Closed Shooting for the Stars

Augustus Westwick

Flourish & Blotts Asst. | Staring Eyes | Shy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 11 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Demiguise Hair Core
9/2038 (23)
Augustus was still unused to his new height, and slightly baffled by it. Over the break he'd shot up, growing a lot in a short amount of time. He hadn't enjoyed the growing pains that resulted in. It was almost like his body had wanted to make up for the three years of being the shortest in his class. But Augustus wasn't sure he liked it. Sure, it was easier to reach higher places now, but it was also easier to hit your head on things. Augustus also didn't like that he suddenly stood out in crowds, looking over heads of other kids easily in every store he went into. He had preferred being easy to miss, it was easier to observe people if they didn't see you. He also felt... awkward, more than he already had. He just hoped he'd get used to it. He exited Gladrags wizardwear with a large bag, needing all new robes and a new uniform set as he hadn't fit in his old clothes anymore. He looked around uncertainly, wondering what store he could visit next. He wanted to pick up a gift for Theodore's new twins, though Augustus didn't really know what babies liked.
Ryan was fiddling with his glasses. Again. He hadn't really stopped since he got them last week. He was less annoyed about needing them and more annoyed that Nicole's constant comments about him squinting too much were actually something he should have paid attention to ages ago. How many things had he missed because his bad eye sight? Terrible. He touched them again, sighing as he left a smudge on the left lens.

He'd just resettled them on his face when he saw Augustus ducking out of a nearby shop, blinking a few times as his brain tried to reconcile what was clearly Augustus' head on a far too tall body. "Why are you so tall," he said in lieu of a hello, cutting in front of Augustus and trying to match his friend's now annoyingly long stride.
Augustus was pondering if he could get the babies a book, they'd have to learn to read eventually, right? When he suddenly heard a familiar voice. He looked down (down!) at Ryan, who had stopped in front of him. Augustus shrugged a little helplessly. "Don't know." He said. "I'm almost as tall as my cousins now." He added, almost in despair. "It just happened." He said, slowing down his steps so Ryan could keep up. "Why do you have glasses?"
Ryan squinted at Augustus when he answered, annoyed that he had to tilt his head up to look at his face now. "It's annoying," he said flatly. Maybe it was good he'd gotten glasses now, who knew how long it'd be until Augustus was tall enough he wouldn't have been able to make out his face. "Apparently I'm short-sighted," Ryan said when at the mention of his glasses, unable to resist touching them again as he resettled them on his nose. "Don't know how I never noticed." Ryan took a few leaping steps, trying to jump up a bit more to reach Augustus' height and see what the street looked like from his perspective. It didn't seem that different, but the change still bothered him considering how tiny his friend used to be. "No, it's still weird I don't like it," he decided. "Are you going to keep growing or are you done?"
Augustus faltered when Ryan said it was annoying that he had grown so much. He shrugged a little helplessly. "I didn't choose to. I don't really like standing out like this." He said, gesturing vaguely to himself. He nodded when Ryan said he was short sighted, thinking of his cousin Theodore who also wore glasses. Augustus crouched down a bit as they walked so it would be easier for Ryan to jump to his height. He glanced at Ryan a little incredulously at his next question. "You know I have no control over it, right?"
Ryan glanced up at Augustus speculatively, nodding in agreement. "You do stand out a lot now." He waved a dismissive hand when Augustus mentioned now having control. "Sure, but are your parents tall? Grandparents? Maybe we could shrink you," he said speculatively. Nicole wasn't very tall, and neither were his parents, so Ryan didn't think he was going to grow a lot, but you never knew. "Or maybe we could use a stretching jinx and make you really tall," he said, directing an excited glance at Augustus, suddenly a lot more keen on this new development than before. "I bet if we made you tall enough you could reach the first floor of the castle from the lawn."

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