Skipping Rocks

Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Eden slipped out of the castle and onto the grounds heading to the Lake Eden started to run as fast as she could. Last night had gone so wrong they had been caught awake after hours and they had heard her and Chase talking about becoming Death Eaters. They could be kicked out of the school but for some unknown reason all they had was detention but who's to say that they still might be getting kicked out. Reaching the Lake Eden took a seat on a smooth flat rock and picked up a handful of small stones throwing them one by one Eden watched as they flew from her hand and skipped across the water each skipping anywhere from seven to nine times before sinking into the water. "Chase where are you?" Eden heard herself whispering out loud.
Chase chuckled, and strode out of the castle, he saw Eden infront of the lake, and walked over to her, pulling her into a hug straight away, "Hello, love. Sorry about last night." Chase gave her a kiss on the lips and sat down infront of the lake, "I hate detention, it fails so much, but I meant everything I said last night. I would do anything for you." Chase said, laughing, he looked out over the lake, and wondered what he would do when Eden did finish school, and he wondered if he would be allowed to join the DE or not. Chase just shrugged, he would worry about that when the time came.
Falling into Chase's arms when he pulled her off the rock and into his arm's Eden felt such a sense of peace when he kissed her. "It's ok things will be fine we should just not talk about things like what we where talking about last night it is unsafe." Taking her seat again on the rock Eden took another rock and sent it flying. "I believe you when you told me you mean everything you said last night I would never doubt you but I fear for what they will do to us. I fear they will try and make us stay apart because of our age and if that happens I do not know what I would do if I could not see you." Eden looked out on the water trying to hide the fact that tears where building in her eyes.
Chase chuckled, "They could try, but I doubt they would succeed, I wouldn't be so lenient if they tried to keep us apart, next time I would start firing spells." Chase said, he put his arm around Eden, he still never wanted to let her go, no matter what, "I think it only matters if people hear us, but otherwise it should be okay, just need too make sure there's nobody within earshot." Chase shrugged, and got his wand out, he aimed it at the centre of the lake. Stupefy! A bright red flash went out over the horizon, and smashed into the lake causing a giant splash. Incendio. Chase thought, and a bright red flame shot out of his wand and hit the water, producing a rainbow, "Now, that is pretty. Second only to you." Chase said, chuckling.
Eden watched as Chase pulled out his wand and fired at the lake unable to stop herself from clapping when a rainbow came out of the water Eden blushed. "I don't know Chase that rainbow sure is pretty." Getting off the rock Eden took off her sweater and sweats that she was wearing to show a cute little black two piece with stars all over them. Winking at him Eden took a running start and jumped into the lake. The water was warm and Eden really needed the swim. Closing her eyes Eden let herself float on her back as she looked at the sky above her head.
Chase chuckled, "No, Love. Your beauty outshines everybody else here. That Rainbow is nothing compared to you." Chase said, laughing. He watched her jump into the pool, he was already wearing board shorts, so he took off his shirt and shoes and dived into the lake. Chase swam around, diving under a few times, swimming down farther every time, being careful not to drown himself, he swam up behind Eden quietly, and snuck his arms around her waist, "Gotcha." Chase said, planting a kiss on her neck. Chase laughed, and held her there, wondering whether he should pull her underneath.
Eden was in her element in the water. Hoshi's dad had spent many hours with them in the lake behind the manner. Feeling Chase swim up behind her she giggled as Chase grabbed her and kissed her neck. Grabbing into his wrist with all her strength Eden dived under the water kicking as hard as she could. Looking at Chase, Eden pointed to his wand and than to there heads hopping he understood to cast a bubble head charm. Eden knew the theory behind it but she still had not learned and she would not be learning it until next year.
Chase chuckled, and pointed his wand to his head, and enclosed it in a bubble, he did the same to Eden, "Better?" Chase said, laughing. He swam around the lake, staying close to Eden, his wand still out, he would protect her, no matter what happened, he would always protect her. "I love you, I always will, I will never leave you." Chase said, a loving edge to his voice. He swam around the pond, being as graceful as a fish, he would never leave Eden' side, if he had a choice that was. "What do you want to do next?" Chase asked. "I'm fine with anything as long as I am with you." Chase said.
Eden dived deeper into the lake once the charm was in place. Here they could not be over heard. "Chase I love you. I know you would protect me no matter but I'm alot tougher than you think. My father is a DE and he showed me things that I should not know and I have been taking lessons from a teacher here at school on becoming a DE there are undercover DE's here so they are most likely aware of what happened last night and I will be protected that is for sure." Swimming in circles around Chase, Eden wondered what was on his mind. Eden wondered if he was making the right choice by being with her. Could he do better than her? Shaking the thought from her mind Eden stopped swimming and looked above her at the sun shinning down on them under the water.
Chase chuckled, "Like who? What about that Professor Styx? He seemed all too ready to kill me last night." Chase looked at her, "I really do want to join you when you're older, we will join together, I will wait until you graduate, and then we will leave together, and go out into the world, but we must get married first." Chase said, laughing. He swam around in circles, mimicing Eden, following her around the in a circle, and wondering what she could possibly be thinking about, and he wondered if she thought about him as often as he thought of her. "I love you more!" Chase mocked, and swam farther downwards.
"I can't tell you who the undercover is I know of one and there is one other at the school but I have to keep the name a secret because I promised." Eden stopped swimming when Chase mentioned marrying her. "Are you serious? About us getting married? We could do it as soon as I turned 17. The very day I turn 17 if we want I'm sure mom would be thrilled...." Eden stopped talking when she thought about her mom how she was now insane in a home not even knowing that she had to two daughters. It made her sad for a moment but she quickly pushed it aside at the thought of her and Chase being man and wife and going out into the world as a couple.
Chase swam over to Eden, and hugged her tightly, "Of course I'm serious. I'm ready whenever you are." Chase gave her a kiss on the lips, which he held there for a few seconds, and then broke it. "I never want to leave you, and marriage is the only way I can think of too accomplish that. I also want you forever, and once again, marriage is the only way to accomplish that properly." Chase laughed. He looked at her, "Why do you not sound happy to mention your Mum? Am I missing something?" Chase asked.
((OOC You cant kiss Eden with the bubble head charm being in effect and them being very deep underwater lol))

Eden let her head rest on Chase's chest for a moment while she thought about her mom and how she was going to tell Chase this. If he could handle me planing on becoming a Death Eater than I think he can handle anything. "My mother is a muggle that has gone insane. She is insane because I drove her to it this past year when I demanded the truth about my father from her. I have reason's to believe he was or is a Death Eater and once he realized that my mother was not a pure blood like he was he left her with my sister Lilith and myself. I uncovered things when I was home last break and when I could not get the truth from her I forced it from her and she lost her mind." Eden stopped talking it hurt to much to speak about the evil she had done she would get over it in time but for right now it was a pain that ate at her soul.
OOC: Sure I can. I'm epic like that. I can take the charms off and do eet, durr. :D

Chase sighed, "That's horrible. But I don't care. You shouldn't have done it.. But I don't care. I see your reason, and it helps me to understand, she shouldn't have with held the truth from you, you had the right to ask questions and the right to answers for those questions." Chase swam around Eden in circles, and wondered what she would do next, he wanted her forever, and nothing she could do would make her less appealing to him, nothing at all. Chase swam around her, changing directions every now and then.
Eden felt a huge smile break out onto her face when Chase did not break up with her. "I want you to spend this summer at my house you can meet mine and Lilith's adoptive mother Haruhi Koshiba, mother of Hoshi and Tohoru Koshiba she took me and Lilith in after mom went to the home. Im sure she would be able to help us think of a way to get around the whole under age thing." Eden watched as Chase swam around her again and again. Unsure of what to do Eden just floated there for a while before pulling out her wand and started making colored bubbles come from the tip of her wand watching as they floated to the surface Eden giggled.
Chase chuckled, "I'd be honoured." Chase said, "I'd love to meet your adoptive mother, as long as Tohoru isn't there to try and destroy me." Chase said, laughing. He watched as she made bubbles fly out of her wand, he made little green and blue heart shaped bubbles fly out of his, "Aren't they pretty?" Chase asked. He swum around Eden some more, getting faster and faster every time. He eventually got dizzy and leant on Eden for support, "Woah, dizzy spill." Chase said, laughing, "I love you." Chase said, and he hugged her tightly.
Eden laughed at the thought of Tohoru trying to do anything to Chase. "If Tohoru tries anything Hoshi and I will beat the crap out of him. I was supposed to marry him when we became of age and run the Koshiba family but since that is not going to happen Hoshi and I will most likely just force Tohoru to step down and her and I will run the family and if Tohoru will not step down than he could just take a long walk off a short pier...." Swimming over to try and catch the heart shaped bubble Eden giggled when they popped in her hands. Eden put her arms around Chase to help him when he swam himself dizzy. "Well silly don't swim in circles that fast and you wont get dizzy." Eden rested her head on his chest. "I love you to"
Chase chuckled, and held onto her, just like he always would, "I'll always be here for you, remember the rainbow, you're more beautiful then it, a millionfold." Chase said, "You're beauty outshines everybody." Chase said, chuckling, "That includes all of the teachers, I still don't see why Tohoru wanted to give you up. You going to tell me why?" Chase asked, he was incredibly curious on this matter, he didn't understand why anybody would want to give Eden up, she was perfect in so many ways. Incredibly perfect at that, he didn't understand how Artemis couldn't like her. Chase just shrugged and kept holding onto Eden.
"I wish I could tell you why Tohoru broke up with me but it is something he keeps a secret and no matter how much cry and begging I did he still broke up with me and he still refused to tell me why." Shaking the memories out of her head she put her mind on sweeter things. "I think your the only one who thinks I'm that beautiful I'm sure if you asked another guy if I was the most beautiful girl they would disagree. I think you see me like this because your in love, but its ok because in my eyes there will never be anyone more handsome than you."
Chase chuckled, and hugged her, "You're sweet to say that." Chase said. "Tohoru shouldn't have done that. We should go beat him up one day." Chase said, shrugging. Chase swum around some more, "Wanna go back up? It's kind of boring down here." Chase said. Chase began swimming back up to the top, slowly though, waiting for her to catch up, "Come on, ladies first." Chase said, chuckling. He slowed to a stop, waiting for Eden, "You're slow." Chase swum back down, took her hand, and pulled her up with him, laughing the whole thing, the bubbles on their heads popped as they surface. Chase planted a kiss on Edens face and held it there.
Eden shook her head. "I have been there done that, with beating Tohoru up it's really not that hard to do and it really was quite boring. I could think of better things to do than waste my time on him. Like spending it with you." Watching as Chase became bored with being underwater Eden nodded her head when he mentioned going back up to the surface. Taking her time swimming back up Eden could not help but smirk when Chase became bored with waiting for her and pulled her to the surface. Smiling softly Eden let herself rest against Chase as he kissed her softly.
Chase broke the kiss, and hopped back onto the bank, stealing the rock Eden was sitting on earlier, "My seat now." Chase said, laughing. He got up, and lied back down on the grass like he had before, "Only messing with you, you can have it." Chase said, chuckling. He layed down and thought about last night, and what might have happened if those Professors hadn't come. Chase probably would've really enjoyed that night, but then again, he would've enjoyed any night as long as he could've spent it with Eden. He opened his eyes, and stared into the sky, "What a great day, being able to spend it with you makes it perfect." Chase said.
Eden climbed out of the water and grabbed the towel that was laying by the rock wrapping it around her waist Eden laid down next to Chase. "Last night was scary. We could have been kicked out of Hogwarts but thankfully we where not and we have today and every other day. Plus look at it this way when we at the Koshiba Manner we will have all those nights there. I have my own wing so we have a whole floor just for the two of us to be alone." Eden wondered what Haruhi would say about Chase staying with them in Eden's room but it did not matter to Eden they would be married as soon as she was of age sooner if they could get away with it. Eden and Chase where going to be together for the rest of there lives and what I life they would have.
Chase laughed at her, "Not really, all depends at how you look at it, you can bluff your way out of any situation. I just failed to do it, and, anyway, none of them would have hurt me. Nor could I see them kicking us out of school, we really weren't doing that much wrong, detention is really the most I could see happening, I wasn't scared." Chase laughed, and sat up, leaning against the rock, he closed his eyes and listened, he could hear a few people running around in the distance, and some other people in this general area, nobody of consequence though. Chase bent over and kissed Eden softly.
"One can never be sure now and days and I can bet they will keep a eye on us from now on so everything we say has to be carefully said." Eden flicked her eyes in the direction of the noise she was hearing realizing it was just other students enjoying one of the many nice days Eden let Chase's kiss capture her. Kissing him back Eden made a sound in the back of her throat. Pushing Chase onto his back Eden leaned into him not climbing on top of him but close to it just her hips on the ground kept it from being that way.

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