Sixth Years: Lesson Five

Angel was starting to grow restless with classes in the greenhouse again and was relieved when he got the okay to take his students on a bit of a jailbreak this afternoon. They were smart kids, so hopefully everything would go smoothly and no students would get lost or eaten. Burying any concerns under a layer of bravado, Angel greeted everyone cheerily once it looked like they were settled.

Alright, we’re going on a little adventure today. Everyone knows any herbologist worth their salt is just as good at identifying plants as they are at caring for them, so we’re going on a little field trip to work on your eye.” With a flick of his wand, Angel summon the bingo cards he’d put together earlier. “Everyone come grab a bingo card and then join me over here by the portkey. We’re heading out to the Aotearoa Wildlife Sanctuary in a minute when you’re ready.”

Once everyone was ready, Angel counted them down before the class grabbed the portkey, shaking his head to regain his bearings once they’d arrived at the Sanctuary. Portkey was by far one of his least favorite ways to travel. “Okay, I’m setting you loose now, so please be smart about this. Good rule of thumb; Don’t know what it is? Don’t touch it.

Angel checked his pocket watch, doing some quick math in his head. None of his students should have classes after this, but he didn’t want anyone to miss dinner. “Alright, off you go. Get bingo and I’ll give you some house points, fill your card and you get a few more. If you’re not back in an hour we’re leaving without you, so don’t go too far, chop chop,” he said, clapping his hands. He trusted his sixth years to behave themselves. And he wouldn’t really leave them behind. Probably.


RP the lesson for full marks, feel free to have some fun and fill out your bingo cards for extra credit/house points. 3 points for any bingo, 20 points for a full card.
Elio couldn’t help but grin when Professor Castillo announced their unexpected field trip. Finally, a chance to get out of the greenhouse and do something different. He grabbed one of the bingo cards with a quick, “Thanks, Professor,” and glanced over the list of plants. Some were familiar, but a few were going to be tricky. Elio loved a challenge, though, and he was determined to get bingo—or better yet, fill the whole card. As they gathered around the portkey, he felt both excited and really nervous. The Aotearoa Wildlife Sanctuary was bound to be full of interesting plants, and he was itching to get started.

Once they landed at the sanctuary, Elio steadied himself, taking a moment to shake off the wooziness from the portkey travel. He listened to Professor Castillo’s instructions, already eyeing the lush greenery around them. “Right, time to find some plants,” he muttered to himself, setting off on his own. Elio moved quickly but carefully through the sanctuary, spotting a Flutterby Bush almost immediately. He jotted it down on his card and kept moving, his eyes peeled for any hint of a Bubotuber or a Shrivel Fig. The clock was ticking, and he wasn’t about to miss out on those extra house points—or dinner. As he rounded a corner, he spotted a cluster of Dittany growing under a shaded tree. “Gotcha,” he whispered, scribbling it down. With a satisfied grin, Elio continued his hunt, eager to see how many more he could find before time ran out.
Cassius Styx stood near the back of the group, trying to suppress a grin as Professor Castillo introduced today’s Herbology lesson. A field trip was a welcome change from the usual greenhouse setting, and the idea of getting out and about, especially to the Aotearoa Wildlife Sanctuary, was far more appealing than another mundane class. As Professor Castillo summoned the bingo cards, Cass stepped forward to grab his. He glanced down at the card, noting the variety of magical plants listed there. Some were familiar, but others were less so, which only made this little escapade more interesting. Once everyone was assembled by the portkey, Cass joined the group. He hated portkey travel but he kept his expression neutral as the familiar pull jerked him forward. His feet hit the ground with a jolt, and he stumbled slightly, taking a second to get his bearings.

As soon as Professor Castillo clapped his hands and set them loose, Cass moved quickly, slipping away from the main group. He didn’t stray too far, he wasn’t foolish enough to risk getting lost or worse, eaten, but he preferred to work alone. Less competition, less noise, and more space to think. His eyes scanned the dense foliage around him, already searching for the first plant on his card. Cass continued to navigate through the sanctuary, occasionally glancing at his watch to keep track of time. He looked over his card and saw that he was only missing a couple more plants to fill it entirely. He did not have enough time unfortunately. He turned his card in when they were back in the classroom.

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