Shouldn't've Done that

Ashton Valley

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Springy Black Ash Twist Wand 13" with Meteorite Dust
Ashton walked down Bleak street, Drunk as ever with someone following him. Lets just say it wasn't one of his best nights. The Brunette held his wand in his hand and stumbeled as he casually escaped the one who was following him. He tripped slightly and fell into some crates and that got quite a Few Dark wizards attention, he was certain they could smell the half blood on him, and he couldn't even remember why he was down here in the first place, he had just finished a concert and he apparated back home but somehow apparated in the upstairs of someones office and got chased out still with a rather large bottle of straight Vodka in his hand.
Ashton wasn't usually a guy to end up like this, he kept his composure, but tonight he had let himself go. Ashton flicked his wand over his shoulder when someone approached him and they were knocked backwards slightly, That probably wasn't a good Idea but he did it anyway.

The Young Wizard definetly regretted doing what he just did because a power force hit him from behind which sent him sprawling into a bunch of wooden crates. 'You Bastard' he said as he got up brushing wooden splinters from his leather Jacket. He turned around and saw a Woman standing at him he pouted slightly '***** then, Allthough, if i say sorry can i take you home with me' he said and let out a small chuckle, his Answer was a wand pointed at him and he flicked his lazily deflecting the spell. 'Fine i'll be on my way then' he said as he trotted off but was hit by another blast in the back 'Okay Fine, My House then' he said as he turned around and saw more people. 'Huh...' he said as he took another swig of his vodka which exploded in his hand 'That's not Very nice' he said as he lurched forward and managed to hit a good solid punch to one of the guys Jaws but was quickly pushed into a wall.
The Boy Grimiced and Stood up with his arms ready to swing another, He lunged at one Guy kneeing him in the Stomach before he was hit in the jaw. 'Bloody hell' he said as he put his hand on his jaw to check as if it was still there. 'Lets Dance big Boy' he grinned.
Kida was sitting in her Office in the Ministry When she felt as if she was hit in the Gut Hard, She winced and put her hand on her slow growing stomach. Kida took off her Glasses and put them down on the papers infront of her raising an eyebrow she had never felt like this before. Kida dug her nails into the solid wood of her Desk and cringed, she could feel pain but it wasn't her pain.
Kida got up and took her hair out and looked around, she felt as if she needed to Contact Ashton right away but didn't know why.
Kida put her hand on her stomach Again and gasped in sudden Pain, the Child wasn't old enough to move yet, and she was certain that it wasn't the child causing this Pain. Kida quickly ran out of her Office and down into the Main Area of the Ministry and ran into the Floo Network thinking of a place to Transport to.

Looking around she knew she had made it near the Problem, the pain grew more before it lessened She walked down the dark street, she normally liked hanging out here but not in her current state. Kida saw Ashton get punched in the jaw and she winced, she moved back slightly and hid beihind a wall and peered around. 'Ash, Please help me' she thought not wanting to confront this herself, but knowing Ash he might be at her house setting up the Nursery a bit more. For a split second she wished that Remus was here but she knew that that wouldn't happen, she hoped it could.

Kida walked out from behind the wall and drew her wand from her wrist brace. 'Oi' She called out as she flicked her wand and sent one flying into a wall 'Leave my Brother alone' she hissed as she flicked her wand again sending another one of the Figures in the other direction, she faced the woman who looked about ready to kick her when she noticed the baby bump. Kida snarled as she advanced towards the woman, She would have to fight her if the Woman attacked and that would not be good for the Baby. Kida got her wand ready to either put it away to use physical or to cast a spell she was ready.
Ashton avoided a few punches but got one squard in the face and a heel in the foot which hurt like hell, He winced slightly and punched one of the guys which knocked the Girl, Ashton would never hit a girl, Disarm, Hex, jinx but not hit.
The Brunette 'Danced' with the Members before he heard someone show up, he lost focus and got a solid punch to the face which made him reel back 'Why the Face, C'mon Guys i have other parts of my bo..' before he could finish his sentance the woman kneed him in the stomach and he leaned over '...Dy' he finished slightly winded.

Ashton looked up and heard a voice he was a bit shaken in the head but he saw two of the members get shot off in different directions and then the Woman Remained, He tried to Regain his composure before the other guys did.
The Young Man got up and took a deep breath and stretched his arms, the other men were a bit Dazed and Confused which was lucky for him. Ashton's vision cleared and he saw a famliar shape and he stumbeled forward. 'Kida No' he said as he quickly ran infront of her making sure the Woman didn't get her in the Stomach 'Kida Leave please i'll let them kill me before they hurt you' he said as he tried to usher her away but kept his focus on the woman infront of him 'Please think of your Daughter' Ashton looked back at the woman just in time to be punched in the face and dragged away by one of the guys 'We just went through this guys, i have more space on my body to be punched, quit picking on the face' he huffed still being funny at a time like this.

Ashton saw the ground rush towards him and he braced himself for impact he was glad the ground din't hurt that much but the kick to the ribs was pretty bad. Ashton Groaned.
Kida Saw Ashton get distracted with her appearence and get hit rather hard, she winced herself bu was focusing on the task at hand. Kida saw the woman come in to hit her and she blocked and used the woman's hit to knock her off her feet. Kida took a step back to be out of the line of fire which were Her feet or hands knocking her over which wouldn't be good, the Woman got up and went after her again and Kida managed to dodge quite a few hits before she got punched in the face and shoved backwards. Kida sent a goot solid hits the womans way before Ashton stood between them.
'I'm not Leaving without you, i can fight heaps better then you even being pregnant' she huffed as she tried to grab his arm to drag him away with her but before she had a chance he was hit again and dragged away 'No!' she screamed as she went to go help him but was pulled back by the other man and held back. Kida was stuck, she knew that she couldn't kick back because she could land on her stomach, she tried to pull away but was tripped so that she was on the ground.

'Let go of me you rat Bastard' she Cursed as she tried to pull free, she saw Ashton get kicked in the ribs and winced again.
Atelic could smell the stench of Half Blood in Bleak Street, he had come here to Visit his neice Adira and got sidetracked, he called in two close friends to help him get rid of the infestation.
The Old Dark Wizard cournered the Man and set about using the old way of just fists since it was a disgrace to see him touch a wand.
Atelic Smelt a worse smell appear while attacking the boy, Pure MudBlood had arrive, and he thought it was to protect the boy, He smiled to himself Torture and pain.

Atelic felt himself being blown away into a wall and it didn't take him long to recover, he hung back waiting for his friend to Recover when he noticed the Mudblood was Pregnant, he hissed slightly, he would never kill a child no matter what, even if it was a Mudblood's child. He saw his compainon come out of his daze and he grinned at him and mouthed for him to get the man while he got the girl.

Atelic used the Shadows to make his way near the girl, his white eyes shining in the deep shadows. Atelic watched the Man Grab the boy and pull him away and he grabbed the Girls Arms and held them behind her, pushing her in the back of her knee's to get her onto the ground.
Atelic drew his wand and held the girls hands strongly in one of his, Flicking his wand a rope appeared and bound the girls arms together behind her back. He put his hand on her shoulders and whispered in her ear 'How about i make a deal with you Mudblood, you can sit here silently and we won't kill you' he said his spanish voice obvoius. He smiled and heard her curse at him, he cringed and flicked his wand again and another rope tied around the Girls throat and linked up to gagging her so no matter how hard she moved if she did it would choke her. 'I'm Glad you Agree' he said as he sat her up against a few crates and flicked his wand again tieing her feet together so she couldn't run. He smiled and made his way over to the Half Blood.

Atelic smiled as he grabbed the boys face and stood on his wand snapping it in two. 'You shouldn't have that you filthy Half Blood' he hissed as he punched him square in the face and he was almost certain he heard something crack. 'So Since i'm a Decent Man i'm not going to kill your Pure Mudblood Sister, She is Pregnant after all, i'm going to make her watch while i torture you' he said as he grabbed his wand and pointed it at his throat 'Don't bother asking why, you know its because its you're a filthy Half Blood and you're in our teritory' he added.
Atelic looked at the boy 'Whats your name boy?' he asked as he dug the wand into the boys throat 'Oh what does it matter ' he said smiling darkly.
Atelic signaled for the other man to go hold the girl back from being able to get away even though he was certain she wouldn't be able to you never know. He saw the man crouch down behind he girl and Grab her by the shoulders and stroke her hair, he had to admit she was a pretty thing, but she was a Mudblood.
Atelic looked at the boy his white eyes sparkeling 'And you better not scream boy or else the rope on her neck will tighten, Like i said, i won't kill her but i can make her pass out a few times, take her away from her loved ones... All that other Bish Bosh and now where was i.. Oh yes... Crucio'.
The night was late, and Ash trudged up the steps to his home in New Zealand. He now lived with Kida, and he wasnt that bothered by it, but he sometimes missed the luxury of his old place. Throwing his jacket on the rack and walked through the house, trying to find everyone. Frowning slightly when he couldnt find anyone, he pulled his phone out of his pocket. And that was when he felt it. Raising his hand, he looked as his engagement ring glowed, and a light tingle went up his arm. Little had Kida known, but Ash had placed alot of spells over their rings, so that whenever Kida was in danger, Ash would sense it, and be able to apparate to her exact location. Spinning on the spot, he drew his wand as he felt his lungs close in on themselves. Appearing with a silent pop, he assessed the situation in split seconds. Anger welled up in him as he viewed the scene in front of him. "You know, we muggleborns may not be a 'pure' as you pieces of sh*t, but we sure as well know how to fight like you!" he yelled, his anger hitting boiling point. "Inpendimenta!" he screamed, and watched as the spell flew at the Death Eaters chest, faster than was avoidable. How dare someone touch his brother. How dare someone put Kida in danger. They were going to pay...
Kida saw The Man attack Ashton and she winced trying to be quiet as she watched her half brother in pain, she wanted to help him but she couldn't get to her wand and she was stuck with a guy over her, she felt the guy above her brush her hair and she wanted to pull away but she just let it happen, she tried to figure away out of her bonds but she couldn't and she knew she couldn't they were fastened by Magic, even though she knew she could if they were normal bonds she certainly couldn't now.

Kida saw Ash arrive and she cursed herself for wishing he'd come to help, she didn't expect things to get this bad, she managed to get the rope out of her mouth and call to him 'Ash! No don't! go back home please... Please Ash!' she strained her voice getting softer as the rope around her neck tightened, She winced and saw that he had his wand and she knew that it was a bad Idea 'Ash! No Don...' her voice was cut off by a man putting his hand over her mouth she felt a wand pressed against her neck and she shut her eyes and slowed her breathing down.
Kida watched with hopeless eyes as Ash attacked the Man and while Ashton writed with Pain, she winced.
Ashton saw the man go over to Kida and he went to scramble over to her but before he could he was hit with the cruciatus curse and he clamped his jaw shut and writed with pain, He hasn't been cursed like this before but hey he didn't plan to be cursed like this again. He felt as if ripping himself apart limb from limb would be much better then going through this pain.
Ashton heard someone appear and the pain stopped as the mans attention was diverted, he tooks some big breaths and knew whe was Way to drunk for this. The Young Wizard looked at Ash 'Go' he mouthed as he put his forehead on the ground and tried to catch his breath.
Atelic heard another man appear and instantly cut off the curse from the Half Blood infront of him, 'Another Mud Blood how Curious' he said almost to himself as he turned around and deflected the spell easily, his ghost white eyes making him seem like he was blind but he wasn't. He Grinned as the other two pleaded for him to leave 'Should Listen to your friends' he said ignoring the boys comment on Mudbloods being purer then he was. He laughed and flicked his head in a direction for his accomplace, The Man secured the rope back in the girls mouth and picked her up and pulled her away, holding her so she couldn't thrash even though it would be hard with hands and feet tied, he grinned as he melted into the Shadows.
The Woman who was with them was standing guard but wouldn't dare help unless requested.

Atelic sent a flurry of attacks towards the boy his wand moving a blur as he murmered the spells under his breath, the attacks rolled through as his grin didn't fade, the Wizard was fast, after all he had a Twin brother who he used to hex all the time plus quadruplet newphews who he had quite a bit of fun seeing how much they could defend untill he got through. 'So Boy, You're a Pure Mud Blood, I'm Guessing those two are related and how are you tied in hmm' he said using some wordless spells as he talked but then swapped back to murmering some spells.
Ash glared at the man, and watched as his soon to be brother-in-law and fiance were dragged away. Hatred brewed out of him, and his squeezed his wand in anticipation. He wanted blood. For years he had locked the magical side of him away, and now as he stood there, he felt it all roll back into him. His mind racing, he thought up strategies in his mind as he viewed his surroundings for the first time. He needed to get to Kida, and quick. Moving to the right, he shot off a stunning spell, and then quickly spun and flicked his wand, silently casting a spell. "Sectumsempra!" he thought, and watched as the deadly curse flew at the man. There was no way to anticipate the invisible spell. Ash didnt care if he killed the man. He would kill countless more to protect Kida.
Kida felt the other man pick her up and pull her away from the scene, she wanted to scream but she couldn't. Kida tried to calm down for her childs sake but it was rather hard, she tried to pull away but it was hard, Strong hands gripped her shoulder and she couldn't see Ash, she quickly thought and managed to slip her feet out of her leg ties and swung her leg backwards kicking the guy in the shin making him losen his grip on her slightly, she quickly ran for it, she pulled the rope from around her neck and mouth away and tossed it on the ground before attempting wriggeling her way out of her wrist bonds, Kida ran out of the Shadows and saw Ash and the man dueling, quickly she pulled her arms over her head dislocating her shoulders slightly and bringing her hands infront of her, she winced slightly but got over the pain. Kida couldn't get her wrist bonds untied and she quickly turned her direction to Ashton who was still on the ground, she pushed him onto his back and put her ear to his chest, his heart beat was faint and his breathing was soft, she nudged him slightly 'C'mon Ashton' she said as she tapped him in the face slightly trying to bring him to his senses.

Kida looked over her shoulder at Ash and then back to Ashton.
Ashton winced he felt dead, the Alcohol was making his sluggish now and the pain was exploding from inside his body, he guessed he had a few broken ribs and cuts in a few places and possibley another broken bone.. somewhere. Ashton was close to fading when someone rolled him over, her grunted and felt the taps on his face and winced, her lazily sat up and saw Ash and the Dark Wizard attacking each other he grunted some more and went to get up to help Ash when he saw someone behind Kida, he pulled Kida down and pulled out his wand 'Bugger off you ****' he said and flicked his wand sending the other guy far away.
Ashton smiled at Kida and struggeled to get up but kept on falling back.
'Bloody hell' he winced.
Atelic laughed when he noticed the boys rage filling 'Hmm so the Girl means something to you' he said as he easily deflected the attack the boy shot at him 'Really Boy, come come now, you know theres no use' he smiled and quickly apparated to appear behind the boy and grabed him in a solid lock digging his wand into the boys neck. 'So, Ash is it? How about you waddle back to your pathetic Mud Blood home while i finish my fun on your little friends hm?' he said his spanish accent showing through strongly 'After all, I was almost finished and i wasn't going to hurt your girl, she was just going to watch, i am a decent man after all' he laughed as he dug the wand in deeper hitting a pressure point in the neck nicely.

The Dark Wizard smiled and heard his partner hit something and saw the girl tending the boy 'So down here we have Ashton i believe one of you said but i'm not sure what the Girls name is, Whats your Name Lovely' he smiled darkly as he pushed the wand in deeper wondering if it would actually puncture the skin. 'Not going to tell me? okay then' he said as he dug the wand in a tiny bit more 'Whats her name boy' he asked Ash.
Ash rolled his eyes as the man spoke again. He was really starting to get pissed off now. "Do you ever shut up? Or do you just like the sound of your own voice?" he said, his rage clear in his voice. The sudden apparation was unexpected, but as Ash felt the wand dig into his back, a plan suddenly formed in his head. "Her name, would be none of your business." he said, and threw his head backwards, feeling it collide with the mans nose, and hearing something break. That gave Ash some satisfaction. Spinning on the spot, Ash raised his wand, and aimed it at the man as blood poured out of his nose. "Stupefy!" he screamed, and grinned as he watch the stunning spell hit the man in the chest, and watch him fly backwards. Ash turned again, and ran for Ashton, felting him up, and then turned to cut the rope from Kida's wrist as he punched one of the mans chronies in the face. He smiled at his fiance, as he made sure Kida was alright. "You guys ready to fight?"
Acwel heard commotion coming from outside his shop and further into the Dark Part of the Alley way, he smiled and walked out of the store, he loved commotion, it usually ment something bad was happening. Acwel smiled deviously and made his way over to see some Boy Breaking his brothers Nose and go to help two other young people. The Dark Wizard took a wiff of the area around him, he could smell Two Mudbloods and a Half Blood, he cringed his nose and walked over to his brother and smiled 'Shouldn't be so Bad, I used to break your bones all the time ey' he said with a very strong Spanish Accent as he tapped him on the back before focusing on the children.
Acwel apparated and appeared in the Shadows behind them, He stood over the Girl and talked to the Two Boys 'Breaking Peoples Noses isn't very nice, he didn't hurt this girl, so why did you break his nose... Hm?' he said darkly as he ran his wand down the girls arm. 'Now Children, since you Broke my brothers nose, i have to break one of you' he leaned closer to the girl and smiled at the boy who was caring for her 'Or apart of you which would destroy both of you' he chuckeled.
Kida smiled when Ash came over to her she was about to Answer him back when someone appeared next to her, she froze, Usually she would be eager to fight but she didn't want to do anything that would harm her unborn child. She felt a wand trace her arm and she closed her eyes wishing that she could do something about it and hoping that Ash wouldn't try to fight him incase he did something.
She heard the Man talking and then mention something about breaking apart of her with would destroy both of them she knew what he was talking about. Kida bit her lip and closed her eyes knowing that fighting back would do her just as worse then him hurting her.
Kida looked at the man, she could see his Bright Green eyes and got lost for a second, she had seen eyes like this before but she couldn't remember where 'Please don't' she said strongly a slight quiver in her voice 'My Brother is Drunk off his face and I only came to get him out of your way, and My Fiance only came to get me out of your way, so really we could just leave' she said. She felt the wand go up her arm, and her breathing quickened slightly. Kida didn't know why she was panicing, she was usually calm in these situation but now she was letting her balance drop and she started to panic. Kida tried to back away from the wand but felt her whole body turn to lead, she tried to find her balance but it was hard, 'Focus Kida focus, its probably the baby freaking out, you can calm down, collect yourself' she thought to herself. Kida felt her face turning very pale and her heart beat rise she took a Deep Breath and tried to calm down.
Ashton felt his world come back to him a bit more and saw Ash above him he grumbeled and managed to sit up now his head exploding with agony 'Man how did you do this every day' he cussed as he rubbed his head. He felt someone behind him but took no notice of he. He Looked at the Man behind them and then saw the same looking man infront of him 'How Did you do that' he asked drunkenly like the man was casting Shadows or something. He chuckeled and looked at Ash 'Your Hair looks so Pretty' he said as he smiled at Ash and went to touch it. He heard the man saying he would break them and he huffed and laughed 'No man you got it wrong, You all ready Broke me' he said as he almost went to lean on the man but he stood up instead 'My Arm is Brokend and My Ribs are Brokend and I'm Bleedy, I am Bleedy Man' he said the Alcohol getting to him worse now 'We're going to go now Bye bye, Mister one and Mister Two' he started hobbeling off in one direction before he ran into some boxes 'Move it Lady' he hissed at the box before he looked back at it 'You're coming home with me, I'm going to Rock your world' he Picked up the Box and pulled it away with him. 'Come on guys hurry up, We will be quiet we promise'
Atelic felt the boy throw his head back and forgot to move and heard his nose break 'I have a Twin brother and 4 nephews and you really thing that a broken nose will hurt me' he was next hit by a stupify and huffed Usually he would have blocked it bu the blood in his eyes was stopping him. He heard a familiar voice and smiled 'I was wondering when you would show up, you never let me have my own fun' he said smiling to the Man who was his Twin brother. 'Go Ahead if you must, Funs over now, the Half Blood Boy is broken'
Atelic leaned against some boxes and watched his brother apparate behind them.
After a while of talking he stood up and looked at the boy walking off, he decided to let him go, He couldn't do much harm he was almost certain a strong gust of wind would knock him off his feet.
Atelic looked at the Girl she seemed to be losing colour, part of him wanted to help, he would never harm an unborn child, but the other half wouldnt interrupt his brother.

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