next term. Am i to take it that you do?" she asked smiling.
"Never learnt about them before, so i'm completely open minded about it all" she admitted staring up at the sky above her.
"How do you find it then?" she asked curiously.
Amy looked up in the sky to where Blane was pointing.
"Yeah i see it!" she said still looking at it.
Amy kept up as Blane pointed out the star
"Oh yeah i see it!!" Amy said excitedly.
"Well that is your north star. It is suppose to help you find your way when are lost as it points to north." Blane said "Its not the brightest star in the sky which is why many believe that it is not and the pan shape is called the big Dipper but I call it the Sky Pan." Blane said laughing.

((I gotta go, see you later))
"Oh wow that is soo cool!" Amy said gazing up at the sky.
Amy smiled, "Do you miss being at home?" she asked.

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