Six little girls in two stright lines

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Dympna Bella-Donna

Well-Known Member
Once in a house all covered in vines

There are currently three little girls that Dympna is teaching the ways of the Dark Arts at an early age but she needs three more. The names and backgrounds can be anything just as long as they are from the ages of 1-5 when Dympna thinks that children are more responsive to her influence as well as able to take the affects of the potions she gives them which puts the girls under her control. The girls will grow and be allowed to go to schools of their choice but under Dympna's teachings and modifications Dympna will make sure that they grow up to be 'proper women'. The names that she will convince the girls that their names are will be Violet, Lavender, and Marigold Soul but the names that they come in with are completely up people that sign up for this plot.
Lived six little girls in two straight lines
Bella-Donna manor is at the heart of a forest somewhere in New Zealand. The forest as well as manor grounds all bare signs of Dympna's influence and her madness. The grounds are also heavily guarded both by Dympna's magic and by creatures that can not quite be explained. This will be the house that the girls grow up in. Here they will learn heartlessness, ruthlessness, and a complete disregard for anything that's not to their liking. (Think Children of the Corn but with few males.) The goal here is to create girls that show just how much damage Dympna's madness can inflict on a person especially one that has known nothing but her house and her rules.

The worst of them all is...

There will be one that Dympna values above all the others and this will have to be cruel to the extent that it draws attention to Dympna and the experiments that she runs on the children of her household. So if anyone with a Ministry member out there wants to look into the manor after the girls have grown up a little bit then they are more than welcome to PM me but other than that anyone want to take on the role of a child of Bella-Donna manor feel free to post :D
# 7314367
I know Naomi's already a member at Belladonna manor, but is it all right if she's the one that Dympna prefers above the others? :D
Naomi seems like she's already working to gain Dympna's favor so I think the soon to be Poppy Soul can be Dympna's favorite. :D
I know you don't want older than five, but I have Calypso here, and I think she'd be perfect. She has grown up spoilt rotten, but at the first sign of magic her parents exiled her. She barely speaks any English, and has been brought up to believe that everyone not on the island she grew up on was a savage crazed barbarian. She already enjoys pain, and is manipulative, not caring about who gets hurt as she claws her way up to the top. She would try to make all the other children look bad.

If you like it, her development is here.
Dympna usually doesn't taken muggle borns but seeing as she is pretty and she's Greek Dympna can make an acceptation for her. She is also of the right disposition for it. Welcome to the household if you don't mind sometimes going by the name Marigold Soul :p
Can Calypso keep the middle name Circe, i don't mind if she can't, but it's kind of a mark of shame. Her family gave it to her when they found out she was a witch. Right before they exiled her. :r
Okay cool! How should they meet? Cally attends Kowhai Junior Wizarding Acadamy, so maybe a social worker or someone could recommend Dympna for over the holidays?
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