Sight for sore eyes

Alexander Fields

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Alex had been waiting down the cliffs for about twenty minutes now, seeing as his friend Lily Potter had sent him an owl saying to meet him there, they where really good friends, even thought him and Lily had shared a kiss all that time ago, but it meant mothing to them, it was just something that had happened and they didn't really think about it much these days, well Alex tried not to anyways, even thought it was the best kiss he had ever experienced in his life, which wasn't hard seeing as he had only kissed to girls before Lily and Maddiie. He began to wonder if Lily knew about him being in the Hufflepuff team and whether she had seen him on the day of the match, even though he hadn't played seeing as he had passed out with all the excitement that had been going on.

Alex's eyes wandered over the edge of the cliff looking out at the vast landscape, which the majority of was tree's which would have been there for hundreds of years and only they would know all the things they had seen, it would be good to be able to be a tree and witness every little thing that had gone on in the life span of them, just to know about all the things that happened over the centuries.
Lily had been running late. She felt bad that she hadn't thought to make much time for her friend. Quidditch and a certain friend of hers were occupying all of her time. She sent off an owl to Alex to have him meet up with her up on the cliffs and actually chat for a bit. Then, one thing had lead to another and she was now 20 minutes later than she had planned to be.

Making her way up the cliffs, she saw Alex sitting on a large rock, one that she had been known to relax on herself. Hurrying up to him, she grabbed a seat on the rock. "So sorry I'm late. Been just one thing after another today," she explained with a smirk. "How's things?"
Alex up to see the familiar friendly face of Lily Potter, a person he had met a very long time ago and hadn't spoken to in a while, it was good that they where finally going to catch up again. " Nah, its ok." Alex said with a smile as he stood up to give Lily a hug, it had been so long since he had seen her and every moment he spent with her was great, she was such a good friend to him. " Yeah I've been ok I suppose, Maddiie found out about me kissing you before me and her started dating and she ended up kissing Alex Cullen as pay back, things have been a little hektick Lately." He said with a smile as he gave her a hug and stepped back a little bit. " What about you, how have you been?"
Returning his hug, Lily sat down on the big rock. "What? Oh wow, that is so NOT the same thing! You were not a couple when we kissed." She shook her head in disbelief. "How does Maddiie even think that is okay?" Looking at Alex, she asked, "What are you going to do about it?" This boggled her mind. Maddiie would choose to have revenge for a kiss that happened before they started dating? She ignored the rest of Alex's questions for the time being, focusing on the bigger issue at hand for right now.
Alex sat down on the rock next to lily and looked down for little bit, in complete silence, feeling like he shouldn't say anything, but he looked up at her and looked her in the eye. " I have no flipping Idea, I love her so much, so I can't leave her. I don't know what I would do with out her." Alex said as he looked back down, and a few tears fell, but that was it, he wasn't much of a crier, but when he did it was a few drops at a time. He kind of felt embarresed, but didn't care, Lily was a friend and wouldn't judge him for crying.
Lily listened as Alex spoke, then reached over and put her arm around him. "That makes me happy to hear that. I like the fact that you are not wanting to leave her over this. Have you talked to her about it yet?" She noticed a few tears fall, but chose not to mention it. She was used to tears, most of it was on her part, but still, she had broken down enough in front of others that she was the last to judge another.
" I haven't really been able to do it yet, every time I get near her I feel bad." Alex said, telling the truth every time he spoke to her or got close to her he felt like breaking down, because he felt violated, by the one he loved the most in the world. he looked back up wiping his eyes. " Well anyways enough about me, how are you doing?" He asked putting on a false smile.
"I'm sorry, Alex, I really am," Lily replied. "I have never been in your position, but I have been in Maddiie's. The reason Blake and I broke up was that I kissed another guy. It wasn't a smart move on my part. I am the first to admit that. From that side of the issue, no matter how hard it is, you need to talk to her. If you want, I would be willing to be there with you, help you make it through." She gave her friend a squeeze, then wrapped her arms around her legs as she pulled them to her chest.

"Well, my life has been more drama than ever," Lily added with a laugh. "I am sure you saw the wonderful fight on Halloween." She couldn't help but roll her eyes. "I have now had more detentions in one term than I have had in seven years at this school."
" Yeah I saw the fight, I was going to jump into it, but Maddiie dragged me away." He said smiling, there was some good times that night, all the dancing that was done, all the costumes. " was it your Ex-boyfriend that got bashed? Or someone else?" He asked, thinking whether he should have jumped in, but it was smart that he didn't because he might have hurt the kid a little bit to much, if he would have involved himself.
"Well," Lily started, "It was probably good Maddiie kept you out of it. We all got detentions from it. The two that were taken off to the hospital wing unconscious were my ex, Blake, and my best friend, Sumner. Blake was pissed that I was dancing with Sumner and I guess that was his last straw. He started yelling at me, calling me names. Things just exploded from there." She rested her chin on her knees, staring out over the space in front of her. "A few of the other guys jumped in because Blake went down first." Turning to look at Alex, she asked, "What did you end up wearing? I appologize that I never got to go see what you and Maddiie wore."
" Well I should of just kicked his ass and walked off." Alex said with a smile on his face, he hated people being mean to his friends especially the ones that meant a lot to him, which was good on his part, but would they do the same for him, if it where reverse. " Maddiie and I went as Prince Charming and Cinderella. It was great, a bit tight though, really hard to walk." He said with a smile on his face.
Lily laughed. She was glad she had friends that were willing to stick up for her. "Aww. You two must have looked adorable! I hope you had fun despite the fight." She decided to change the topic from the Halloween fiasco. "So, how are your classes going?"
" I haven't really been going to classes." Alex confessed rather glad Lily had changed the subject away from him and Maddiie for a moment, it was still a tender subject to rbing up and it still hurt even though it happened a month ago today. " how have your classes been?"
Lily felt her jaw drop as Alex confessed about classes. "What? Alex. That is not good at all. You have to go or you won't pass your NEWTs." She had a feeling it had to do with Maddiie, but didn't want to bring that back up. "Besides, you can't miss Charms right now. We are working on the Patronus charm." She smiled, knowing that in the next day or so she would be actually casting the spell and had hopes she would be able to find out what form hers was going to take.
' I Know we are, I know I would be able to do it if I practiced enough for it, it's just I haven't really felt up to it, I can't be around Maddiie at the moment after what had happened, with her and Alex Cullen." Alex confessed, thinking about how HUfflepuff beat Ravenclaw. " So yeah what happened to HUfflepuff getting beaten the other day." He said with a smile, he wondered if she knew he was on the team.
Lily's eyes turned hard at the mention of the loss. "Yeah. Hufflepuff got flipping lucky. Only reason y'all won was cause your seeker got the jump on our seeker." She was still pissed that the babypuff got ahead of Brian in the race for the snitch. "We were kicking your teams butt until then." She then turned to look back at Alex. "And what happened to needing to learn how to play the game, Mr. I pass out at the start of the game." Lily nudged him with her elbow and stuck her tongue out at him. She decided to not take the loss out on her friend, since he never actually got to play in the game.
" It was just everyone cheering and I couldn't cope with all the people, apparently I'm one of the best chasers on the team, I didn't even know. After I saw you last I headed down there and I made the team." He said with a smile, he loved the Idea of having competing with his friends on the team, and he knew half the team as well, but some he didn't quite like. Especially Alex Cullen....
"Just as long as you stay awake for the Slytherin game. They play nasty," Lily said seriously, her thoughts on Henric. He was a good player, but he was a nasty player as well, trying to make most of his attacks look like accidents. "Plus, they will be out for blood since they lost to Gryffindor."
Alex smiled at the thought of there might be physical run ins, in the Slytherin, Hufflepuff game. It made him think, he could possible get away with knocking out some of the idiots that think there better then everyone else. " Ill try my best, but I doubt he will attack me. Ill head butt the idiot, if he tries anything." Alex said with a smile.
"Be careful, the referee is usually all over the physical stuff. Since they changed to a specfic referee instead of just a professor, the teams have been getting away with less of the crap. Its kind of nice," Lily said. "I hear that Lee has metal backed gloves this year. Oh, and he likes to brake in front of you. Just as a heads up."
Alex couldn't help but laugh. " He will be the first guy I have ever came across that like stopping right in front of guys then, If you catch my drift. Ill steer well clear of him then." He said still laughing, it was funny how someone could make them selves scary and have people avoid them, but usually when someone comes up and calls them out they turn to crap. " Who was the unlucky bigger who found out he had a metal back on his glove?"
"I saw him use them on Kiera at the game. He really is the only one to watch out for. The others play pretty clean." Lily felt her irritation level creeping up with the quidditch talk. She was highly competitive and the loss was still not sitting with her. "So, did you get out and go to town this past weekend?"
" Nah I just stayed in my dorm, nothing much to do out. I knew I would have been bored as hell." Alex said with a smile, he loved beng alone sometimes, it made him think about everything that had been going on, but having people around was also something that made him happy. " So what about you did you go into town?"
"Yeah, I went with Sumner to the mall and did some shopping. We checked out the new club too. It was really fun," Lily responded, a smile on her face. "I picked up a few things for Christmas presents. I need to finish up my shopping over in Obsidian though, but I will do that when I head to my place for the holidays." She was still trying to figure out what to get for some of her list, and how to get to the closest muggle town for some shopping also.
" Yeah I haven't even thought about that yet aye?" Alex said as he began to think what he was buying for his new friends for Christmas, or even if he was getting anything for Christmas. " Actually what do you want for Christmas, I'm hopeless at thinking of presents?" He asked hoping she wouldn't say she wanted nothing, he didn't want her to miss out on getting something.

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