Open Shells on the Seashore?

Conan Burke

irish ☘️ | shell collector 🐚 | band-aid hands 🩹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Dogwood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
15 (08/2046)
Conan was usually in the lake almost every day. He knew he wasn't always going to find new shells around the lake, but it had he was never going to give up any sort of search. Conan sometimes found shells to add to his collection. And today was no different. He managed to find a couple to add to his collection. The Ravenclaw was currently looking under the different rocks that were on shore at the moment, hoping that there were some shells that somewhat washed up the shore. He also wondered if there was any sort of treasure that was hidden beneath the lake or somewhere around the shore, but Conan knew that was unlikely.
Gregory was tired, he was back at school for another semester, and he wasn't sleeping well. Just nothing was going that right in his life, but he was trying. He'd come outside, because he knew it was a place he could hide better, with more spaces for him to run away if he needed to, and space to just live. But as luck would have it, as he explored the outdoors, enjoying the air, and being back at school, he spotted one of the few people he would still count as friends. He hesitated, not wanting to disturb him and perhaps make one of his last few friendships worse. But he liked Conan, he wanted to catch up with him, so he approached. "Hey Conan," he said as he got close, his voice filled with nervousness.
Conan was lifting up one of the rocks that to search for anything when he noticed someone had approached. He smiled happily when he noticed Gregory. "Hey, Gregory!" Conan said with a big smile and wave, happy to see his friend. He always liked spending time with Gregory and was happy to call him one of his close friends at school. "How was your break? Get up to anything interesting?"
Gregory gave a nervous wave back, though it seemed liked Gregory was quite happy to see him. He approached tentatively, approaching him. "Not really, I helped Snowdrop get a computer up and running, but that was about it," he said. He hadn't done much else apart from that, and he wasn't going to talk about how he'd begged to not have to come back to school. "You?" he returned to the question to his friend.
Conan nodded when Gregory mentioned helping one of their classmates with a computer. He vaguely remembered being told what a computer was. He knew it was a muggle item that most muggles used. "Cool! Using a computer isn't hard right?" Conan asked his friend. Conan knew he was going to take muggle studies next year. He was pretty curious about the muggle world. However, his smile dropped a little as Gregory returned the question. He responded with a slight shrug. "It was... not the greatest... Could've been better. I did manage to find a few new shells though" Conan then decided to say. Conan wasn't sure if Gregory even wanted to hear how his not-so-good break way anyway. So he decided to keep it to himself for now.
Gregory gave a little shake of his head. "It's not," He didn't think it was, getting magical people to use it also wasn't as hard as he had thought it might be. It wasn't the simplest thing, but it wasn't that complicated either. He just watched as Conan continued, wondering why Conan's holiday hadn't been good. "Why wasn't it?" he asked a little nervously, not wanting to overly pry into Conan and his life, but also knowing that Conan was one of only a few friends he had left and he didn't want to be a bad friend to him.

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