Shopping in Paris

Brad Kuang

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Brad had been looking around the muggle shops for an hour, he couldn't pick which snowboard he wanted. The shop belong to a kind half blood who was interested in muggle sports. "Sir, how much are these?" He asked as he pointed at the black snowboard and the pink. He remember that he had to buy one for his sister, Vivian knowing that he was the one who broke Vivian's. Brad began to wonder if there was such thing as a charmed snowboard, perhaps something that could make him slide faster? Or in Vivan's case to jump higher? Vivian was great at freestyle snowboarding while Brad, alpine snowboarding. He wasn't a big fan of jumping with high risk and with high possibility of breaking his legs.

Just then Brad spotted a silver board. He pointed the board and asked the shopkeeper to pack it for him, and probably send it to his home or the school if it was allowed. "And this one too please" He said as he pointed at the pink board. Brad then walk to the counter and payed without asking for a discount. He wasn't good at negotiating the price with other people. "Do you think you can send this to Beauxbaton? If not then please send it to this address" He handed the man a paper of the address of his apartment in France. He didn't want him to send it back to China, he wasn't going to snowboard there. Right after he had finished paying, he walk out of the store, getting some fresh air.
Gwen smiled as she stepped out of the fireplace in the Ministry in Paris. She pushed her way through the crowd that was heading to work she made it to the visitors enterance/exit and left the building. Looking around she couldn't remember when the last time she had been to the city. Usually she could just go around her home city, Berlin, for anything she might need. "Ah what a wonderful day!" She said raising her hands above her hand and twirling. Recieving a few odd looks she ignored them and continued down the street, greatful that Paris had a inner Magical city like home.

Stepping around broken glass she made it to the shop she was looking for. Stepping inside she was immersed into muggle sporting goods. A boy her age was walking out when she walked in so she stepped aside for him. Entering the building she quickly found the Jacket she had been searching for. Her father was planning on a sking trip over Christmas break and Gwen needed a new jacket and had decided on one of the new therma jackets, but no where in Berlin had them. Puchasing the jacket within a few minutes she stepped outside looking around, the magical part of the city seemed so much cleaner then the muggle half and Gwen enjoyed it by walking over and sitting on a bench. Criss-crossing her legs she raised her face towards the sun with a smile on her face.
After a while standing and taking a deep breath, a girl then exit the shop that he went to and sat on the bench not too fa from where Brad was standing. He then decided to go back to the school and probably pick his sister up, he didn't want to shop all alone. Even though he was a guy, he loved shopping, he was in fashion and he had a good taste. The street wasn't too crowded and the shops were all open. His eyes started to wander around the street trying to spot one last shop and he would leave that place right after that and find a friend for him to hang out with.

Brad took a few steps forward and felt something beneath his shoes. He then saw a wallet, he wasn't sure whom it belonged to. He then walk toward the lady who passed him and asked if it was hers. But turned out not to be hers. Brad then walk toward the smiling girl on the bench and tapped her shoulder gently. "Excuse me, is this yours?" He asked hoping that it was hers so that he didn't have to put much effort to find the owner of the wallet
Gwen glanced up when she heard a voice infront of her. Opening her eyes it took a moment to register in her mind that it was the boy she passed when she went into the muggle shop earlier. This time she saw him he was holding out her wallet in his hands. Taping her jacket's pocket she realized it was her wallet not just a look alike. "Yeah it is my wallet. Thanks," she said smiling as she took it from the boy. She couldn't believe it had fallen out of her posession, usually she took more care of her wallet. "I'm Gwenneth-Adrie," she said smiling to the boy.
Gladly, the wallet belonged to the girl who was enjoying the day not some crazy lady who would accuse Brad for stealing the wallet. "No problem" He said ready to leave her alone. He didn't want to bother her, but right before he took another step or even turn himself into the other direction, the girl introduced herself as Gwenneth-Adrie. "I'm Brad, Brad Kuang." He said and sat beside her. "I hope you don't mind" He said hoping that she wouldn't mind him sitting beside her. "I've never seen you around before, which school are you currently attending?" He asked, he wasn't sure if this place was only for wizards or not.
Gwen smiled at the boy, it was nice of him to go out of his way to find the owner. "Go ahead," she said scooting over so he had more room to sit at. A cloud passed over the sun so she decided to look over at the boy who had introduced himself. "Durmstrang, though I used to go to Hogwarts Scotland," she stated knowing that only wizards and witches could get into the part of the city they were in. Of course that was only because her father had been to the Ministry here so many times, she knew the place like the back of her hand. "What about you?" She questioned, he didn't seem to be very french so she was suprised to see him in the city. He could easily belong to a school in the East and on break right now she figured.
Brad had never been to Hogwarts Scotland however, her cousins and siblings were graduated from that school and one was still there. "My sister is a seventh year, in Durmstrang, my brother was graduated from there and so are my two cousins" He hadn't been able to see them lately. Zac were probably busy with the work and Saria and Genvieve were probably busy with their own dad. "Me? Beauxbaton, the home of veelas" He laughed as he said veelas. He had several veela friends and they were gorgeous.
Gwen nodded her head, that explained why he was here. But she was confused as to why his sister and him didn't attend the same school. "Oh veelas, we have quite a few at Durmstrang as well. Though the don't have that french attitude," she said to him. Leaning back against the bench she looked around the street. "Why does your sister attend Durmstrang and you don't?"
The question that was asked by Gwen was a common one. Everyone had been asking Brad why he wasn't in the same school as his older siblings. Well simple, because her older siblings thought the place wasn't as safe as Beauxbaton because they taught dark arts. "Well let's just say that it's kinda dangerous for me to be in Durmstrang, I'm not sure tho. I've never been there" He shrugged, he had never had an interest on going to Durmstrang. He wanted to go to Hogwarts Scotland but his father wanted him to be in Beauxbaton and he could not complain. "Hey I'm going to check that boutique over there. Do you wanna come?" He said as he pointed at the boutique a few meters away from them.
Gwen bite her lip at his statement, it was dangerous for anyone there but his reason seemed to be deeper then the hexes continuely shot down the halls. She didn't respond to his statement as he was already asking her to join him in looking at a little shop nearby. "Sure, it looks interesting," she said pulling up picking up the one bag she had from the shop she had already been in. Walking over to the boutique she paused to make sure he was walking with her.
Brad smiled as he saw Gwen following him. He took a few steps and opened the door for Gwen and waited till she came in. "What are you doing here alone?" He paused as he closed the door right after she enter. "If you don't mind me asking" He didn't want to annoy other people for not minding his own business. "It's a pretty nice boutique eh?" He said with a Canadian accent as he looked through the racks.
Gwen smiled at him when he held the door open for her and walked past him. "I needed the jacket," she said holding the bag in her hand to offer some proof. She wasn't nervous about being alone she'd been here enough times to realize where the bad parts of the city were and the good ones. "It's alright," she said holding up what seemed to be a pair of pants but it was anyones guess. "Try this on if you can, uh, figure out what it is of course," she said with a laugh tossing the odd outfit to him.
Brad caught the pants that was tossed by Gwen. He walk toward the dress section and pick a red baby doll dress and place it in front of him. "What do you think about this?" He said imitating his sister with a British accent. "Nahhh the skirt's too long" He shook his head and put it back. Brad the look at the pants that he was holding. "Why don't you try this on?" He walked toward her and pointed at the fitting room.
Gwen laughed as he held a red dress infront of him imitating a girl. "Oh yes, Red is most certainly your colour," she told him with the most honest voice she could pull through her laughter. She glanced at the pants she had given him before and shook her head. "I'm positive they are for males, one of those, I don't know, cotouire? Kind of looks for men," she said pushing the pants back to him as she moved over to a section of blouses.
After seeing Gwen pushing the pants, Brad took it and place it back in place, no he wasn't going to throw that odd pants for the whole day. "Hmmmm I don't see anything that I like here." He place a finger on his chin, tapping it as he look from racks to racks. "Do you eye any?" He asked as he saw a black leather jacket. He took it and put it back, no he wasn't going to buy that.
Gwen smiled at him when he deicided not to try the pants, they were pretty crazy. "Not really but I'm not much of a clothes fashonista in the first place. I don't have an eye for fashion," she told him knowing most of her clothes had been picked out and bought by her personal helper at home. Never did they call the people who work at their house maids or servants because they were more like family.
Brad was pretty surprised that the girl wasn't a big fan of fashion. Brad was a fan of it, and he wasn't even a girl. "Alright then... My sisters likes fashion, my brother doesn't but since I've been clinging around my twin sister who is a big fan of fashion, I become a big fan of it too." He smiled as he lead her away from the boutique. "But I'm straight, I knew it" He said and laughed. "So what do you like then?" He asked wondering what she would like. He could probably find the shop or the place that she would like.
Gwen nodded to him, though she didn't understand his situation it made sense to her. "What do I like? Well I like Potions class," she said unsure if that's what he meant. She never was a big fan of anything besides books but she had already raided the local bookstores on her last visit and most things were in french which she didn't know very well. "I play Seeker for Quiditch, used to team captian before I switched schools," she told him even though she never followed the international teams which most quidditch stores had plenty for.
Brad was quite amazed that the girl liked potion. He hated it. Why make potions if he could buy it? "Oh wow... I... Am... Not good at potion" He said and shrugged. No, he wouldn't pretend as if he knew, that would make him looked worse. "Seeker? I'm a seeker! What school was it?" He asked curiously hoping that she didn't mind him asking. "Do you wanna go anywhere?" He asked trying to figure out if she had to go to any of those stores in front of him.
Gwen smiled and shrugged her shoulders, it wasn't a favorite between people it seemed. She grinned at him when he said he was a seeker as well. "Yeah? That's pretty cool and odd that we'd find each other. Hogwarts Scotland, Ravenclaw, but now I go to Durmstrang and had to hand over my little reign," she said with a laugh. Looking around she didn't see many stores that were actually interesting to her. "Um, do you want to go anywhere?" She asked in return not seeing anything very interesting.
"My cousin is a Ravenclaw as well, she's a second year though. And she's in Hogwarts New Zealand" Brad said trying to find the similarity between them. "That's awesome! We should really play someday! Together or against each other. Ha!" He laughed as he nudge her playfully with his elbow. "Yeah sure. Umm... Well do you want to check out my place? It's not too far from here" Brad had to put all his stuff in the apartment anyway, so he had to go back there either he liked it or not.

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