sitting in a Parisian cafe and eating croissant

Praneil Patil

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Praneil was sitting in a cafe in the french version of diagon alley. It was a weekend off and praneil had taken the opertunity to go to paris. he had already been up Eiffel tower. and now he was eating an almond croissant and drinkng a cup of hot coffee. It was delicious. he watched as people passed by. hearing bursts of conversation manly in french a young boy was asking his grandmother for a toad (they seemed to be coming back into fashion). some teenage witches were talking about the guy one of them liked. a couple of mothers with infants were talking about sleep. Most of his firneds had gone to see their families. he couldnt go and see his, as the mountain pass would have closed and although his family were magic, the lived among a muggle vilage, and people would have noticed if he reappeared. he was glad about this as he didn't want to go home. however he wanted someone to talk to, he hated being alone.

OOCOut of Character:
sorry it sucks, but i thought he was b beauxbatton not a dermstrang. so i had to try and think of something.
<SIZE size="50">It made little sense to the Durmstrang why his grandparents had decided that they would go to Paris for the holidays. Grae had never really been anywhere, and it was in this year that they had decided to go visit a place. His mind figured that it made had something to do with the fact that they didn't believe they'd last much longer, which was not something Grae wanted to think about. They were all he really had left. Sure he had his twin, and his twin's family, but Grae did not want to impose on them. He knew his brother would probably be happy to see him, but he doubted that the rest of his family would be. Grae knew that it would be awkard. He was a sixteen year old durmstrang student, who had lived apart from his father for many years. And because of this, Grae was sure that his father would want nothing to do with him. It wasn't like it would differ from most other times. Grae didn't care that his brother had it out better, he was glad. He just didn't think he would fit in with his brother's family. He had his, and Grae had his slowly dwindling one. Grae however would not say anything against his grandparents. He would be sure that their time in Paris would be enjoyable. And that it would be the best ever. It was because of this, that Grae had actually left his grandparents at the foot of the eiffel tower, promising that he would be back within two hours, and that they could take as much time as they needed. With this new freedom, the boy left his muggle grandparents and headed straight to the wizarding section of the city. It was fairly like the one in London, but French. He was quick to reach the area. KNowing that his free time alone was limited. Grae sighed quietly. He would much rather be at home, making sure his grandparents were constantly okay, instead of leaving them be in some place he didn't know well, leaving them to pretty much fend for themselves. They did have his number, but here in the wizarding section of the town. It was not going to work as well. There was no way. Grae noticed a small cafe, and decided that it wouldn't be horrible to just sit down and have something to eat. He knew it was going to be a long day, and it didn't help that at the hotel he was sleeping on the floor, since they'd only gotten one room, and paid for only two sleeping. Grae, could get into and out of the hotel without being noticed. Despite the fact he was well built for his age, with startling blue eyes, and blonde hair. He paid for a coffee and a croissant, and then looked for a spot. He cursed at the facct it was so busy. He couldn't spot an empty table. Eventually he spotted one with only one other person, someone who looked around his age. he walked over. "Excuse me, can I sit?" Came his french, with a fairly bad german accent. His french wasn't great but it was passable, and his german accent made his words a little harsher. But it would have to do. It wasn't like he was going to have to actually talk to the boy once he was sat down.
Praneil was watching the world pass intently and also not paying attention at all. a boy came over and asked if he could sit down, It looked like someone had been reading his thoughts, and sent someone for him to talk to. he realised that the boy wasn't a native French speaker. "Feel free, to take a seat." he said. moving his bags of the other chair. he smiled at the boy, he was about his age. "would you be more comfortable talking in english. I'm Praneil by the way, nice to meet you." he said switching languages, his indian accent more noticeable in this language. neither French or English were his native language, but he had been speaking english much longer than french, due the the fact that his farther had grown up in england, before moving back to India.

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