Sixth Years; Lesson 1

Professor Lyra Potter walked into the classroom, knowing that she would not have as many students this year as she did fifth years with those who did not pass the OWL exam and those not continuing on in Transfiguration. She was excited to see those who were going to be moving forward in the subject -- the ones with the most skill and willingness to work.

Greeting her students as they entered with a nod, she allowed them a chance to get to their seats, then rose to begin class. "Welcome back! I’m Professor Potter, and I will be taking over this year. Congratulations on your OWLs being sufficient to continue in our line of study. We will start off the year with a bit of review, then move on to more complicated topics." Walking to the blackboard in the room, she tapped it with her wand. Words quickly appeared on the board.

Conjuring Spells

"This year we will be covering how to conjure items. These could be items that you have vanished, or items that you simply want to have at the moment. For example, I wish to have a desk for each of you to practice vanishing with, so...." With a flick of her wand, she moved the empty desks to the center of the room and with three taps in the air, she conjured up a few more to make the right amount. "For a bit of practice, please choose a desk and make it vanish. We will cover the first conjuring spells next time." Waving her wand at the desks, she spoke again, "Go to work. Any questions, feel free to come on up and ask."

Giving one last smile to her students, she allowed them to go to work and returned to her desk and conjured a steaming mug of tea. She kicked back in her chair, cradling the mug in her hands and watched the progress of her students and available for anyone who needed help.

Homework: Simply RP the lesson.
Mikael settled into his usual seat in Transfiguration, looking at the professor with veiled interest. Eurydice had spoken about this professor, claiming she liked how she taught. Mikael hadn't minded Professor Styx as a professor though he supposed as long as the woman was competent in teaching and would not treat them like toddlers, Mikael would be satisfied. As the professor went on with the lesson, he supposed he could see how his sister ended up liking her. The conjuring spells which she was currently demonstrating would prove to be incredibly useful. He rose from his seat when the class was set to work and made his way to a desk, wand in hand. They'd done the vanishing spells countless times last year, so it was easy enough to do with a measured "Evanesco," and the desk assigned to him faded into non-existence. With that done and the lesson seemingly over, he summoned his things and made his way out of the classroom. Hopefully, the next lesson will prove to be more fruitful.
Bailey was glad to see her aunt Lyra back at Hogwarts and now she was teaching older years she would get the chance to be in her class. She made her way into her aunt’s classroom and settled into the same seat that had been her usual one the previous year. They would be learning to conjure objects during the semester which seemed interesting to Bailey, she had been ok with vanishing the previous year and hoped she would prove just as competent at the next thing they tried.

They would be starting with conjuring spells in their next lesson, for their first lesson however they would be brushing up on vanishing spells. The professor moved a bunch of empty desks to the centre of the room for them to try and vanish, Bailey took out her wand and got to work trying to make her desk vanish. She struggled a little at first to remember the technique from the previous year but after some practice she made it disappear. She breathed a sigh of relief and put her wand back in her robe. Once the lesson was over she gathered up her things and made her way out of the classroom.
Fraser walked into the transfiguration classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He nodded as the professor told them what they would be doing, conjuring. It made sense given what they had last covered. He took a note of it and then nodded at the professor telling them to go and and vanish a desk. He took his wand and then pointed it at the desk and then said. ”Evanesco,” he did the spell a couple of times before it worked - he was a little out of practice and then headed off when he’d managed it.
Theo strolled into Transfiguration classroom and couldn't help but greet Professor Potter with quite an exaggerated bow. Only fitting really since she'd greeted him with a small bow. "Professor, beautiful as always and such a pleasure," he said, even though he'd really never met her until today. Still, it was hard not to grin as he slid into his seat. As the professor spoke about conjuring objects, he couldn't help but lean forward and rest his chin on his hand. "What are the odds I can conjure up a romantic date for two?" he asked one of his classmates. "Wanna take that bet, loser goes on a date with the winner?" he said with a cheeky grin. When it came time to vanish the desks, Theo stared at the one assigned to him and cast the vanishing spell, watching as it shimmered and faded into the abyss. Oh. Well. That went a fast. Now to see about reading how to conjure up a date.
Hinata quietly took a seat as Professor Potter introduced what they would be doing for the year. It would be interesting to have her as a professor since she'd heard quite a bit about her from Eury. Apparently her cousin liked the professor. Besides, conjuration would definitely be an interesting - and challenging - study this semester. At least they were starting off with a review that Hina was pretty sure she could do. She pulled out her wand and studied the desk carefully; it was probably the largest she had to vanish thus far. Taking a deep breath - she really had to work on casting faster without this ritual - she cast the spell. "Evanesco." The desk shimmered for a moment and then faded. Hinata breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have that over and done with. Now she just had to deal with the rest of the semester.

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