Skipping Rocks

Chase chuckled as she positioned her body over his, "Ya know, I could get in trouble for this." Chase said, but he kissed her anyway, not bothering to hold back. It was a passionate kiss, better then anything he had given her so far. Chase held the kiss, not wanting to let it go, not wanting to leave Eden at all. Chase kissed her with even more passion, hoping that it told her exactly how he felt, and what he wanted, though he knew they couldn't.. her at least. He couldn't help but let his mind wander. Chase thought about the day he had first met Eden, everything had been so calm, so perfect, then Tohoru had come along, with empty threats. Chase merely shrugged at the memory and went back to kissing Eden.
Eden knew that if they where caught they would be in alot of trouble but Eden no longer cared they where outside so the most she could push this would be kissing Chase with everything she had. Feeling everything that Chase was feeling made it harder for Eden she wanted to give herself to Chase being here at this school so becoming Eden's own personal hell all she wanted to do was become of age and hurry up and marry Chase so they could always be together. Biting Chase's bottom lip Eden giggled softly. This was driving her crazy but she could not help herself.
Chase chuckled, "That hurts you know." Chase said, laughing, "This is going to be a long four years." Chase sighed, "I don't mind waiting though, I love you and that's all that matters." He kissed her back, still not sure how far they should go, he didn't want to get thrown back into detention now that he had just got back out, it would suck immensely, it would always eat into his Eden time, that last detention had cut five hours out of it, and he didn't want to lose anymore time. Chase chuckled and continued to kiss her, with as much passion as he could manage to muster.
"Sorry I cant help myself your so darn tasty." Eden lightly bit her lower lip and smirked. "Your telling me. Your going to be working. While I will be stuck here at this school with nothing to do once all my school work is done." Eden fall right back into Chase when he kissed her again. It was all Eden ever wanted to do. When they where kissing it was like nothing could harm her.
Chase held the kiss, he would kiss her for as long as she wanted him too, and by the way she was acting, she made it seem like forever, he added more passion into it as he went along, putting all his feelings for her into that one case, hopefully she would understand, but if she didn't, Chase had something else up his sleeve. Chase held the kiss even longer, and he thought about everything they would be able to do once she graduated and they got married, Chase could hardly stop himself from jumping with joy and knocking Eden into the lake, she shouldn't thank him for that.
Eden felt like she was going to explode with all the feelings that where inside of her. Kissing Chase felt better to Eden than breathing. Letting herself get carried away Eden stopped caring where they where or what people would say if they where seen. Reaching up with her arms Eden locked her arms around Chase and pulled him even closer. Eden's lips where bruised from all the kissing that they had been doing the past few days so they looked more fuller than usual. Eden felt herself roll Chase over onto his back and climb on top of him. She was out of control and if Chase did not stop her soon they could be getting into even more trouble.
Chase chuckled, "Sorry, love. Not today. I don't want us to get in any more trouble." Chase careful moved her off of him, "Some other time, but not today." Chase said, laughing. He bent over and kissed her, not too much, he didn't want her to get Chase in trouble again, he wouldn't be caught with an underage girl ontop of him, it would not be good. "I love you, but I don't want you to get in trouble, and, normally I wouldn't be opposed to it, but we are outside, and the consequences would be bad. Chase thought about back when he was in London, and was a Vampire, "Say, Eden, did I ever tell you about the time I was staying in London? No? Well. Back then, I was what you would call a Vampire. Don't be scared, I managed to reverse the effects, I'm human now, and I would never hurt you." Chase said, laughing.
Eden whined a bit but stayed off of him and kissed him back gently. "I love you to and your right I could get you in a lot of trouble. I will be more careful from now on." Eden took the towel that was around her waist and started using it to dry her hair as it hung heavy down her back. Taking her time Eden listened as Chase told her about how he was in London and was once a Vampire. "Wait, wait, wait. Hold up. You where a Vampire?" Eden looked at him with one of eyebrows raised. "How did that happen? Was it fun being a Vampire? How did you manage to become a human again? Or is this your first time being a human?" Eden had so many questions but she was so unsure of how to answer them.
Chase chuckled, "Good. You listen to me. That's a good thing." Chase said, laughing. Chase laughed at her reaction, "No, no, no. I don't like to wait. But I would wait forever for you. Anyway. I was bitten by another Vampire, obviously. It was extremely fun. I managed to find a rare cure for vampirism. And No, love, I have been a human before." Chase said, laughing, "Any more questions?" Chase asked, "Even though it was fun, I don't think I would be able to control myself around you, it's quite hard right now, I don't want to imagine having a thirst for you in there as well. Although I already have a kind of thirst." Chase merely shrugged, bent over, and kissed her again.
Eden giggled. "I think I would make an awesome Vampire I already like to bite people. Well more like I like to bite you." Eden paused for a moment and puzzled a thought over in her head. "What would happen if both you and I where Vampires? Would we be all like. Blah I vant to suck your blood Blah?" Eden said in her best transylvanian accent. "Or would we be all like. Ewww gross go away? Because I think I would want to chase you around going after your blood even if it was Vampire blood than running away from you." Eden stopped talking and thought about everything she had just said. "O I'm sorry Chase you must think I'm some sort of idiot or something with me going on the way I do." Eden realized that once again she was babbling so she stopped and try to sit still for a moment.
Chase chuckled, "So many questions. You have quite an inquisitive mind." Chase said, laughing. He layed down infront of the rock, "If we were both Vampires, we wouldn't have to hold back on anything. We would learn to control the urges eventually, but not without effort." He leaned his head back on the rock, and waited to see what she would ask next, "I do not mind answering your questions, they give me something to do, other then stare at your beautiful face." Chase chuckled, and gave her a kiss on the lips. "I love you." Chase said.
Eden finished drying her hair and pulled her hair into a pony tail standing up Eden pulled her sweats back on. "Shhh Chase don't say that the sorting hat wanted to put me in Ravenclaw but I begged to be placed in Slytherin and if you say that to loud than someone might hear." Looking at all the soft grass around her Eden could not help herself. Talking a running start Eden did a cartwheel followed by a front flip landing on her feet. Bending over and grabbing her right foot Eden pulled it up and over her head holding it there. She looked back over at Chase. "I love you to. So what do you do in your free time. Or what did you do before we met?" Letting her right foot down Eden went and pulled her left one up determined to get some sort of a work out before she fall out of shape.
Chase chuckled, "But if you were in Ravenclaw, you could be with me." Chase frowned, he watched her display, "You really are quite good at that, I would try it but I would probably break my neck somewhere along the line." Chase said, laughing, "And it wouldn't do you any good if I broke my neck. Would it?" Chase sat up on the rock, and watched, she was extremely good at this, better then Chase would ever be at those kinds of things, he merely laughed at watched her. "What did I do? My life was pointless and boring before you came along, I had hardly any friends, but then I met you, and my life took a turn which I never want to end."
"I know I could be with you if I was in Ravenclaw but than my life would be taken over by studying millions of hours a day." Dropping her foot Eden went onto her tip toes and lifted her arms in the air. Starting the opening steps to a dance she had learned long ago Eden shook her head. "Chase I have been doing this long before I understood what I was going. It comes natural thats the reason I'm a cheerleader its a way to work off some steam." Letting herself off her toes Eden kicked her leg high up above her head just to make sure she could still do it. "My life was not boring before I met you I liked working at my job and everything else but I will say not that you are here everything is so much better."
Chase watched her do her dance, "No wonder you're a cheerleader. You're so beautiful it would be a crime not to accept you." Chase laughed, "You're a ruddy good dancer as well, but you're beauty tops all." Chase said, laughing. "You have a job? I wish I did, guess I'll get one soon enough, hopefully inside the school grounds somewhere, if not, I'll go for Hogsmeade." Chase said, laughing, "I don't really mind as long as I get to see you." Chase said, laughing. Chase chuckled, got his wand out, and pointed it at the lake again. Stupefy! Incendio! He thought, and the spells collided with the water, and formed another rainbow, "I never get bored with that effect." Chase said.
Eden stopped dancing around to watch the rainbow form. Clapping her hands Eden leaned foreword until her hands touched the ground and kicked up with her feet until she was holding herself up with her hands. "Yes I have a job. I work at the natural magic shop it is really nice in there you should vist sometime. Just make sure you buy something so that I dont get into trouble." Looking over at the rainbow Eden smiled. "I cant wait until I can do something like that but I have a few more years before I get that handy with my wand."
Chase laughed, "You're reallyyyy, realllyyyy good at that, I would never be able to do something like that." Chase said, laughing, and he stood up, and walked around a little bit, examining her figure, it was something to look at, that was for sure. Chase chuckled as she did a handstand, "Impressive. The Rainbow still wins though." Chase teased, looking out over the lake again, and the fading figure of the rainbow. He pointed his wand back out there. Stupefy! Incendio! Once more the spells collided with the lake, and formed another Rainbow, "No fading, damnit." Chase said, laughing.
Eden let herself fall foreword. Getting to her feet Eden looked over at the rainbow fading and than coming back as Chase redid the spell. "So you never told me how it went with Professor Styx." Eden flopped on the ground interested on what had happened.
Chase frowned, "Oh. That. Wasn't too bad, had to scrub the Duel Arena till it shined, with a toothbrush I might add." Chase laughed at the memory of the detention, he had kept trying to get Professor Styx to duel him, Chase merely shrugged, "I kept trying to get Professor Styx to duel me, failed a little bit though." Chase said, laughing, "In the end I had to right an Essay on respect, then I just left after that." Chase said, laughing, "What about your detention with Professor Zhefarovich?" Chase asked, "I want to know everything." Chase said.
"I wont know until tonight. I hope I dont have to clean anything that would suck. I do enough of that already as it is." Eden looked up at the sky and wondered just what she would have to be doing. "All I know is that me and Lilith and Hoshi will be there so that should be fun I guess."
Chase chuckled, "Cleaning sucks. I hope you don't get stuck with it." Hoshi? Why Hoshi? Chase was confused, he hoped it didn't show on his face, "Why is Hoshi going? She wasn't even there." Chase said. Chase was trying to understand why Lilith had even shown up in the first place, "Why did Lilith even come? It was a foolish thing to do." Chase said.
"Well sweetheart there was a little issue between Lilith against Hoshi and myself. You already know of our plans and you know that Lilith is against them so she went to Professor Zhefarovich about it and I was there to try and smooth it over and than Hoshi showed up randomly so she gave us all detention tonight and I guess that everything will be sorted it out there." Brushing some hair out of her face that had fallen free of her ponytail Eden continued. "I think when the house elf saw Styx and Zhefarovich coming he went to the only person he could think of for help which for some reason was Lilith. Why she came, I do not know."
Chase laughed, "I wish she hadn't come, I would've been able to take them both. Well. I wouldn't have tried to take Zhefarovich, that would just be cruel, to attack a pregnant women." Chase said. Chase laid down next to Eden, moving her head onto his chest, "Sorry, I just like it when you lean on me." Chase said, chuckling. He put his hand on her stomach, and laid down on the grass, closing his eyes, "I love you. I will forever. I anxiously await the day we will get married." Chase said.
"Yea I think attacking a pregnant women would be a bad idea. I think she would murder you where you stand." Eden smiled as Chase moved her to resst on his chest. "It's fine I really like resting on you myself." Placing her hand on top of Chase's Eden closed her eyes. "Babe I don't think forever is going to be long enough to show you how much I love you." Eden thought about her wedding and what she would wear and what Chase would look like. Waiting for her at the end of the alter. Eden felt a soft smile cross her face at the thought of how perfect that day would be.
Chase laughed, "You don't need forever, I already know." Chase said, laughing, "You may need forever to understand my feelings for you though." Chase shrugged and clenched her hand in his, not holding it tight, just softly. Chase chuckled, and looked at her, "Detentions suck. I still reckon we should sneak out again. That was fun." Chase said, sighing softly, "I couldn't begin to explain my feelings for you." Chase said.

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