Sixth Years, Lesson Six

The final lesson of the semester had arrived and James met it with mixed feelings. Soon, all of his students would take to the exam room and he’d see what a year of his teaching ability had got them. He was pretty confident from what he had seen of them all that they knew what they were doing, but that didn’t stop a niggling feeling in the back of his brain telling him he’d screwed them all up. A feeling he’d never had as a younger man but something that had only grown as he became a father and then a teacher. Responsibility had done a number on James.

When everyone arrived James closed the classroom door with a flick of his wand, the desks had been pushed to the sides of the room in advance so the sixth years were met with a wide open space. “Welcome back, today is our final lesson so along with all the usual good luck and fond farewells, it’s your last chance to practice non-verbal magic before your exams, as before pair up and practice using the stunning and shielding charms, I expect not to hear a peep, unless someone is knocked into a trophy cabinet of course,” James flashed a smile at them as they moved into their pairs and found spots in the room.

“You’re free to leave as soon as you feel you’ve had enough practice, but the room is free for the rest of the day, I encourage you to make use of it if you are able, and for those of you that don’t continue onto seventh year, it’s been fun, good luck and you may begin,”

RP the lesson. Attendance post is fine for full marks.
As Chaos Zhefarovich entered Professor Cade's Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom for the final lesson of the semester, he settled in and hoped that they would just get this over with. The spacious room, cleared of desks, was an inviting canvas for practicing non-verbal magic, a skill he had been honing diligently throughout the year. Listening to Professor Cade's instructions, Chaos nodded along. This was their last chance to refine their techniques before the exams, and he was determined to make the most of it. He partnered up with another student.

With a focused mind and steady hand, Chaos took his position across from his partner. They had practiced the stunning and shielding charms extensively, but today's session felt more significant. The silence in the room added a layer of concentration as they began their exercises. Drawing on his training and previous experiences, Chaos executed the stunning charm with precision, his wand movements fluid and deliberate. He visualized the energy of the spell forming silently and efficiently, aiming for accuracy and control. His partner responded with equally adept shielding charms, creating a dynamic practice session that pushed both of them to excel. When Professor Cade announced that they were free to leave once they felt satisfied with their practice, Chaos exchanged a nod with his partner. He was done. He left since he did not feel like practicing anymore.
Emmanuel was pretty content that he had managed to resolve everything in his life. He was feeling pretty content with himself, for the first time in a little while, and felt like he understood himself far more than he had in years. There was the matter of telling his family, and dealing with the fallout of what that would be with his family. He was sure they would be understanding enough but there was just a lot. He grabbed the things he would need for the day ahead and then headed to class.

Emmanuel walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and wasn’t overly surprised that they were to do a little more practicing of non-verbal magic. It made sense that they would. Emmanuel stood up and found a partner and then began practicing the spell back and forth with them. He was much better this time around with the non-verbal magic. Only failing to do it once in the whole time, which he felt was a pretty good achievement. Eventually the lesson was brought to an end and emmanuel packed up and left the room.

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