Sk8er Boi

Regina Tennit

Active Member
OOC First Name
Regina missed a lot of things about home. She missed her parents pretty frequently, and her older sister - but she mostly missed her IPhone, which did not work in the realm of magic. She missed having her headphones in while she read her books, or jamming out in the morning as she got ready for elementary school. Her dorm room was all too quiet, and it didn't help that she didn't have a roommate that year. The brunette sang a little as she moved around her room getting dressed, but it didn't have the same feel as loud music. The generally quiet girl most likely didn't strike everyone as a music obsessed person, but it was one of the best ways to unwind. While practicing for Quidditch she couldn't begin to describe how often she wished she could just throw some music on, blaring over the field. Instead of the crowd cheering, she would fly to the beat of a song. Once she'd finally found a shirt to wear, the tall woman left her room, still nostalgic music that she didn't have with her at the moment.

With the bottom of her flats padding lightly on the floor, Regina stepped to her own beat. The weather was a bit chilled at the school, but not so much that she felt the need to wear pants. October was a fairly mild month for Germany after all. As she made her way out of the over-sized school, she began to tie her hair back. The days seemed to get more and more blustery every week, as the leaves were blown from the trees in preparation for winter. She thought they had at least two good months before snow hit. The sun was still shining after all. The warmth of those golden rays brought a smile to the student's face, her hands moving to her his as she scouted out a place to sit. Somewhere that was shaded, but not so much so that it became cold. Finally spotting what she believed to be the perfect place, Regina embarked across the lawn to a large oak tree, where under sat a blonde she didn't recognize. At first she thought of just attempting to go unnoticed on the other side of the tree, but then again, if he had friends coming that would be rude. With her book in hand she moved toward the boy. "Hi, mind if I sit with you? I wanna get some outdoor reading in." Her smile was wide, and her German accent was light in her voice, mixed with something that sounded Asian - an accent bit she picked up from her adoptive parents.

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