Singing Along

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Isaiah Jeffreys

Unspeakable | former head boy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14" Sturdy Yew Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2025 (36)
Isaiah had thought about inviting Keye to the ball with him, she was his good friend, but he knew that the Yuleball was hardly a place that she would enjoy, it was noisy and filled with others, but Isaiah liked it like this, he liked the noise, he liked the bustle of the place and all the people dressed more formally than occasionally suited them. The prefect had himself opted to were something simpler, he was wearing the same full suit as the last year, but he wasn't swimming in it as much as the year prior, he'd grown more into it, and the Ravenclaw boy felt that it suited a lot more than it had in the last year, it was still a little bigger than he was but it wasn't going to be for too much longer, that much was clear as he fixed the collar.

Isaiah exited the dorm room and made his way down to the Great Hall, he was hoping to not run into Archie, that boy barely made an effort at these things, but he knew that he couldn't resist him on nights like this, the other boy usually made it his mission to make Isaiah want to kiss him into next week. Isaiah rationed that it was that damned smirk, it was the way he smirked at Isaiah that made Isaiah desperate for him, the antagonism that he was usually on the other side of, was not true of when he saw Archie most of the time. His infatuation with him had dwindled greatly but on a night like this, with emotions running high, the boys infuriating lips were all he pictured. The teen had noted that his fellow Ravenclaw who was usually glued to Archie so he had to assume that they wouldn't be attending the yuleball.

Finally arriving at the Great Hall, Isaiah was as always just in awe of the beauty and perfection of the great room, and he was more than glad for the Yuleball happening, because it meant the end of the term, and well, the term had been a long one. He was happy they'd won the second quidditch game and that in that game he hadn't been hit once with the bludger, he knew the fuss that Keye would kick up had he been hit again and continued playing. Isaiah moved around the hall, with a bright smile on his face, eventually getting himself a drink and just happily singing softly along with the song currently playing, he loved the Yuleball, while it was a little different from Halloween and had far more pressures, he did love it. He spotted his brothers easily in the crowd and waved enthusiastically at them, wondering at that point who else he might be able to spot.
Kylie hadn't made many romantic sorts of friends so she had decided to take the chance to get dressed up and go alone, it didn't bother her much. She figured if it was a dud she could always dance the night away with Pia, someone who was becoming a better friend than ever. She wasn't sure how formal this dance was, seeing as it was her first, so she had gone with a dress that she thought was formal but at the same time understated and fit her like a glove. Her hair was done very simply and her makeup was the same, no red lips for her tonight. The latina walked down from Ravenclaw tower, wishing that her house was a bit closer to the Great Hall now more than ever. The few girls she passed whose dresses were much more binding or tight against their bodies, while they looked fantastic, they wouldn't be able to move so she could never make a choice like that. She loved to dance and was natural at it. It was because of her blood, really. She'd been dancing with the muggle children in her home town before she could walk.

Walking in, Kylie smiled at the aesthetic of the Great Hall. Hogwarts was such a pretty school, in such a different way to Castelbruxo had been. The people were a lot kinder here, though. She walked through the room on her way to get a drink where she spotted a fellow Ravenclaw, Isaiah. Smiling at him, she said, "Hola Isaiah." Briefly forgetting herself and the necessary English she said, "Very handsome." He did, indeed, look very handsome dressed up as did everyone else. The Ravenclaw thought it was the effort everyone put into themselves that made it so. She poured herself a drink and sipped at it, looking over the room while she bobbed along to a song she didn't know.

I hope it's alright I posted here!
Isaiah wasn't sure who he would run into at the yuleball but he was definitely happy when he was greeted by the girl whom he'd shown around the school many weeks before and whom he was glad to see at this point. The teen wasn't sure how she was settling in but he imagined it was going well, Isaiah greeted her with a warm smile, barely flinching at the fact she hadn't used english, able to understand the few words she'd said in her native language was. The boy just smiled happily at her and gave a fake bow with an over dramatic wave of his hand, "Thank you," he said to her, and he didn't even need to look at her to know that she would be beautifully dress, but he did of course, since it was the one night of the year where people really made the effort and expected to get complimented, "You look beautiful," he told her easily and truthfully with a general gesture to what she was wearing, with a tone of awe at her. Since he really did believe what he was saying, that she did indeed look beautiful and he was to tell her as much.

The teen took a drink of the beverage he'd taken for himself and then glanced back at Kylie, he wasn't sure if she'd want to dance, or if she could dance in her dress, but because he was itching to move to the song, he held out his hand to her, placing down his drink on the nearest table, "Miss. Oritz, would you care for a dance?" he said in an overdramatic tone with a small bow and just a look of joy on his face, it didn't matter that he didn't know the song, or that he wasn't the world's best dancer, tonight was all about being more energetic and active, of dancing with beautiful people and having a blast, and really Isaiah intended to. If she didn't want to dance with him, that would be fine, of course some people just weren't dancers but he whole heartedly intended to dance at some point in the night.
The first person that Kylie had truly met at Hogwarts, excluding the Professor who had put the sorting hat on her head in privacy, was lovely and goofy. The exact person she enjoyed as a friend so as he bowed, waving his hand like they did in the old movies she so adored she smiled - her smile grew a little brighter as he complimented her. She had hoped that she wouldn't look like a sore thumb sticking out so she appreciated it wholeheartedly. The effort she had made was most certainly put to good use, it seemed. He was such a kind boy that she felt so lucky to share a house with him because it felt like perhaps she could be just as kind - something she hoped she was but perhaps wasn't because she never, ever would have offered to show a transfer student around her old school. Although they had seen each other in class and in the common rooms, that was truly their only interaction barre tonight so she was excited to get to know him a little better without all the jitters that came with being a new student. "Thank you," she answered in turn, less goofy than he was but she was just as happy.

The sixteen year old took a sip of her drink as she looked back out onto the beautiful decorated Hall then turned back to the prefect to see him bow deeply. Kylie brought a manicured hand to her lips to hide the silly smile she had on her face at Isaiah's attitude which was equally as silly and then put her drink down, abandoning it for whoever would be cleaning up later, before she too was over-dramatic and gave a deep curtsy giggling all the while despite her best efforts. "I would be honoured, Mister Jeffreys," she answered and took his hand to be lead onto the dance floor. If they were going to pretend they were in some classic book they might as well commit to the idea.
Isaiah just enjoyed everything around him currently, he found himself smiling at Kylie easily, spending his moments in this room acting overly dramatic and having a good time. He was therefore exceedingly pleased when she agreed to a dance with him. It filled him with a clear excitement, and he didn't even pause to wonder about how her term had been so far. The Ravenclaw prefect knew that he would hate to have to transfer schools, he hated the idea of trying to make new friends even more so because of the fact that this was a completely different country for her. The Ravenclaw pushed aside such thoughts thinking this not the time to be worrying about such things and rather this was a night to have fun, to be free and able to relax. He knew his suit hardly enabled him to relax but it was always nice to have that idea surround this evening.

Isaiah took her hand lightly in his and led her out to the dance floor, he wasn't sure how much she would enjoy his dancing but he definitely intended to have fun, and so to him that just meant a lot of bouncing up and down, a lot of smiling but not much rhythm or proper dancing. The teen found a spot and just laughed lightly, "Ms. Ortiz, I must apologise now, I can not actually dance, or well, this is my dancing," he gave a bunch of erratic dance moves which moved somewhat with the music but they were pretty bad, "I can waltz but this music is hardly waltzing music," the boy shrugged but he didn't care that he couldn't really dance and rather than doing anything else it standing awkwardly he just began to Bob to the music, close to jumping up and down although the stopping himself from actually doing so.
As they navigated their way through the dance floor to a spot they could dance, Kylie caught the eye of a friend she had made here and waved before she turned back to Isaiah as they faced one another. Just as she was to dance with him he stopped her and for a second she was confused until he told her his hiccup with the situation was. While she was a pretty non-judgemental person and didn't comment on most things Kylie couldn't help but giggle at Isaiah, even if she really didn't mean too. Her eyes were wide in complete amusement. Some people had no rhythm to save their soul. While she was hardly a professional or had even taken dance classes before because apparently one class of toddler ballet didn't count she was able to do most steps with a certain amount of confidence as she and her friends had all danced together listening to muggle music, some Latin and some American. The girl had even wanted to once take part in Carnival after attending in Rio. As she started to dance, looking a lot less erratic and frankly a lot better than Isaiah she said to make him feel a bit better, "I've never once waltzed." She then took his hands and slowed her dancing up a little and guided him by moving to the beat simply, hoping he'd follow along for his own benefit because she didn't know one girl who could ever have a partner that was tragic on the dance floor. It just implied certain things. "From this you can deviate to doing anything," she told him before saying with a tone that implied she wasn't making fun of him, "Except maybe what you were doing before. Scrap that." With a smile on her face, the Ravenclaw girl let Isaiah's hands free and danced with him, observing hopefully at the same time. While she didn't know the song she found herself enjoying it a lot and started to be a bit more free with her motions because movement and music were infectious.
Isaiah smiled at Kylie who didn't seem too phased by the fact that Isaiah was a pretty awful dancer and he was a little surprised that she didn't waltz but he was hardly one to comment on such a thing, the teen was sure that there were dances she knew that he had no clue about what so ever so Isaiah knew he couldn't really comment on such a thing, and just allowed her to take his hands and guide him in dancing, she was clearly better at it than he was, she had far more rhythm than he did, and she knew what she was doing but he allowed herself to follow the beat of what was being done by her, using her touch to guide him, to move him like he was supposed to and he just followed along as much as he could. At her comment about his dancing Isaiah just laughed, "That dancing has served me well all these years, I won't abandon it so hastily," he told her with mock outrage over what she was saying, "But I'll admit, this seems less dangerous," the boy told her with a smile, "And should a slow song come on, I'll be sure to show you how to waltz, gotta repay this favour," he told her with a grin on his face, he was having fun, and he was glad he'd run into Kylie. It was far more favourable to run into her than some others, and dancing with her was something he was sure was making other jealous, "You do look incredible, how would you say that in Portuguese?" the boy asked curious of how it would be said.
Kylie grinned at her dancing partner, finding herself laughing and smiling much more than she would have at a school formal in Brazil. She genuinely was enjoying herself here. "This sounds fair," she said as he offered to show her to waltz in turn for her very basic dancing instructions. Although she had never waltzed before she was rather light on her feet so she was hopeful but mostly she was just happy to have run into Isaiah. Her cheeks grew hot at his next question and an embarrassed smile found it's way onto her lips. She hadn't expected any flirting although she didn't mind to much, really. No he was very cute and funny so instead of brushing it off she said first, "Você é tão encantador." This was not what he had asked her to say though. Instead she had told him that he was a charmer because he was. Then she added, to show him how he would say it in Portuguese, "Você está incrível." She really didn't know how to respond by his backhanded compliment except by being flustered by Isaiah, something she didn't expect to be after she had seen him dress like a ballerina during Halloween but here she was.
Isaiah smiled almost gleefully when she said that it sounded fair he definitely intended to be able to show her how to waltz when the moment arose and was more happy to continue following her lead as she showed him how to dance, he listened to her portuguese and then tried to repeat what she'd said although it was pretty bad and so he tried again, repeating the words three times before just laughing hard and shaking his head, "I'm sorry," he said with a hearty laugh and shaking his head, "That was awful, I can almost here my old primary school languages teacher yelling at me from here," he joked lightly, "The flower pretty," he said in exceedingly broken accented German, clearly attempting to say what he'd already said in english. Isaiah had always been pretty terrible at languages in school, and while it had been German that he studied, it certainly didn't mean that he was good at speaking Portuguese, languages had always been his weakest subject in school. The prefect couldn't help but just smile at her, and finally as one song finished and gave way to a far slower song, and it took Isaiah just a small moment before he figured he could probably teach the waltz now, "Ms. Ortiz, a waltz," he let go of her hand and then bowed dramatically before guiding her hands to be where they needed to be, while he himself kept his hand on her waist and a smile appeared on her face, "Just follow my lead," Isaiah smiled, "And please, don't be better than me, all my ballerina training from Halloween will have gone to waste if you are," Isaiah was very clearly joking, and he hoped she would just find it funny, he wanted them both to just have a good time.
Kylie chewed on her bottom lip to keep herself from smiling too big as he tried to repeat her and she could've hugged him, Isaiah was simply too sweet. "It was better than you think," the girl promised although she laughed with him as he said that his languages teacher would be mad at him because whenever she had to switch between languages to find a word she felt the same but her languages teacher was actually just her parents and her environment. As he spoke in German she had no clue what he said but because she could only assume it was nice she leaned in to kiss his cheek as a thank you and shortly following this the song ended and in a vast change of pace it was a rather slow dance so it seemed they would be exchanging dance lessons here so Kylie smiled and curtsied shallowly before he directed her and then started to lead. She looked down at their feet nervously, not wanting to step on his toes, but looked up and smiled again at his joke. "I promise I won't," she answered, smiling. "Did you take classes for this?" Kylie didn't realize that many boys took classes to learn how to waltz, never mind most dancing. She did know though that many people had their children learn to improve their abilities in other sports and perhaps he learned to improve his Quidditch or maybe just to be pressed closely with a girl - which was equally as clever.
Isaiah laughed lightly at her statement, saying it was better than he thought, though Isaiah had to just assume she was just being kind to him, since he was sure he had truly butchered was truly sounded like a beautiful language. The teen spoke the few words of german not at all remembering what they meant really but hoping they were a compliment, and he didn't know if Kylie perhaps knew German and the kiss to his cheek gave no indication of the sort either, and instead his cheeks flushed a slightly red colour but there wasn't enough time to linger on it as the song changed and he was very glad that he would be able to show her something more than his erratic moves and after she had been helping him dance to the songs previously which he was sure he'd butchered as much as the language. Isaiah smiled at the question, "My mum taught me," he replied, it wasn't the entire story and though he would be honest with her if she asked further questions, he opted to just not continue talking about it since he hardly wanted to bring down the evening. Instead he just smiled at her, guiding as much as he could through the motions, and twirled her under his arm, somewhat glad for the quidditch player endurance, "I was Australia's number one ballroom dancer can you tell?" he asked her as he lightly guided her into a small dip, "I had to give it up because I was just so good,"
They moved easily together despite Kylie's nerves and smiled at he told her that he was taught by his mother. She thought that was a lovely thing and smiled to show it and kept a genuine smile on as she felt him whisk her around gently through the movements. She felt wonderfully dizzy doing this and wondered why she had never danced like this before. She didn't mind feeling his strong and comfortable hold on her too much either. As Isaiah dipped her, their gaze met and for a moment she felt as if she was in a romantic movie where the two muggle dancers fell in love at the end of a very cliche movie. The girl smiled and shook her head at the thought, she was clearly getting too lost in the moment to be thinking of something like this. She was glad that he was a better ballroom dancer than a legilimens because that would simply be excruciatingly embarrassing. "That's very... um..." Kylie paused thinking of the word as she returned upright, "generous of you." She was flustered and embarrassed by where her thoughts had gone so she looked down at their feet, trying to make sure she wouldn't step on him which would really just worsen the situation. "Now that your dancing career is over, what do you think you'll go into after Hogwarts?" Kylie asked, stumbling a little on her dress now. "Aggripa's sake," she muttered under her breath as she all but fell into Isaiah's arms. She was grateful of that at least. "It seems my dream of being a ballroom dancer is not to be," the Ravenclaw joked, looking over-dramatically sad before perking up with a grin, as she looked back up at Isaiah, straightening herself again from the fumble.
Isaiah smirked at her as he brought her out of the dip pretending to act all humble at his leaving of the australian ballroom dancing competitions and just continued as the song went out to lead the situation and shrugged at the question he hadn't altogether decided what he was going to do with his life after school and knew he was having to make decisions pretty soon, or at least consider making decisions soon. The prefect had been about to reply when Kylie stumbled and all but feel into his arms and he did what he could to ensure neither of them fell, pretty glad of the quidditch which definitely meant he was capable of holding her steady as she got to her feet and he looked at her with vague concern on his face and just smiled at her joke, "Are you alright?" he asked looking her over trying to see if she was as she stood back up and straightened herself, he obviously didn't want her to get hurt, that wasn't at all what he wanted, "Shall we get drinks?" he asked, "If you are injured I can use my manly quidditch strength to carry you to the tables," he puffed out his chest and put in all the bravado he could into his voice.
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