Sheltering under the trees

Sam Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut/ Maple Wand 12 3/4" Essence of Silver Thistle
Sam walked down energetically to the Hogwarts Lawn. He was happy enough about where he had choosen to relax. The Lakefront is always so busy as is the Gardens. But there were few on the Lawn. He really wasn't in the mood for socializing qith a lot of people. He brought down with him his subscribed-to Quidditch Magazine. He took shelter under a large tree and began puring through the pages.
Jenna was walking around the castle, slightly dazed that she was here, and upset at what Toni had shared with her. Even if Toni hadn't said the exact words, they both knew Toni was cheating scum and would hurt Sam, Jenna however didn't want to tell Sam at the risk of him not believing her. And ruining their friendship, because he could think that she was being jealous and hurtful. As she walked along the lawn she hummed a small tune that used to lift her spirits as a child, something about it had always made her laugh, perhaps it was because the beginning started with the word Jitterbug. Jenna felt that the word was stupid and pointless, and slightly amusing as well.

Soon Jenna broke into quite song as she walked and began to sing the song, staying in tune the whole time. "You put the boom boom into my heart You send my soul sky high when your loving starts Jitterbug into my brain Goes a bang bang bang till my feet do the same If something's bugging you If something ain't right My best friend told me what you did last night Left me sleeping in my bed..." As Jenna was singning the son she tripped over someone sitting by a tree. Jenna scowled as she picked herself up not realizing it was Sam and sneered, "Watch where you're sitting!" Jenna's mouth opened slightly to begin ordering the student around again when she blinked and saw that it was Sam.

Jenna winced slightly then muttered a hasty apology, "I'm sorry Sam, are you okay?" Jenna averted her eyes, that showed that she had a secret from him, and that he would be very upset or angry, she didn't know what to do.
Sam was reading an interesting article on the Chudley Cannons, his favourite team. He was so warped in reading this that he barely noticed someone trip over him. "Woah!" he said shocked, it almost gave him a shock. Sam laughed, "Wouldn't want to meet you on a bad da-" he noticed something about Jenns eyes. Yes he was awful at reading people but this, this was something he could read. Something was up. "Jenn? Whats wrong?" his voice was softer and his face was serious.
[color=#9300C4[small]Jenna looked down nervously and said, "I...I can't say." Jenna sighed softly, it wasn't her place but she wanted so badly to tell everyone that she had been right about Toni, that she was nothing more then a blond princess, but she did not want to see Sam hurting like it hurt her to see him. Jenna took a seat beside him then she lifted her knees up and huddled together gently waiting for Sam's reaction.[/small]][/color]
Sam looked at her in utter confusion, "Ha! Don't think your getting away that easily." As she sat beside him, huddling up. He put his arm around her in a friendly gesture. "Whats up Jenn?" he whispered to her.
Jenna sighed softly and said, "I don't want you to get hurt..I mean I'm almost certain it's true, but I know something bad did happen, and it really isn't my place, if Blondie wants to tell you she can." Jenna looked down, feeling slightly ashamed, but she wasn't sure why she hadn't done anything wrong.
Sam was worried now, what happened? Something to do with Toni, he winced when she said Blondie. "Did something happen her? If they did..they'll be sorry!" his voice contained an angrier note. "Tell me, please!" he was almost at a stage of begging.
Jenna sighed softly and she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "Toni cheated on you." Jenna looked away, not wanting to see his reaction, she hated seeing him in pain, and she was certain this would hurt..badly.
Sam rolled his eyes and he removed his arm from around her. "Jenn?" he looked at her, this was something she made up. But when he really looked at her, he noticed this statment was truthful. "Your serious aren't you?" Sam was hurt he felt someone had stabbed something into his side and the pain wasn't going away. He shook his head in disbelif. Right now he was calm and he didn't feel like asking question, he didn't want to know.
Jenna nodded her head heavily, not looking at Sam still, pain coming over her for Sam then she said, "I'm 95 % certain..I'm sorry." Jenna's words were true, she hated Toni for this, and was sorry that she ever came into Sam's life, she didn't expect him back she just didn't want him hurt.
Sam's eyes travelled to the castle. "How come she hasn't told me this?" he demanding knowing Jenn wouldn't be able to tell him. Even if she was 95% certain, even the idea hurt him. He trusted her. Really trusted her. "W-with whom?" his voice was quavering slightly.
"She said that you wont be able to get hurt if you didn't know..I was hoping I wouldn't see you and the threat I made her would be enough to tell you," Jenna admitted softly then she said, "I don't know..."
Finnally the hurt sank in, he felt it worse than ever now. "Well, I know now. I'm more hurt I have to hear it from you. She should have told me." Sam pushed some of his hair from his face. But the question was, who was she with? His eyes were pained. He blinked slowly a couple of times. "I..I'm..g-goin her." he stumbled. "Thank you for telling me.." he couldn't finish his sentence. He left his magazine there and he didn't care. He looked back at Jenn once, his heart felt like it was snapped into tiny pieces. He then turned around and head towards the castle.
I warned you she would hurt you, Jenna thought to herself remembering back to the scream fight she had with Sam not too long ago. "I know Sam.." Jenna whispered softly then she stood up gently and she ran up towards him quickly, when she went beside him she looked at him and said, "Sam..give me a hug..I'm really sorry about all of this." Jenna touched her arm to Sam's back gently then rubbed it soothingly.
Sam turned around abruptly and through his arms around her. "I'm so sorry. About everything! What I happened in the Owlery, The Hogs Head. I'm sorry." he whispered. He hug her tightly, he knew it must have been too tight. But it was comforting to him. "Now a good time to say I told you so" His words were joking, though his voice was serious, not a hint of happiness.
Jenna gasped for air slightly but after a moment she adjusted herself in his arms so she could breath and she said gently, "I know Sam...I am too." Jenna softly pet the back of Sam's head, trying her hardest to sooth him then she said, "I'd never do that." Jenna looked into Sam's eyes gently and she whispered gently, "I'm sorry.."
Sam smiled slightly as he hugged her too tightly, "Sorry.." he mumbled once more. "I never mean't to hurt you..Ever!" he said truthfully. "I treasure you a lot, I hope you realise." he said kindly. He let go of their hug. He looked into her clear eyes. "I might be a pain for the next couple of days just to let you know." he added lightheartly, referring to the fact that he may end up moping around the place.
Jenna sighed softly and said, "It's not your never will be, now that I think of it.. It felt sort of like a pity date, and I don't condone to such things.. and I think I might like someone else, but you don't need to hear about that now." Jenna blushed as she thought of Scorpius then she said, "I understand...if you need me..I'm only a few doors away Sam.." Jenna kissed his cheek softly, it was now nothing more then a friendly gesture.
A pity date? "I never mean't it to be a pity date.." he said slowly, hopefully the subject would drop. "Really?" he asked her wondering who it could be, but didn't she have Zeke? He thought. Sam smiled as she kissed his cheek. It was comforting yet it didn't feel strange, just a friends kinda thing. Maybe we finally crossed the line? "Thank you Jenn." he squeezed her hand, which was also nothing but a friendly gesture. "I..better go do this then." he said sighing. He really didn't want to but he had to let the pain inside him out.
Jenna nodded her head softly and said, "Maybe when you're feeling heaps better I'll fill you in.." Jenna could sense Sam's curiosity at her words but didn't say anything more. "Alright my dear...I'm sorry and good luck." Jenna hugged him tight once more before resting her hnads to the side.
Sam hugged her back not so tight this time. But it was big and warm. "I'll see you around chick." he winked. He didn't know why he was so happy, he was after all about to confront Toni. His smile disappeared at the thought. He walked on towards the castle. He turned and waved back to Jenna then walked quickly to the dungeons dreading every step he took.
Jenna waved back then she sighed and slumped back onto the ground, worrying over what she had just done, she felt dreadful because of it. After a half an hour passed Jenna stood up shakily and left the grounds and walked into the castle and into the dorm room, hoping she would be able to find Sam.


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