Skipping breaks

Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; mum of 5½; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (46)
Libby was up in the owlery, writing to her parents about she and her brothers progress in the school. Her younger brother had fitted quite well into the school, better than the family had expected. Just as she was done writing, and gave it to a dark grey owl, which immediatly spread it's wings and soared out into the sky, Libby's hair flying backwards. She'd also thanked her parents for her birthday money, from which she'd brought a new broom. Turning to leave, Libby smiled at a few of the other students in there and went to open the door. She hardly had to touch it and it flew open suddenly. Libby jumped as another student was the other side, and she gave them a small nod.
James was going up to the owlery to write to his dad to let him know he had arrived at hogwarts alright. James wasnt really concentrating in what was going on so opened the door without thinking that someone was behind it. " Oh im sorry i didnt realise sorry. " James smiled at the girl and held the door open for her. " Im guessing you were leaving ?"
Libby noticed the colour of his robes, he was a Slytherin. She smiled, dispite being a hufflepuff these days most of her friends were in Slytherin, not to mention her family too. "Hi, oh." she wasn't too sure what to say. She looked at the boys face and could have sworn she'd seen him from somewhere. Not in a long time, but definatly somewhere. She didn't end up going out the door. She had no particular interest of going anywhere at the moment anyway. "I'm Libby" she introduced herself with a grin. The more people i know the better, she thought.
James recognised the girl from somewhere but he didnt know where, he had proberly just seen her around the castle. " Im James " He said with a smile as he stuck out his hand.
Cedric was making his own way up to the owlery. He couldn't trust his sister to have said nice things in their letter to their parents. On arriving he was suprized to see her and another boy standing in the doorway. "Excuse" he said, before pushing past them both. He saw they were introducing themselves. "Libby. Have you sent the letter yet?" he asked, he'd wanted to add something of his own to it at the bottom. He gave a small nod to the boy she was with, and by the colour of his robes he could tell he was a slytherin too. He turned to look at him for a moment before turning back to his sister, "well?" he asked impatiently.
"Nice to meet you James" she smiled, shaking his hand lightly. She suddenly caught sight of her brother and sighed, "I've just sent it off." she admitted, "I said you were settling in fine. If you want to write one, then do it yourself" she told him. She turned back to James, "Little brother's. Pains" she grinned, backing out the way from one of Cedric's arms flying towards her.
" Nice to meet you to. " James said with a smile then looked towards the other boy as he entered the owlery. He noticed the boys robes were the same as his so guessed he was in Slytherin. He hadnt seen him before and guessed he was in first year. Just as he was thinking to himself the boy game a small nod to him so James smiled back and didnt say anything so they could get a chance to speak. " You love him really. " James said to Libby jokingly with a grin.
Cedric slapped his hand against his forhead when he heard Libby had just sent it off. He would have to do what she said and write a new one. He glared at her when she said he was a pain, "She'd better" he commented half-seriously before wandering off to find some parchment, ink, and a fresh owl.
Libby gave Cedric a small smile as he walked off, "Yeah.." she replied, in her heart still proud of him. "Do you have any siblings?" she asked him. "We have another, Natalie, she's three" Libby smiled. She remembered in her second year when she first found out she had a sister, she was quite glad really. It made a change from a brother at least. She nearly lost him a few years ago, and so now to have two was thrilling.
James watched as the boy left then turned back to Libby. " Yea i'v got a younger sister called Kara , shes just turned 2. " He answered. James remembered when he had first heard there was going to be a new child in the family, he hadnt spoke to his mum for weeks but now he loved Kara and if anyone tried to hurt her he would go mental. " So, im guessing your in Hufflepuff, how is it ?" James asked with a smile , he knew a few Hufflepuffs.
Libby smiled when she heard about his sister, "Sweet" she said, almost not realizing she'd said it. "Yes, i'm a Hufflepuff. It's...lonely." she replied honestly. "In our year, there's only about 6 of us these days" she added. "It's fun though, and the first years this year, they're just plain strange" she smiled. She liked being a Hufflepuff. When she first found out she hated it, she'd wanted to be with Larissa, but since then times had changed, and now Libby was proud, and even played for her house occasionally.
James listened to Libby then answered. " Wow , only six ? If there was only 6 Slytherins there wouldnt be much trouble around here." He joked then grinned when she said the first years were strange. " Just remember you used to be a strange first year." James thought back to when he was in first year , he used to run wild around the castle. He hadnt changed very much after the years , he still liked to cause trouble around the castle.
She smiled, "Yeah. There's more in other years sure but.." Arisa, Arianna, Derrik, Sam, Ric and herself she thought, yup. "Yes, i was." she grinned. She'd loved being a first year, and thinking about it now it had been the most enjoyable year here. "I'm teaching one of the Hufflepuff first years now. I want to teach here when i'm older, so it kinda helps" she added. "What's Slytherin like?" she asked him, she knew quite a few in his house, and apparently this year there were some rather annoying ones, or so she heard.
James grinned and answered. " Slytherins great. Theres a few people who can really annoy you though. " He then thought of a few of his friends that were in Slytherin. " But theres also some great people who you can trust with anything , if you know what i mean. " He added.
When he said there were some you could trust with anything, her mind immediatly went to her best friend, "Yes, yes i know exactly what you mean." she answered. She suddenly realized James probably had come here for a reason, not just to chat to her. "Sorry.." she said quickly, coming back to her senses, and glancing over her shoulder to her brother who was now scribbling eagerly. She ran a hand through her long dark brown hair, "You probably have things to do, right?" she smiled.
James smiled then answered. " I was only here to write a letter to my dad to let him know i had arrived safely but its not important , he will just read it then chuck it away anyways." He said with a shrug. Every time James wrote to his dad he never replied , the only time his dad wrote to him was to moan at him for something.
Libby thought for a moment, "That doesn't seem too fair? Isn't he interested in what you do?" she asked him. Her father, even though he was the muggle asked her and Cedric what had been going on every month even if their mother didn't.
" Na as long as hes got some beer and the tv he doesnt bother about anything else." James answered truthfuly with a shrug. Sometimes he wished he could live with his mum but then he wouldnt be able to come to Hogwarts, that was the only reason he stayed with his dad.
"What about you're sister?" she asked him, "Does she live with your dad?" she added. She didn't know what it was like to have a spilt family. Her father had been shocked to find out her mum was magical, but he'd stayed.
" No my sister lives with my mum. " James answered. " My dad couldnt handle the fact of having more than one magical person in the house so my mum left and took Kara with her but i had to stay with my dad so i could come here." He added with a smile then asked. " Im guessing you and your brother and sister all live in the same house ?"
"Oh.." Libby said quietly and nodded. "Yes we're all in the same. Half the time it's only my dad and sister at the house though as well, you'know, we're out alot" she smiled. "I hope Natalie ends up to be magical..." she trailed off..

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