Single, Rich, Pureblood looking for a relationship.

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Cassandra Zhefarovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsey ^_^
Hemlock wand 15" Essence of Doxy Wings
Okay so basicallyaside from a few meaningless flings and a relationship when she was 16 Cassandra has had zero experience in the dating department. I want to change this before I set her loose on the Wizarding World, So any of age Hogwarts guys who are not muggleborn who could put up with Cassandra and are interested in this relationship please post here :D

A bit of information on Cassandra you ask? She has been raised to be prejudiced against those she feels lesser than her her entire life and can be quite cold and stand offish, though if you get her respect you may actually like her a lot, something most people don't get close enough to see. She can be very delightful... to the right people. But a big heads up, if your character does get in a relationship with her expect for them to be cheated on. Once or multiple times, I would prefer for this relationship to last anywhere from a year to a year and a half, though this is negotiable ^.^

I know I'm horrible with these things so if you have any questions please ask me and thank you for reading :)
I could offer you Riley as a relationship. He may be engaged but that wont stop him being with other girls. He would be fine with the cheating thing as he will be doing it also.
Riley is a charmer and loves to flirt with the girls. He can change though if a girl doesnt want to be charmed then he wont but usually he does.
We can rp and see how it goes if you like :)
I can offer Salazar Strayde, a pureblood raised in a closed pureblood community in Wales. He's run away from home, and will be searching for something familiar, especially as he's been sorted into Gryffindor. He's 16. (So not QUITE of age)
Emma, Salazar sounds like he could be promising. When does he turn 17? Also would you have any quarrels about how far they go in the relationship because I have a plot in a 'year' or so and I;d prefer her to not be a virgin for it xD Don't have to allude it can just be assumed xD
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