Shopping and More Shopping

Mizelea Brooks

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Mintzy ❤
Rosewood Wand 13 ½ Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Only a few more days until school starts and Mizelea was on her way to Beauxbatons. It was her fifth year now and who would ever known she would reach that year. A smile painted her face upon visiting Europe and decided to go window shopping for a while before heading to Beauxbaton. Her dad gave her some extra money for her to spend for some new outfits, and some school supplies too. And what better thing to do is to spend the money with some new clothes she wants, the young girl went browsing the stores of Europe and even took a bus around the whole city. Mizelea wandered the streets and decided to buy some charms for her new charm bracelet that her mother gave her during her trip on Australia. It was weird thing though, to buy a charm bracelet in Australia when she herself can buy one in France. Still it was after all a gift from her mother and she doesn't like to give gifts to her.

The different dhops were indeed inviting and Mizelea couldn't help herself to peek in. Of course she decided to maintain a budget at first but then with so much money she had, the girl felt so overwhelmed by every little nice things. She bought some new jackets, shirts, a pair of boots and new necklace and earings to match everything. There were like seven paper bags hanging on both arms of hers, still she though she needed some more. Mizelea giggled at the thought and felt that she didn't need too much clothes as they will be after all in their uniforms. Still she loved to go out of the school from time to time, which concluded that she needed a new dress. "Oh I know! There's a store full of lovely dresses here, oh and a new hat! Oh yes!" she exclaimed not caring if there were some people looking at her.

Mizelea then walked and walked, finding the shop where she once entered. It was a long walk though, still she didn't mind and decided to continue. As she reached her destination she stood then staring at the shop, sadly it was close. "Oh Bummer!" she said in a sad yet stable tone. Why is the store close at this moment? When there's so much people shopping as classes will start soon. She sighed and frown then smiled again and shook his head. Her lips wasn't used to frowning, Mizelea saw a bench nearby and decided to sit down for a while. She could feel her feet hurt and her legs weaken, she then bowed down and stared blankly at the ground still her hand tightly gripped to her paper bags.
There was a real sense of dread. Of something not desirable in any way, that it could be taken. It wasn't that he didn't think it was something he couldn't do, just something that he really didn't want to have to do. It wasn't something terrible, it wasn't even something that was dreaded by most, just it wasn't the right time, nothing was going right. It was just one disaster after another. One terrible thing, followed by another. A never ending line of really badly dealt cards. But, this wasn't the real issue, it was more the incredibly alone feeling that was inside. It had been a difficult few months, and that was being nice about it. It wasn't like he didn't try. He tried hard, but no one really cared enough about him to show any real concern. A few had been his choice, a few mistakes had been his own doing, but he wasn't ready to really admit what he'd done had been a bad thing. To him it was all a matter of prospective. While in a sense it had been his fault, mostly for getting caught, but he wasn't ready to admit that what he'd done was stupid and careless. Especially for someone in his position, but his reasoning had always been that he didn't matter, so what did it matter. It made his social worker mad, and it made those he had surrounded himself with feel the same way. It was shared, and in the place where he lived, and in a place like that, being one of the guys was more important than anything. It didn't matter that he was the boy who went to boarding school, that mattered so very little. What mattered was how strong he could be. How forceful he was, and how far he was willing to go, how much trouble he was willing to go near. And unfortunately for him, he pretty much thought he had nothing else to lose and so he was willing to do pretty much anything. Even if it was dangerous or could get him into a lot of trouble, or both. However, the term just gone had been one spent completely immersed with these people, so he could hardly help it. It had been what he had to do, and the thing he dreaded most was going back to Durmstrang, because there they all seemed to know. They knew that he'd gone from having everything that was good in the world to having basically nothing, and being the sort of new resident trouble maker. He'd always been out to cause trouble, but this was completely different. He wasn't the type where in the end he'd maybe feel a little bad. That had changed. He didn't care what it did. If he ended up getting kicked out then so be it. It wouldn't be good, but he wouldn't feel bad about it. Which was probably the worst thing, not feeling sorry about it. After everything his parents had ever taught him, and in the space of months he'd given up on it, and was moving on in a different sense. But, then could people really blame him entirely. After all how many would really be able to pin the reasons on him, the action yes, but the reasons, not so much.

For a certain James Green wandering the streets of a town had become entirely different. Rather than look out things that his parents could get for him for his next birthday he was avoiding even glancing to the glass. Instead of being a boy holding his head high and being the kind of friendly guy anyone could talk to he was being the guy who held everything at his chest and had built the thickest of shields. He needed them. Well, he believed that he needed them. Much more than he thought most would. But it hardly matter since most were a little aware of his situation. The new things about James was his hair style, it was a little messier than usual. It was spiked up to the side, and a lot shorter than it was usually. He had sometimes what his roommates liked to call the Bieber hair, but this was used fleetingly and only if James had managed to pass someone off, which did not happen as much as people thought it would. He was just walking the street, keeping his head down, letting his mind go over everything that had happened. He wanted to scream to the high heavens, he wanted to punch everything in sight, but he couldn't. Since those were violent tendencies and both his social worker and his public defender had told him how stupid it would be if he did anything of that sort. And while James didn't really like to be told what to do, his desire to not go back to juvie, outweighed his desire to not return to Durmstrang. So it was why upon seeing the first possible empty bench the boy walked over and just sat down. While he'd thought it was empty. Yet when he took a seat he quickly realized it wasn't true. But James didn't care. The person could just leave. He was just there to spend a few moments and get his anger down. He didn't even realize it was someone he had met before. Someone he'd kind of liked. So much had however happened in between and it was no longer there.​
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Mizelea could feel every tension in her body, she began to close her eyes for a while and just relax, let the moment control her. Still she could feel the weight of her shopping bags rested on her shoulders, ignoring the pain she continued on relaxing. It wasn't easy though, as half of her mind was thinking that someone might steal and run her bags. And so she instantly raised her head and opened her eyes, quite sad that her moment ended. Mizelea took a deep breath then slowly exhaled the air, she was ready to wander the whole place once more. She glanced at her watch to see she still have a couple of hours to shop, now if only she could think of a way to balance herself while holding seven shopping bags, seven heavy shopping bags. With so much thing circling her mind she forgot that someone was sitting beside her, she slowly turned her head in a horror-movie type of way and was surprised to see someone familiar.

The young girl stared at him while thinking and remembering his name, she wrinkled her nose trying to think harder. "Oh! James! Jamie! Is that you?" she exclaimed bending her head and while looking at the boy beside her. She was sure it was him, though he looked really different from the last time she saw the boy.Their past and first encounter turned out well as expected though the Jamie had a limited time as he was going to a far place. That was all she could remember, other that sharing details about themselves. Mizelea did remembered a few, like he likes the color blue and that he prefers Starbucks that Costa. Though she wasn't sure if he was still the same guy he met a years or was it months ago? Mizzy waited for him to reply first, just to make sure it was him, Jamie.
With all life had decided to throw at the Durmstrang boy, he had never consider what had happened to him to be one of those things that would happen to him. He knew that it was silly to think that he was would always remain immune to life's cold hand, but he wasn't. He hadn't been. Now here he was alone in the world, with a lot of issues and really no where to go. His probation officer didn't really get the whole magic thing. Obviously he hadn't said anything, but it made it a lot easier for him to travel to places he wasn't technically meant to be. It was funny that he hadn't heard of many cases of witches and wizards using their powers to get ahead of the average muggle. In all and any fields. He knew it wasn't the way to think, he'd gotten in enough trouble as it was already, he couldn't really afford to get into more. After all, most people would only grant him so many chances. And here he was, bored and alone. His friends all ones that could get him in more trouble than ever, and with that feeling that school was just around the corner and he would have to face the people that probably thought at this point that he was as good as muggleborn. Which wasn't true. He was half blood. And that wasn't something that most liked, but the fact he now had no family left to look after him did nothing to help. He was a kid with nothing, and he was paying for it. His so called friends wouldn't care, the friends he'd recently made only cared if James was one of them, and more often than not James would rather be a part of the gang than an outsider struggling to get by, staying away from the bullies. He hated bullies, but he didn't want to be bullied so he did what he had to. Even with that said, he would much rather face the people of hogwarts than stay where he was currently, since he knew that at least at durmstrang he wouldn't end back up where he didn't want to be. Sighing slightly the boy tried to remember what life had been like before it.

The person sitting next to him spoke. Saying his name, and his nickname. The boy frowned and looked over to the girl who was staring at him slightly. He didn't know what to do. It seemed weird, he knew her. Mizelea, he was sure that was her name. He tried remember where from, he knew that they'd met before, he just couldn't remember where exactly that had been, and he had no strong desire to know either. Then he remembered. The day he was being flown back Poland. That had been quite a day, and so much had changed since then. He was really no longer the same guy she'd met. After all, all he'd been through at that point was his grandmother sending him back to Poland to live in a group home. And since then things had gone down hill. He could no longer smile, and know that the smile reached his eyes. He could spend long moments completely out of the conversation. Staring into space, completely oblivious. He looked older than he was. As if he'd seen more than he should. Which was true. At 15 he was one of the younger members of his group of friends, and with the environment he was in, James always had a face, acting a lot stronger than he actually felt. He flashed a quick smile and nodded. "Yeah" James said in a tone that was almost as if he was unhappy to admit he was who he was. Which was completely ridiculous. "Mizzy, right? It's been a while." James looked down at the bags in front of her. "Shopping for the entire planet?'
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OOCOut of Character:
Huge apologizes! RL has been super busy
Mizelea was feeling a bit energetic now, after a few minutes of rest she felt energized. Though she could hear her stomach grumble, it's been a while since she had some food inside her stomach after all. Everything changed with her eating habits though, last month she was diagnosed with an acute gastroenteritis. Which made her nervous about eating the proper food, also at the proper time. The brunette can even skips all three meals all day and still feel strong, which caused her to have such sickness. Anyway, she was used to have an empty stomach and that wouldn't stop her from catching up with Jamie. As the boy spoke she could sense something was different from him, the way he move seems different same as the way Jamie looked. Still that didn't bother Mizelea at all, still she knew that the old Jamie she met before was still there.

"I knew it was you!" she exclaimed nudging his side with her elbow, she managed to even though there were paper bags around them. "Yup! It's me! In Flesh!" she giggled. "Oh this? It's just a few really, I think it's not for the entire planet, it's just for me." she continued on still giggling. It true though, Mizelea shopped a little today. This wasn't much compared to her trip in Paris last month, she almost bought the whole store. Which made her mother nag at her, though her father only laughed at the girl. If only she could use her broom or something to carry all the bags, though she was in the muggle world and magic wasn't allowed there. Mizelea still managed to carry all her heavy garment with her, "I didn't even got some shoes, can you imagine a store closed at this time of the day?" she spoke quite disappointed that the store she wanted to enter the most was closed. "So How you've been Jamie? You uh look different, sound different and well move differently?" she admitted quite nervous if she offended him or something, hopefully not.

OOCOut of Character:
No worries Emzies! RL comes first! :)
<SIZE size="50">It annoyed the Durmstrang boy slightly that the girl in front of him was so full of life, and energetic. It had been a lot while since he had been like that. He was the kind of guy who just didn't want to hear it when it came to being energetic, not in the sense that most thought. Him being energetic was completely different to most. He found his energy in adrenaline. It was a little different he found. He just liked the argument of that he went to durmstrang, there was no room to play. There was no room to be carefree and simple. Much less now when he lived in a group home in Poland. It wasn't like he could be a nice guy or a simple guy. He had to be fearless, strong and brutal. It was what had landed him in the one place he hated talking about. His anger towards small things had almost doubled. He didn't like taking orders, and he hated being talked down to by anyone. No matter how much bigger the person was compared to him. He didn't think things through. He acted before he had time to really think about it. He didn't think he would need to. More often than not nothing happened, and no one got caught, unfortunately he'd been caught once, and seriously paid the price. Glancing at the girl next to him, he could believe the differences between them. The differences he remembered. She was a sweet girl, nice, lovely, energetic. And he was a liar, violent, sarcastic, uncaring. He had to fight everyday to fit in. To ensure that he wasn't the kid everyone picked on. He had to fight at Durmstrang, because the dark arts was not easy. And the punishment at school was a lot harsher than at almost all other magical schools. So he couldn't be like that. he didn't think he could afford to be. So, he had decided that to everyone he had to be a world class d1ckhead, and for the most part it worked. But his heart really didn't want to be mean to her. She was nothing but nice.

This much was proven by the fact she actually seemed happy to have run into him again. It wasn't like he hadn't thought it would never happen. Actually he was pretty sure that they'd never meet again. He'd practically removed her from his mind it seemed like so long ago. To him it was like an entirely different life. The one before everything had just gotten bad. Before as James liked to call it, his reincarnation. Not one he was actually happy with considering everything that had lead to it. He looked down at the bags, well, he knew that he was hardly the person to talk to about shopping, but he knew at least that what she had gotten was a lot more than he ever remembered his mother bringing. He shook his head. Not quite believing that someone would spend that much money on clothes for themselves. Not even when he lived with his parents had he ever done something of that sort. No just because shopping annoyed the hell out of him. "I really don't care." James answered somewhat shortly. Not entirely meaning to, but it came out that way. He however didn't bother apologize for such a thing. Instead he just stared at her, while she asking how he was, that he appeared different. James gave a light laugh at this. He couldn't believe he was hearing this from someone he'd met just once. "No offense Mizzy, but we met once, how the f##k would you know if I moved, sounded or looked different." James laughed, but it wasn't a nice laugh, it was practically mocking. He really didn't care if he'd actually offended her, and his mind was telling him to stop, but it was like a gag reflex. He didn't even think about it any more, it just came out. "But, if you must know, I'm doing okay. And I appear different, because I am. I did this weird thing, called growing up. Oh, and moving country, fitting in, in a new country is not easy. Every person for themselves."
From the start Mizelea sensed that there was something different about James, which kind off made her scared somehow. She was used to meeting mean people and evil ones to but it seems odd that the girl felt unsafe right now. Still she shook her head and continued on, wondering what James was like right now. As she heard him, reply with his i don't care statement. Mizelea bit her lips, wanting to shut up for now. She hid took a tight grip at her bags, in case she needed to run or something. The brunette was now half-terrified, after all James was a complete stranger to him. She didn't wanted to be harmed like the old times when she was a kid, Mizelea had quite a trauma when she was little. But forget about that for now, she sat there quite speechless and let the boy talk first. It was true that they only met once, but why did James have to be rude to her. She didn't get his point, as Mizelea didn't offended him as long as she could remember.

"I just know so." she replied blankly, her smile wiped out of her face. After enjoying the whole day shopping, the girl was left speechless and disappointed. Mizelea wasn't like that at all but for some reason she knew that nothing could return her glow. "I see well good for you then." she replied. There won't be any argument today nor any fight as it was the thing Mizelea dreaded the most. So instead of asking more question, she instantly stood up and stared at her paper bags resting on her arms. "I think I had I'll be going now. Bye." she stated in a tone so neutral. There was no reason for her to stay at all, deep inside her whole body was shaking in fear and agony just hearing James words. Perhaps it was time to go back to her school, take a snack and sleep. Mizelea turned her back and glanced once more at James, it could be there last meeting. She then started walking, holding all the paperbags in both hands. Blankly staring at each step she took away from the bench, it was the first time she felt so horrid at a boy.

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