Sixth Years, Lesson One

"Welcome back to Charms, sixth years. I hope you've all had an amazing winter holiday, I did. But, it's time to get focused on work. This is an important year for you sixth year. Today's lesson will unfortunately be brief ," He said with a flick of his wand towards the board, the chalk began to write out the outline for this year's course in the subject.

  • Incarcerous
  • Disillusionment Charm
  • Hover Charm
  • Flame Freezing Charm
  • Confringo
"As you can see the list of spells that we will be covering this year is rather short compared to previous years, however, they require much more work to master. Not to mention, they are a lot more interesting." He gave the class a smile, before continuing "I promise you, next year, in your final year at Hogwarts, we will be covering a much longer list of useful charms which includes the Patronus charm." Misha finished with a small wink to his students, knowing that some of them would be excited. He had been excited over learning to conjure a patronus. Having completed his rather brief lecture, He stated, "Alright that's all from me, if you have any questions I'll be sticking around here for a bit. And of course my office door is always open. See you all next week." Misha then proceeded to going back to standing in front of his desk in a friendly manner in case any of the students decided they did have questions for him.

~RP the lesson. Attendance post is just fine
Elio entered the classroom a little late. He had mistimed his leaving the Gryffindor common room because he'd misunderstood where the classroom was. He'd thought he'd seen fifth floor on his schedule, not third floor, but after looking again he'd realised he didn't even have a class on the fifth floor this semester, which was silly. He had no idea how he'd missed that up. So he walked into class a little sheepishly just as his new Professor was diving into what they would be learning. He quickly pulled out his notes, writing in the margins so that he could easily find it later. The outline for the course went on the first page of the text book so he could remember it and he listened to the lecture with curious interest. His eyes widened at the list of spells, but the Disillusionment Charm and Confringo caught his attention the most; both were very powerful spells and required a significant amount of skill. He scribbled the list into his book quickly, underlining each spell.

Elio looked around at his classmates, gauging their reactions. Some seemed eager, while others looked a bit apprehensive. He couldn’t help but smile at the mention of the Patronus charm for next year; it was something he’d been looking forward to learning since he'd first read ahead in his mother's charms textbooks. After the lecture, Elio lingered for a moment, considering whether to approach Professor Haden with a question that had been on his mind. Deciding it was worth asking, he walked up to the front of the room. “Professor Haden, I was wondering if you had any advice on how to practice the Disillusionment Charm outside of class? It seems like it would be really useful, but also quite tricky to get right,” Elio asked, his curiosity genuine.

With that, Elio left the class room, feeling more confident about tackling the new spells this year. He began jotting down some ideas for practicing the Disillusionment Charm, already looking forward to the next lesson.
Savannah had been very pleased with her OWL results, they hadn’t been perfect, but they had been good enough. She had been very very happy with it. She knew that getting Os would be better, but she was content with EEs and knowing that this was still better than most. Savannah was getting herself together for the day ahead, she had spent time on the pitch and was looking forward to what this semester would bring for quidditch - she hoped for another victory for sure. The ravenclaw prefect grabbed the last few things that she wanted for the day ahead and then headed out of the room.

Savannah walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. The professor started the lesson and she told down the spells which they would be covering within this class. She then listene to the little more the professor had to say before very gladly being able to leave the room.
Gregory was not best pleased to be back at school. The break had been rough, he’d managed to avoid his parents finding out about the further loss of his hearing by just being short with them, by always having headphones in and mostly hiding away in his room. They knew something was up, but what exactly it was, they didn’t know. His OWLs had ended terribly when he’d stumbled his way through practical exams when he couldn’t hear the instructions. He knew there was likely a buzz of noise in the dorm, but he couldn’t make out any of it, unless they were shouting and they rarely did. He grabbed his books and then headed out of the room, trying to not be loud as he did so but not knowing if he was managing it or not.

Gregory walked into the charms classroom and went to the back of the room. It wasn’t the spot for him, but he didn’t care. He just wanted to be out of the way. Gregory glanced up at the board and took down what was written there, but he caught nothing of what the professor then went on to say. Instead he just nodded and then packed up his things and left the room when others did.
Ruto's break had gone rather quickly, or at least a lot quicker than she had hoped. She liked Hogwarts and loved being able to explore the castle and its grounds, however did not like attending classes. She wanted to enjoy life and not be locked up in a castle studying. Luckily, she was looking forward to some of her classes this semester, so that kept her a little motivated. She headed to her classes, following her classmates there.

Roo entered the charms classroom, wondering what new spells they were going to be learning that semester. She took her usual seat and reverted her attention to the front as the professor began talking. They were going to be learning a few new spells, in which the professor wrote up on the board for them. The Ravenclaw made sure to write them down so she could go over them later if she could be bothered. At the end of the lesson, she dreamily thanked the professor before heading out and straight to her next class.

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