Sign In (Pranksters)

Hoshi Icchihara

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Masquerade made her first public appernces in the great hall. She had on her Mischief Day outfit and glittery mask which was charmed so only Hoshi could take it off. It also had a Silencing Charm on it so Hoshi couldn't speak. The glitter did make words whenever she flicked on them though. ((Only powers the mask has)) Masquerade walked up to the Slytherin hour glasses then took out one her stickers. She placed it on the hour glass as a sort of sign in. Masquerade was playing the game. She sent a message though the fake gallions to all the people that where participating in Mischief day to do the same.
Larissa wasn't currently in her halloween costume.
She was wearing a white ruffled top which showed off her thin shoulders, a short black skirt and long black leather boots.
She wanted to hide her identity but wearing heels would be going too far.
Larissa also wore a sparkling silver mask.
She was running fast about the school, placing stickers identical to Hoshi's all over the place.

As Larissa rand silently but speedy enough to cause a slight breeze down the entrance hall, she saw a fellow mishief maker.
Larissa smiled.
She had a feeling that this masked mischief maker was none other than Hoshi Koshiba.
Larissa, though she could speak, did not. She gave Hoshi a small wink.
Ares arrived in his costume for halloween, although it was probably a bit too facy for mischief day. He wore a tuxedo with a mask over his face, he'd finally given in and asked Neita for ideas on what to wear.

As Tuxedo Mask arrived where they had been told to sign it, he stood to the side a little to not make things obvious, it took him a while but he had a wild guess that one of the two girls standing nearby was Hoshi, unsure he gave them both a secretive smile.

Ares looked around and noticed two stickers on the slytherin hourglass, if only Oliver were here to back me up again he thought as he quickly pulled out a small sticker and placed in on the Ravenclaw hourglass.
Hoshi took out a banner and looked at the others. Larissas was sure to be one and the other one was a guy. Ares. Hoshi flicked a piece of her done up, now black, hair at him then took out her wand. She flicked the glitter at the frozen lips of the mask. "Help Me?" The Glitter wrote and she showed them the massive banner. "Happy Mischief Day."
Ares flashed a grin as he saw one of the girls flick her hair at him. 'Hoshi' he realized and gave her a small fond smile, remembering their night in the kitchen.

He read the 'help me' writing on Hoshis mask and he ran over to give her a hand with the banner.
Becca made her way to the entrance hall, trying not to be seen. It would not do for Performer to be spotted at this moment. She wore a ringmaster's outfitt and a mask. She saw a few stickers on the Slytherin and Ravenclaw hourglasses, and put on of her own on the Ravenclaw one. Becca had dyed her hair blue-black for the occasion, she wouldn't be recognised unless she wanted to. She looked at the three others, and gave them a little wave. Becca looked at the banner, a smile on her lips.
Masquerade tossed the banner in ther air and pointed her wand at it. The incantation for the leventation charm appered in the air in front of her mask to say that she had cast it. One corner of the banner started to lift up over the hour glasses.
Ares smiled a goofy smile as he watched Hoshi. He suddenly realized that he was watching her and quickly looked away muttering the incarnation for leviation. He helped Hoshi lift the banner over the hour glasses.

He stared at the banner in frustration, 'how on earth does she do this to me?' he asked himself, puzzled by the way Hoshi made him feel.

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