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Diana Hollis

Sneaky | Asst. Gossip Columnist | 2052 graduate 💋
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Delaney)
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Fairy Wing Core
10/2033 (28)
Diana had really looked forward to this night. She still couldn't quite believe Simon Vanity had asked her to the yule ball. Of course, she wasn't going to show that she couldn't quite believe it. She would stand by his side in full confidence, as if she didn't think she had gotten quite lucky with such a handsome older boy. Pleased with the situation, Diana had her arm linked with Simon as they stepped into the great hall. The decor was very similar to what it usually was, the same snow drifting down. Diana looked up at the snow, then looked at Simon with a slight smirk. "I wonder if they'll ever get tired of this snow spell." She told him with a roll of her eyes. It was summer, so while she didn't mind the snow entirely, it did seem odd that it happened each year. But she supposed whoever was in charge of the decorations was used to a wintery Christmas. "Shall we dance?" She asked her date, smiling. She was eager to be seen with him on the dance floor.
Simon had dressed well in his opinion, a proper suit, good colours, better fit. It was all to impress and for Charlotte to know and see him doing so well, as well as of course because he was very much looking forward to spending the time with Diana. He had to dress well for her too, knowing that she’d expect no less from him. Simon saw her and greeted her warmly, with a little kiss on the lips and offered up his arm to her. The part veela thought Diana looked incredible, far prettier than the other girls in the hall currently. He looked at her with a light smirk on his features and then to the snow that she was talking about with a little chuckle, ”Almost makes me forget that it’s summer,” he said in agreement. At the offer to dance he nodded at her and let himself lead her to the dance floor, being sure to take control of the situation and knew that he needed to show her a good time, that it was vital that this go well with her. He knew it would be easy with Diana - there just wouldn’t be any of the drama and he already knew that she liked him, was open about it too. He broke away from her arm and held out a hand to her instead, waiting for express permission from her before he took both her hand and her waist and danced with her. He couldn’t help the little smirk on his features or how he glanced down to look at her lips occasionally. This would be a good night.
Diana smiled as Simon agreed with her about the snow, it was nice that he was going along with her, and definitely a good sign. Simon had made it fairly clear that he liked her, and had even asked her to the ball, but she still wanted to be sure. She wasn't going to let him hurt her like Edmund had, so she was wary .She grinned as he agreed to dance with her, and let him lead her to the dance floor. While she liked being in control most of the time, she quite enjoyed that Simon was taking initiative in this situation. She smiled as she took his hand, then blushed a bit as he placed one hand on her waist as they started to dance. She looked up at him, her smile widening when he noticed him looking at her lips. She leaned up a bit. "If you want to kiss me, you can." She said softly, though she didn't close the distance herself.
Simon smiled when she gave him the permission he needed to place his hand lightly upon her waist and hold her close so that they could dance together. He smirked at her words, ”Oh can I?” he returned, noting that she hadn’t moved into him, but he was more than happy to make that first move with her this evening. He leaned in and let his lips get close to herself, brushing the smallest of kisses to them, but letting his gaze stay firmly upon hers and neither going in for a longer kiss or pulling away from her. He let a little smile grace his features, ”Gotta take it slow, we’ve got a whole night in front of us,” the part-veela spoke softly, keeping his face close to her and placing a second, light kiss to her lips, it was perhaps fractionally more than the last one he had pressed to her lips but he was lightly teasing, he wouldn’t like wait the whole night to kiss her properly, but he like the light teasing that they could do like this, it was nice. It was just fun.
Diana placed her hands on Simon's shoulders as they danced, keeping her gaze on him. She smiled a little when he teased her a bit about her giving permission to kiss him, and felt a surge of triumph as he leaned in to kiss her. Though it quickly turned out he wasn't actually going to kiss her the way she wanted to. It was light and teasing, as was his second kiss, but Diana wasn't annoyed. His words implied there was more to come, and she was happy to see where the night would take them. "If you say so." She said softly, tightening her grip on his shoulders slightly. "I'll try not to be impatient, then." She grinned. "Let's dance a little more, show everyone how it's done." She had no doubt that they were the most beautiful couple on the dance floor right now. She hoped that Charlotte girl was watching, and seething.
Simon smirked at her when she seemed a little to get what he meant with the kissing and he pulled away a little. He would happily kiss her, and kiss her constantly. But there was more at stake here than just the two of them kissing. He wanted to make sure they had a good time and they couldn’t just kiss the entire time. So he nodded in agreement, they could dance more, he held her a little closer to him, swaying in time for the music, letting one hand move to be a more on her back than on her waist. He smiled easily the part-veela found himself briefly looking about the room, hoping that Charlotte saw him and saw this, saw how little he needed her. Saw how he could move on. He couldn’t spot her in the room, but he wasn’t looking too seriously, the part-veela’s attention remained firmly back on Diana and kept a good smile on his features. ”You do look beautiful, I was right at the halloween feast everyone is looking at you,” he could figure the part-veela in him would draw in some attention but they were for her not for him.
Diana was enjoying herself and enjoying the teasing and back and forth with Simon a lot. It felt much more mature than what had been between her and Edmund, and she found it easy to forget all about him in this moment. She didn't even care that he was probably with Analei. She could have him, as far as she was concerned. She was very aware of his hand moving to her back, but she didn't mind. Simon glanced around, and she wondered for a short moment who he was looking for, but then his attention was back on her and she didn't much care. She smiled at his compliment, a small blush on her cheeks. He was really charming her, as much as she was trying to keep herself guarded. "Looking at us both, I'd say." She said softly, her heart pounding a bit faster. A small part of her was frustrated with herself for being so dazzled by him, but she couldn't help it. This was what a date should be like, and it was rather close to what she had always imagined when she thought about dancing with boys at the ball. It was hard not to be swept away by him, and she felt herself moving slightly closer to him as they danced.
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