Sitting Around

Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa was sitting around looking at all the flowers growing around her. They would die soon the first frost would happen any day now. Just then the unpreventable happened her eyes clouded over and she lost her sight again. She started staring at the ground so people wouldnt see her eyes. This happend sometimes and no one knew why she didnt want anyone to make a big fuss about her. She started thinking of all the friends she had left behind. Her only friends had been muggles and she had to tell them she moved back to England with her dad.

About five mins later her sight came back and after thinking about her friends she realised just how lonley she was. Sure she had friends here but she missed the friends she had made over the years and her family. Tears came into her eyes but she fought them back and went to go hide under a tree. She didnt want people to think she was a cry baby. When she had fought back the tears she just sat under the tree in the cool darkness and just sat there.
Arnold was walking around, feeling the fresh air as it brush into his face, he needed some space to think for a while, to clear his mind it's been complicated he sighed, kicking the stone through and through, didn't mind to where might it lead.
He stood for a while, looking at the sky, staring at the clouds the birds, everything would be alright soon he thought and forced a smile as he was about to head back at the castle, he saw someone under the tree, an image then began to flick through his mind, he shook his head and decided to walk towards the tree, he saw a young girl quite not on the mood as he noticed a image of tears left at her face. "Here" offering his handkerchief to her "I guess you'll be needing it" he said as he came beside her, smiling at his dimples appeared.
"Thank-you" Arisa said taking the handkerchief. She looked over at the boy. "Hey are you the boy who helped me buy my wand?" Arisa said she had thought she had seen him before.
"Ya i was just thinking about some things..." Arisa said looking at the ground. "Thank-you for asking"
"Im Arisa" Arisa said smiling at Arnold. "Did you leave any friends behind when you came to Hogwarts?" Arisa asked in a sad tone.
"Ya I had a few good friends they were all muggles though so i had to tell them i was moving back with my father because i was getting sicker." Arisa said looking thoughtfull. "They protested said i could go see a new doctor at the hospital. They never realised I accually would leave.... Then i had to leave for school one night. I didnt even get to say good bye to them." Arisa said realising that was the most she had ever talked to someone she hardly new. Usually she was really shy. "Im glad I came here though Im the happiest ive ever been."
Arnold listen to her as she began to tell the story, as she continue so, memories and images came flicking on to his mind.
"So does that mean they didn't knew you'll be going to hogwarts?" "The sort of things about magic?" he asked Arisa
"Yeah, what happened when you came to Hogwarts?" Arisa asked looking at Arnold.
"Well" Arnold started "They kept it secret with me, I mean my whole family knew that someday I'll be attending here but they didn't told me, afraid I can't take all of it" he blabbered "I'm a muggle you see, my grandparents are the witch and wizards, then after a while, Hogwarts letter came then everything went boom" he said quite laughing
"wow at least I knew i was a witch..." Arisa said with a smile on her face "I couldnt wait to come to Hogwarts." Arisa said thinking of when she was little when her grandpa used to teach her muggle classes and she would pretend they were magic lessons.
"Yeah i love it here." Arisa said smiling some more. "People say i should smile more but I usually have no reason to smile." Arisa said thinking of all the times people bugged her to get her to smile. She usually ended up smiling but kept her head down so people wouldnt see.
"You look beautiful than ever if you smile more" Arnold complimented "That's why people around you likes you to be smiling, they want you to be happy" he added "HNZ is really an awesome place, full of adventures and everyones friendly, I know you really would love here" he said grinning.
Arisa blushed slightly at the compliment giving her usually pail skin a pink tint. "Thank-you I guess your right I could try to smile more.." Arisa said. "Im really enjoying most of my classes so far. My faveriote would have to be transfiguration, but im not sure yet i cant wait to start potions." Arisa said thinking of all the potions she had seen her mom make for work.
"I can tell you like potions too. Ive helped my mom with a few but just chopping things and sturing." Arisa said with a small smile on her face. "Im not to sure about working with bugs though... Im deathly afaried of them. I will probably faint on the first day we use them." Arisa said laughing to herself.
"Really, I haven't experience Potions myself before, not until I went here" Arnold said smiling "Working with bugs, hmmm, I believe there's nothing to work with them" he laughed with her "What specific bugs are you afraid into?" he asked
"I think the only bug im not scared of is lady bugs." Arisa replied smiling.
"There going well so far, the only class im not good in is flying" Arisa said blushing. For most people it was there best/fave subject. She usually tried to skip it. "How are your classes going so far?" Arisa asked she started wondering why a third year would want to hang out with a first year.
"Really" Arnold replied with somewhat a questioning tone "I actually love flying" he said smiling at her since he had known some girls have troubles with flying "It's fun you know, yet too much for that" he continue "My classes are fine, quite well and we're getting a hang of having the highest house points this year" he said grinning
"Yeah, its because Hufflepuffs are amazing" Arisa said smiling "I didnt really want to be in Hufflepuff before i came here but now I love it" Arisa said remembering how she wanted to be in Ravenclaw. She realised just how bad an idea that was, she did have alot of friends in Ravenclaw but she was sure Autumn didnt like her very much and didnt think she would survive in the same dorm as Autumn if she got on her bad side.

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