Open silly little traditions

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Rose Edogawa

daddy's girl🌸asthmatic🌸most like mum🌸panicky
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 11 Inch Whippy Cherry Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
*open after Marga

Rose wasn't really sure she fully understood the spirit of a holiday about magic and witches if they really had magic and she was really a witch, but she supposed that meant she didn't fully understand it either. She quickly brushed her fingers through her hair, leaving it out as she tied the bandana around her head and headed out of the common room. She was going to the feast mostly as a way to try and get used to the large crowds, but that didn't mean she had to like it. She knew this wasn't going to be Eli's scene at all and so she knew he probably wasn't going to be there. That meant she really only had to find Eury and Jonah and so she headed down to where the Hufflepuff common room was and waited outside for her brother and cousin to appear.
Jonah didn't really care what the party was about. Just that there was a party. And he could dress up for it. He didn't really have anything that could be a costume, though. So he just got the most colorful shirt he owned, put it on, and called it a day. Well. Night. He ended up in the Common Room yelling for Eurydice - he wasn't sure if she would have heard - to tell her that he'd meet her outside. He was practically running in his haste and nearly bowled Rose over in the process. He'd managed to stop just in time though. "Ro! Hey! We match!" he said happily. They really didn't.
Eurydice had been excited when she'd heard about the Halloween Costume party. She could dress up and that was just awesome. She probably took an unnecessarily long amount of time to choose what she was going to wear. Her bed was practically full of clothes as she'd taken them all out just to choose what she was going to wear. She'd finally settled on a pink outfit and was putting shoes on when she heard Jonah's yelling. With a sigh, she decided that she should probably hurry up and follow her cousin. She wasn't going to run and mess up her outfit though. By the time she'd gotten out, Jonah and Rose were both waiting for her. "Let's go!" she said before walking and heading to the the Great Hall.
Rose smiled lightly at her cousin and sibling, she wasn't quite sure why she had agreed to this and honestly she would have probably preferred to attend with Kael. She wasn't all that surprised to find out that Eury was excited about the dance since that did seem to be very within her scope, but she wasn't going to burst her cousins bubble. Her cousin barely exited her common room when she sort of rushed passed them to head into the Great Hall and Rose had to run after her to catch up. She didn't say anything, already regretting the thought to come. It was going to have way too many people, back home when there was too many she could always retreat to her room, but here? She didn't think it would be a possibility because her dorm was both too far away but also there would be too many people in her way if she wanted to leave quickly, honestly she wished there was a room closer she could hide in but she doubted it very much.
Jonah laughed as Eurydice rushed out of the Common Room, clearly looking forward to attending the Halloween Feast. He thought he was excited, but his cousin seemed even more so as he and Ro had to run after her. He was actually surprised that Ro was going to go to the party considering the amount of people that was going to be there. It would probably be almost the same as the Sorting Ceremony and that was a lot of people. All three of them weren't very good with people, but Jonah liked going to parties for the food and the atmosphere. He didn't mind being around people, but that didn't necessarily mean he'd interact with them. It didn't take long to reach the Great Hall with Eurydice leading the way and Jonah made sure to take Rose's hand in his in case he needed to remind her that he was with her. "Just tell me if you wanna go and we'll go okay?" he told his sister because while he wanted to attend the party, Rose would always come first.
Eurydice stared in wonder at the Great Hall. The Nightrays weren't really ones for celebrating Halloween so this was definitely a new atmosphere for her. But still, she liked a good party, especially ones that she could dress up for. This was no different. She looked behind her to see her cousins at her tail and she waved for them to come over. "I still don't understand the fascination with pumpkins," she said as she looked around all the pumpkin decorations, and she was pretty sure there would be pumpkin-flavored food and drinks on the tables. It just seemed just a tiny bit too overkill. Besides, wasn't it a little silly to be celebrating a holiday to ward of ghosts in a castle that housed ghosts?
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