Skipping Rocks

"I also think you and I need to sneak out again but this time I say we don't get caught this time how about that?" Eden giggled at the thought of them doing something like that again and this time not getting caught. "Or how about we wait until break and we can have the whole break before I go back to school at my moms house?" Eden smiled at the thought of that. "Or we could spend the summer with my father that way we will not have to deal with Tohoru or Lilith."
Chase chuckled, "Yeah.. I like the sound of that. I don't really enjoy getting Detention, though that was only my first time." Chase shrugged. "That means.. You're a bad influence!" Chase mocked. Chase chuckled, "But then again. I'm older, so that should mean I am the influencer." Chase shrugged. Chase thought about where they would go this time, maybe a night under the stars, "Where do you want to sneak out too this time?" Chase asked.
"This will be my first one also. So therefore there is no way I could be the bad influence. I shall blame it on Hoshi she has had more detention's than I have fingers." Eden looked up at the sky there was not a cloud to be seen. "I'm not to sure that sneaking out is such a good idea anymore. You see I have to not draw anymore attention to myself if I'm going to have any shot at being a prefect. I would love to spend more nights with you in the castle I just don;'t wish to get caught anymore."
Chase chuckled, "You're no fun. Live a little." Chase laughed, he bent over and gave Eden a soft kiss on the lips, "And. Anyway. This time we wont get caught. I'll make sure of it." Chase said, laughing. "It will just be you and me. Nobody else to disturb us." Chase was getting tired, but he wouldn't let it show to Eden, or so he though, a yawn slipped out through his mouth, "Awe, snap. How can I be tired?" Chase said, laughing.
"Well I guess we could do it once or twice but no more than that because my dear you have NEWT's to think about." Watching as Chase yawned, Eden felt a yawn coming on. "I think you and I may have to turn in soon. We did have a pretty big adventure last night."
Chase chuckled, looking at here sweetly, "I guess so. But we have to get together tomorrow as well." Chase said, sighing softly, he bent over and kissed Eden softly on the lips. Chase got his wand out on last time, and duplicated the rainbow effect on the lake, "I will never get tired of that. Such a beautiful effect." Chase merely shrugged, "Do you wish to go or stay out her for a bit longer?" Chase asked.
Eden snuggled closer to Chase. "Of course we will see each other tomorrow and the next day and every other day until you leave." Looking over at the lake Eden sighed things where so perfect. The whole day had gone well. It was a perfect end to a perfect day. "I think we could stay here for just a little bit longer."
Chase chuckled, "I'm happy staying as long as you want to. I'll never leave your side unless you wish me away." Chase said, kissing her softly. Chase sighed softly, "I don't want to leave. My life is boring without you." Chase shrugged, and went back to admiring her, "I guess I'll just have to make the most of my time with you." Chase shrugged. "Oh no.. I have NEWTs don't I." Chase swore, "Oh well. I've never done too badly at any of my tests." Chase merely sighed.
Eden closed her eyes for a moment. "I wont ever want you to leave my side." Eden felt a smile cross her face as Chase kissed her. "If you left my life would not be the same. It would be so empty. I would not be able to go back to doing what I used to do." Eden opened her eyes and grinned at Chase. "Yes silly you have NEWTs. I don't want to be you. Well I don't want to be me when its time for me to take my OWLs. Im taking every single class I'm not to sure I'm going to be able to do it." Eden sat up she was going to have to head in soon for her detention.
Chase sighed, "I don't ency you. OWLs were a pain, no matter what everybody says. They were a pain." Chase chuckled at the memory of him taking them, "I nearly got kicked out of the hall, it was so boring just sitting in there." Chase sighed, "I didn't even have a life before you came along, without you, it'll just go back to that." Chase shrugged. "You have your detention soon, don't you. Well. You better go." Chase got up, and held his hand out for Eden, "Come on." Chase laughed.
Standing up Eden took Chase's hand. "I don't know what is going to be in store for us so that means I need to go to the common room and put on my Slytherin uniform just in case." Looking back at the castle Eden shook her head. "I swear I hate that place at night when I have to be in the dorm and I'm forced to be away from you." Eden slowly walked to the castle taking up as much time as she could so she could be next to Chase.
Chase laughed, as they walked back towards the castle, Chase took the walk slowly, and he held her hand the whole way. Chase chuckled as they slipped inside the castle, "I can either leave you here, or walk you too your common room. But since I do not know where it is. I'll leave you here. I love you." Chase said, and gave her a kiss and a hug, "I'll see you whenever I see you." Chase said, and he walked away towards his Common Room, that sense of loneliness inside him.

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