Sixteen Days and Counting

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Samuel Sykes

Well-Known Member
Hallo you lot :)

Out internet download has gone over its limit because my dad spent the first half of the month downloading movies when all I was doing was rp'ing on HNZ. Not. Happy. Therefore, in ten minutes time starting now, my dad is turning the internet off until the limit passes over to the next month (which is bogus because it's only halfway through October).

Any rp's concerning Gregory Yearling, Artemis Blackmoore-Yearling, Ylva Kvalheim, Samuel Sykes and Merry Forrester are postponed indefinitely for sixteen days until we get our internet back - and believe me I have never been so grumpy about anything for a long time.

My sincere apologies to those whom these characters concern. Let me assure you that any opportunity to use the internet either at Ash's or at my sister's house (and if I get really desperate - the library. It's a bit far away) will be taken, so be on the lookout for new posts every so often in those rp's.

Dreadfully sorry (and dreadfully grumpy),
Kelsey Ruth

P.S. Love you all, blossoms. It ain't that long! And it really does have to be turned off. Last time they didn't tell us that they charged extra, so we received a $300 bill. What were they doing, charging us for every kilobyte?
*Slow motion dive*
That sucks.
You'd better have Artemis back in time for the Yule Ball.
Jareth was looking forwards to their 'date'. :lawlz:
Oh yes, that's well into November, no problems there.

It's just till Saturday the 31st. Sixteen days. -moan-
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