She's a bit Loner

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Imogen Day

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose

I don't RP with Immy much anymore. Which is annoying cause I :wub: her.
Also I have a plot in mind for her, which will be happening, sorta soon. But Anyway,

Imogen Day Needs friends, a best friend, a mentee.

She's very kind, very hard working and if she puts her mind to it, excells at almost everything. She can be very affectionate. And is always smiling. She is very easy to get along with. Imogen is the type of person to notice straight away if something is wrong. She has motherly instincts that are stronger than most her age. Immy is a strong girl, who is not afraid of a little fight and will, if one of her friends are threatened fight back.

I'm up for anything. Anything at all.
Aroha and Immy need to RP again *nods*

Yes they should.
Shall I start a topic or do you want to?
I am still interested in role-playing with you Em. :p

I have my plot for Tony (which I really do need to start now), so there is until the summer holidays where he would be open to meeting people. After that, he won't; but I don't really know yet. Stuff will happen though.

I remember within the last topic in here it seemed the two are too similar. The motherly instincts are what would draw me in this time, as I could maybe use them; for his third year. Again, I don't fully know what will happen yet.

Does Imogen know Trinity?

Hillary ~ Sounds good, Shall I start something? Or Do you want to?

Tony ~ Sounds good. And she doesn't.
Imogen will turn a little but her motherly instincts are what really make her. Shall I start something? Or Do you want to?
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