Sit On The Dirt, I Think Not!

Marcus Caine

Well-Known Member
Marcus looked at the dirt and sneered. He really wanted to sit down but the ground was so disgusting, he wouldn't risk his designer clothes for a rest. Sydney was always buying him new clothes, they were pretty nice and actually comfortable to boot. He loved his sister more than anything.

Marcus rolled his eyes and turned to find a bench or something, he could cover it with his jacket and then wash it or burn it later. He didn't want to have to touch the filth that went around this school.

Marcus didn't care so much about blood status, some of his mates weren't pure. But there were some students who were just disgusting, pure blood status or no. He was concentrating so hard on the filth of the school that he almost walked into someone. He was about to have a go when the boy noticed it was someone from his own house. "I'll let that slide because you're a Slytherin."
Adriana was in a bad mood. Yes of course her wrist was better, and yes school had began, but it was a lot more disappointing than she had anticipated. She had a habit of walking when she needed to think. It was like that ever since she was a little girl. Although back then her father would accompany her. Even if it wasn't personal, it was a nice time to bond.

Her bomber jacket was barely thick enough to keep her warm. This was why she hated the cold. Adriana would much rather be in Spain, or at least somewhere that it was warm constantly. But no, education was more important.

In her deep thought, she must've not seen the boy either. Although at the sound of his voice she snapped to attention. "You were the one that walked into me, whoever you are." Adriana looked at him, voice annoyed, but she wasn't mad. "Though it is slightly my fault for not looking out for you, right?" By now she knew what her house mates were like. It was annoying yes, but not horrible.

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