Sixth Years: Lesson Six

Professor Shiori Nakamura

Astronomy Professor 5-7
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Heterosexual (Married)
Curly 16 1/2 Inch Flexible Cherry Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Professor Nakamura couldn’t believe the semester had flown by so fast. Time flew when you were having fun, and Professor Nakamura did enjoy teaching. He stood at his desk, waiting for the students to enter the classroom. Once they did, he addressed them. “Welcome to your last lesson before exams. You might be pleased to know there’s no new material today – but I’d encourage you to spend your time studying, either here or at the library. Exams are coming up after all.” He gave them a smile that said he didn’t envy their position – Professor Nakamura didn’t remember exams fondly at his time at Mahoutokoro.

“If you have any questions, come to me, otherwise – study, and I’m sure you’ll do well.” He gave them all an encouraging smile and then took his seat to supervise the lesson.
Roleplay the lesson for full marks.
Elio felt a wave of relief as he entered the classroom and head the professor announce that there would be no new material today. It wasn't a surprise, since they were now at the end of the semester and they would have their exams soon. They were all gearing up for their NEWTS and though Elio's OWLs grades had been good, they weren't where he wanted them, which meant he had to work really hard if he was going to get what he needed. The end of the semester had snuck up on him and with it, a growing sense of anxiety about his future. He appreciated the professor's encouragement and that made the weight of his studies feel a little lighter. Taking his seat, he pulled out his notes and began to review the material they'd covered throughout the semester. His thoughts occasionally drifted back to the complicated feelings he'd been wrestling with, but the familiarity of Astronomy helped him focus, grounding him in the task at hand.
Cassius Styx slipped into the classroom with the rest of his classmates, a small, self-assured smirk playing on his lips. Professor Nakamura stood at his desk, his posture relaxed but his expression earnest. The lesson soon started. No last-minute lectures, no cramming new information down their throats, just a calm, straightforward suggestion to study. He could work with that. He gave a small nod of acknowledgment, pulling out his Astronomy textbook and a notebook, though he wasn’t entirely sure he’d use them. He preferred to study in his own way, typically by reviewing his notes and using memory tricks rather than poring over textbooks. He spent the time studying his notes until he felt that he was confident to get up and leave.

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