Closed Skipping Rocks

Jordan Harris

Musician- Energetic- Friendly- Cuddly
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Black Walnut Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
20 (12/7/2041)
Jordan was just getting back from his morning run. His hair was just long enough that he could pull it back in a short ponytail now, to keep it out of his face. He had taken a double run today, looking to push himself, and by the time he made it back around to the lake. He could feel the burn in his legs, the hard breaths. He slowly stopped, dropping down on the grass, chest heaving. The cool morning dew still on the grass felt cool on his heated skin. He sighed, enjoying the early morning sun on his skin as he caught his breath.
It wasn't typical to Kiara to wake up this early, but she just couldn't sleep properly. She decided to go out and just walk, fresh air will make her more sleepy, right? Or at least will wake her up, both options were good enough. "Hey, you alive?" Kia came up to him and stretched hand forward to him. "Sitting after running isn't the best idea for sure." she smiled at him cheerfully. "Actually, why are you running this early?" she was more into evening runs, it was easier to find partner for that.
Jordie opened his eyes, smiling at his visitor. "Hi," He took her hand and let himself get pulled up. "I wasn't sitting, I was dying. There's a difference." He laughed lightly. "I like the cool mornings," He shrugged, knowing it was simple. "I'm Jordan. What's your name?" He asked in return.
Kiara loudly laughed. "You can die while sitting, but I'd prefer if you and don't die." she pulled him up. "Alright, that makes sense." she giggled again. "Evening runs are better for me, easier to find someone to run with." She was absolute social butterfly, she needed someone even for runs. "Oh, I'm Kiara. Hey, I've seen you by Hufflepuff table! You are Hufflepuff then, right?"
Jordie laughed lightly. "Tell you what, why don't you join me for my morning run tomorrow and then I'll run with you tomorrow night and we'll decide which is better," He offered. "Yep! Jordie Harris, first year hufflepuff. You're older, what year are you in?" He asked, looking up to the taller girl.
Kiara widely smiled, she was totally ready for this running session. "Yes! Let's do this, but get ready to accept that I was right!" she jokingly winked at him and laughed a bit. She wasn't sure that she will be right, but it didn't matter, she just wanted to say that. "Everyone in my family was sure that I will be Hufflepuff, but look. I am full of surprises. Oh, I am fourth year Ravenclaw, but actually we started Hogwarts at the same time, I am transfer from Beauxbatons." for some reason she showed somewhere far away, she wasn't good at geography, so just showed hoping that France is that way. "So what's your favorite place in Hogwarts?"
Jordie laughed, shaking his head. "You're on," he winked playfully. The extra run might kill him later, but worth it. He chuckled. "Hey, surprises make life fun." His brow raised as she said she had transferred from Beauxbatons, his smile widening. "Oh, there are a lot of great places here," He replied in smooth, fluent French. "Is it very different from Beauxbatons? I have a pen pal there, Amelie Deroiun, she's a close friend. I've always wondered about the other schools," he continued, delighted he could practice his French out loud again. It was just such a beautiful language. He had loved learning it with Onyx, but since the accident that wiped his mind, Jordie had missed being able to converse in the other language with his brother.
Kiara loudly laughed, after that wink and accepting challange, she already knew that they are going to get perfectly along. "Of course! I mean, who doesn't love surprises? EXACTLY! No one! It's the best what can ever exist!" she was a HUGE fan of surprises, even tho she knew that her mom wasn't really into them, but it never really bothered her. "Alright. When I said that surprises are the best thing on the whole world, I didn't expect one that fastly." She giggled and then answered for his question. "It feels like I am in a whole new universe. You know, Hogwarts gives me so much medieval vibes that I kinda feel like I got stuck in Game of Thrones. But that's SO cool. You can't even imagine how weird it was at first and now, I just feel like I am home and yeah. Both schools are so beautiful, but you know, in Beauxbatons, I felt like I lived in a fairytale. Both schools have so different aestethics that it's kinda hard to get used to, but that's cool." She missed old school a lot, but she'd never feel disappointed about Hogwarts. "Where did you learn French? You literally have so amazing pronunciation!" and again, it felt good to have someone to talk in her first language.
Jordie laughed, settling back down in the grass and patting the spot next to him for Kiara to join him. "I'm full of surprises, Rara." He teased, looking out over the water. "'That's quite the comparison. I've wondered about transferring to Beauxbatons, but my family went here. It's going to be home," He smiled at her, chuckling at her question. "My uncle travels the world for his work, he speaks a handful of languages himself. He thought it would be good for us to know more than one language ourselves, and my brother chose French because he thought it was a beautiful language. I learned because he and my uncle both knew it, so we could speak it together." He explained, smiling fondly. "I haven't been able to speak it since coming to school, I've missed it,"
In the first place she looked at him absolutely shocked and then started to laugh loudly. "Rara? Out of all possible nicknames? Alright, that's unique and amazing one," she found it extremely funny but it sounded so cute and goofy that she just couldn't deny that she loved it. "You'd fit in in Beauxbatons," she grinned and tried to get more comfortable on the ground. "So it's a family thing. Sounds extremely good. Was it hard for you to learn it?" the only language from hers in which she had an accent was german, but she didn't speak in it that much. It was more like a thing between her and her granma, but now she didn't have anyone to talk to in German. "Haha, yes, French is an amazing language that you can get used to so fastly. I haven't properly talked in French since uhh.. spring I guess. Have you ever been to France?"
Jordie chuckled. "Hey, I like Rara," He winked playfully, crossing his ankles, arms behind him to support his weight. "I did fairly well, it was harder for my brother. I feel bad, he lost his memories and can't remember he speaks it anymore." Jordan sighed, before laughing lightly. "I haven't, but I'm sure I will soon. My brother is absolutely enamored with a boy in Marseille, so I'm sure I'll spend some time in France eventually," Jordie smiled, looking over to Kiara. "Of all the schools, Rara, why come here?"
Kiara smirked. "I like it too," it sounded childish, but she was sure that it fitted her perfectly. "Oh gosh, it sounds awful.. Uh, I hope he will remember again, I will pray for it." she smiled at him supportively, she actually believed in God even tho right now she was kinda disappointed in him. But it was pretty normal thing for her. "Oh gosh! Marseille is literally so perfect town, you'll love it! I am from Paris but I have been to Marseille a lot, I am sure you'll love France as much as I love it!" she smiled at next question. "I moved to my uncle after some accident and he lives in Hamilton, he is healer in Obsidian Harbour. Even tho he spends a lot of time in Great Britain in St Mungo while I am here." That was exactly where he met his new Rebecca.
Jordie smiled. "Thanks, Rara. He's making some good progress, I think. Getting back on his feet. I'm actually really glad he found someone. My brother has always loved really deeply, but his last boyfriend wasn't right for him and it ended badly. I think- I think this time, though, I think Nyxy really got it right, that French boy is really good for him," Jordie sighed dreamily. "I hope I can find someone like that when I'm older." He grinned impishly at Kiara.

"I'm actually going to France soon, I'm asking Onyx to take me to meet my pen pal Amelie," Jordie smiled. "I think it's going to be really fun," he looked up to the sky. "My family and I live outside of Brighstone, actually," he told his friend.
Kiara carefully listened with sweet smile. When Jordie mentioned that previous boyfriend, she looked sad and then slowly started to smile again when she heard about French boy. "I am glad that now he is feeling better and I hope too that French boy will be the best for him! Let's wait for marriage bells and amazing love stories!" Kia cheerfully smiled. She wasn't even sure if that was a joke or not, because she didn't know if Jordie's brother wanted to get married, if no that he may take it as a joke, but in fact, Kia just hoped that everything will be alright. "You will! I promise you! You'll fall in love, fall out of love and you will have relationship for sure! Who wouldn't want to be with you, Jojo?" she did that grandmother thing and squeezed his cheeks, and then messed with his hair hoping that he won't lean away from her. "What if your Amelie will be your girlfriend some day?" she almost jumped out of happiness, she wanted to be his matchmaker later. "I will go to France soon too. I- I have to take some things I left there, actually I am extremely scared of that. Like I love France, it is and it will always be my home but yeah." she was scared from memories, last memories in France was her least favorite. "Uhh, that's cool! I'd love to live next to Brightstone." she sighed with smile.
Jordie laughed lightly. "Don't let my brother hear you say that," he winked playfully at her. "I absolutely agree, though, he should definitely marry the French boy and settle down," He was curious a moment about what kind of wedding Onyx would have or if he'd elope, when Kiara pulled him out of his thoughts by pinching his cheeks. He rubbed them, laughing lightly after she let go. "Jojo, huh?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "Nah, Amelie and I aren't romantic. I do have a crush on a boy in my class though," he offered, smiling impishly. He tilted his head when she seemed scared to go back to France. He took her hand lightly and smiled at her. "I can go too if you need me to, Rara," he offered.
Kiara laughed at Jordie's answer. "I can't promise anything." she winked back at him and then laughed again. "You're their main shipper, aren't you! That's so cool!" Every couple needed their main shipper, Kia thought that it made couple somehow stronger. "Oi, don't tell me that you don't like it!" she giggled after that nickname, that just came up, but she liked it the same as she liked his nickname Rara. "No, you're joking, right? Tell me something about him! What's his name? Is he gentle to you? Does he know that you like him?" it felt like they were friends for a really long time even tho they just met. Kiara lightly smiled when Jordie took her hand. "Thank you. I just haven't been there for so long and I left without telling anyone. And I feel guilty about that and just reason why I left wasn't the best one and it all is so weird. Huh, I will stop." she giggled at her sweater and then leaned on her back in the grass, and looked at the sky. "Did you know that person who studies clouds is nephrologist and greeks have a goddess named Nephele that was a cloud nymph? That's so fascinating," she pointed at sky and then smiled at Jordie. She loved weird facts that she won't ever need.
Jordie chuckled, brushing his hair back. "I can't help it, the french boy is really cute and my brother looks all sappy whenever he's thinking about him- even if he won't admit it," Jordie chuckled. He couldn't count how many times he'd caught Onyx staring off into space with a dreamy look in his eye. He laughed, blushing a little when Rara asked about his crush. "His name is Eoin, we study together, but I struggle with understanding my school and he's the only one that insists I'm not stupid," He admitted, though to be fair he'd never told anyone other than Eoin he felt stupid. But that was hardly the point.

He smiled a little as she told him about leaving France. "Hey, you don't have to stop. I'm here to listen if you need to talk about it," he told her, before joining her in laying back on the grass. "I didn't know that, thats pretty cool," he smiled, thinking it was really interesting.
Kiara giggled. "Just so you know, every french is extremely cute." she jokingly wiped her hair away dramatically and laughed again. "Alright, alright. That was cringe. But aghhh, that sounds SO cute! I couldn't stand that cuteness in real life if I melt about their cuteness even while just hear that!" she just threw her hands around and then again dramatically wiped "tear" away, she did that whenever she found something extremely cute. "Gosh, that kinda sounds like all these bad and good person relationship, except for the fact that no one of you are bad boys. That is so adorable, even more adorable than all these cute cat videos!" she excitedly almost jumped and then hugged him tightly. "If you'll become a couple then you will be the cutest couple in your year! Ugh, it would make such an amazing love story! But you're not stupid for sure. Actually grades doesn't define you or your intelligence. So don't you dare to say that you are stupid, alright?" she stepped back and pointed at him with finger, and smiled.

"Well, that sounds like you are into listening to my tragic life. Last time I saw my parents it was when they were coming to pick me up and yeah I will never meet them again. I am kinda scared that I won't get away my memories and you know, I already got out of that black line and yeah. Stuff like that, but now everything is perfectly fine. My uncle is perfect step dad, I feel pretty good about everything, that's the most important, right?" she looked at him, she actually didn't know why she was opening up that easily. It just felt like the right person and right time, and he also told about his brother, she was sure that hurted a lot too. "I love random facts. Just like humans are the only animals that can blush, that's adorable." she tried to get more comfortable while watching clouds. "What is the weirdest thing you have ever heard?"
Jordie laughed. "Do you follow Quidditch at all?" he asked. "They aren't technically together but they're basically together, my brother is... 'friends' with one of the chasers for the French National team," he told Kiara. "You should come over to my house during break," he laughed. "I won't promise you get to meet Jamie but you can at least see the way my brother swoons at home," He teased, smiling happily. He was surprised when Kiara hugged him, but he hugged her back easily. "Well, unfortunately, I don't think he has any idea that I like him," he chuckled a little shyly, he'd only told Kiara so far.

He listened quietly as she told him about her life, reaching over again and placing his hand over hers. "I'm glad you found a happy place with your uncle, I can understand that." He spoke softly. "I'm always here if you need anyone to talk to, Rara. I'm not sure it's the same thing, but I'm an orphan myself. I was four when I was taken to the orphanage, but I was found by Sapphire, and she refused to leave when her uncle came to get her, saying she wouldn't go with him until I'd been adopted. So, he took me home, too," Jordie smiled softly, "I've been with them ever since. They're my family." He laughed, looking over and smiling at her. "There's an older girl in my house, I overhear her talking about random facts all the time. Did you know that a quarter of all your bones are located in your feet?" He asked, laughing lightly.
"Kinda yes! My younger uncle plays in American team, so I kinda know what is going on, but not really much." Kia nodded and then widened her eyes. "Did I already tell you that your brother literally won this life? I try to follow everything that is going on in France in magical and in non magical world. Like God, I love France national team. He literally won this life!" Kiara looked absolutely impressed and then she looked even more shocked. "I'd love that! God, I already love you!" she laughed and almost jumped. She felt really cheerful. "Well, who wouldn't like you? Like duh, if someone doesn't like you just say that to me and they will feel some heat! But I am sure that he likes you, maybe he just doesn't know it yet or maybbe he is closeted. But he will understand that one day," she winked at him and just randomly started to dance with cheerful smile.

Kia smiled at him softly and then listened to him. "That's really impressive. Do you even member something from that place? But that's amazing that you have them. I don't know Sapphire, but I surely know that she is amazing person. And that's amazing that they took you home, I am sure they are proud of that too." she messed with his head and then let her voice become a little bubbly. She had always dreamed about taking kid from orphanage, all of those kids had to get their second chances and she wanted to give it to at least one of them.
"I have heard something about that, like that is so unbelievable. Almost as unbelievable as fact that once people believed that the Earth is the centre of the whole universe." for some reasons, she found that unbelievable.
Jordan laughed lightly, shaking his head. "Well, things are certainly looking up for him. From what I can tell, Jamie is really good for him," He smiled warmly. Onyx deserved some good luck. "Great! You can come over to my house, my uncle should be fine with it," He mused. He laughed as she started dancing, humming so she had something to dance to.

Jordie shrugged at her question. "My earliest memories are of Sapphire holding me. I've never known anything else," he replied easily. He laughed at her statement. "Or when they thought the earth was flat," he offered with a coy grin.

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