
Freya Calvaresi

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OOC First Name
Freya Calvaresi had recently acquired a human shadow. Sadly, Freya's semi-short attention span prevented her from realizing that she had. Freya's father had retired from his job a couple of years ago, so the danger of angry witches and wizards hating their family shouldn't be too severe. Plus it wasn't like she was involved in his little escapades with the people he killed. So why would anyone want to go after her? Freya was pretty harmless. From time to time she could be a bit of a troublemaker, and a brat, but she never behaved like that with the intention to actually hurt someone. Freya also wasn't very observant to her surroundings, so small things like being followed didn't really ever cross her mind. Freya was just enjoying life as usual. She had recently made some friends thanks to Jarrett. They were all guys, but they were pretty fun to hang out with. It was like a breath of fresh air for Freya, getting away from all the typical drama that girls brought with them and just chilling out with the guys for a little bit. Like her they enjoyed having a beer and sharing perverted jokes frequently. The only downside to all of this was that Freya was starting to crush on Jarrett, even though it was pretty easy to see that he had a thing for someone else. But Freya couldn't help it, he was the one she was closest with, plus he was so funny and bad ass at the same time. Freya just wished he would forget about this other girl that was giving him the run around. Sooner or later she figured she would try to talk to him about it. Maybe she could convince him that he was only hurting himself by liking this girl.

The sound of heavy footsteps from behind her, and quickly she turned her head to see what the source of the sound was. But she saw nothing. "Hello?" Freya looked around once more to make sure she hadn't missed anything before she shrugged her bony shoulders. For all she knew, she was hearing things as per usual. Freya turned herself back around and continued her pace across the street. Right now, her friends were busy with their own things, and her father was resting, so Freya took it upon herself to have a day to herself. The Quidditch season had just ended so she wouldn't need to cheer for any of the games until the season resume. Freya was pretty actually for it to be over for awhile though, she would love to have more time with her friends and more time relaxing with her family. Another small sound alerted Freya to pause and look around again. Why was she beginning to get the feeling that she was being followed or something? " someone there?" Freya was starting to get kind of irritated. Who would just follow her around like this? She had never done anyone harm. Unless this was just some sick joke being pulled by Lucius. It had better not be or she was going to kick some serious ass next time she got her hands on him. Freya breathed out and backed away slowly.
Austin Zhefarovich had recently, well, lost his mind and started listening to the voices within his head, which were actually him just talking to himself. There was one screaming for him to return to Arianna, and the other was begging to kill her. So as of right now, he did neither since it was driving him nuts. His hair had grown out so much, and then his eyes often darkened from the green that they were, to a dull green that looked almost black. He was lacking out on life, and he could not get anything straightened out. Even his Quidditch was starting to slip through his fingers. The thoughts of hitting someone with a bludger did satisfy his insanity, which he humanized now. Axel had given him a job to do too. One that he would not fail on. He had to follow some girl named Freya because her family might be suspicious or something. Truth be told, he did not listen to everything Axel said. All that processed in his mind was find the woman, follow and keep an eye out on her. To spot any sort of danger. If there was any danger, he would have to bring her and her family to Axel and them to deal with. It sounded pretty easy, and he was good at following people now that he had taken some stealth lessons from his cousin, Hades. Even his father lost his mind, just not to the extent of Austin. Austin really hated the fact that he had nothing to really go for anymore. Quidditch was a dead end street. He often thought about doing something so bad, he would be thrown in Azkaban for, and live there for the rest of his life. It seemed appealing too. Just about doing anything to harm someone, and the consequences, appealed to him.

The male found himself in the Americas, following after the girl that he had to keep an eye on. She turned her head to the sound of his footsteps, and he ducked into the shadows. She had not seen him, since she called out a ‘Hello’. Had she ever read a horror book or seen a horror movie? No one is going to answer, especially if she had someone following her. He rolled his dark green eyes and he followed her some more, across the street and sticking to the shadows. The cloak he was wearing helped that. He was also under the Disillusionment charm, blending in and almost invisible. However almost was the key word. Then she asked once more if there was someone there. Was this girl for real? She had to be an idiot or something. No one was going to call out that they were there if they were doing the stalking. However he decided to mess with her for a little bit. He walked around a bit to where he was somewhat in front of her, while she was backing away slowly. He removed the charm and he said in a quiet, creepy manner, “If someone was following you, they would not answer back when you call out if someone was there, especially if they did not want to make their presence known, Freya.” He said her name too, which would instantly throw up a red flag. A smirk danced upon his thin lips, as he readied himself in case she attacked or ran.
Freya felt her heart stop right then and there as chilling voice filled the air. Freya's blue eyes rested on a tall figure not even a couple of inches from her. So she was being followed! "Ha! I knew it!" For a brief moment, Freya forgot all about protecting herself from unknown danger, and took it upon herself to celebrate for her discovery. It had taken her a long time to be able to sense other people being around without being able to see them, and this time it really helped her out. Now the real question she needed an answer to was, why was he following her? He revealed himself to her pretty quickly so he must not have found her to be intimidating. "I hope he doesn't intend on robbing me either, I've got absolute crap for him to steal." Maybe a couple of galleons and some gum. There was her wand too but if he wasn't magical then he would have no need for a stick. Then it dawned on her that he had used her name. He knew her name for some odd reason so he must know her somehow. Freya felt the tension in her body begin to ease away. It was hard to make out his features in the dark, so Freya wasn't able to see if his face was familiar to her or not. He didn't sound like someone she knew, but voices changed over time, so there was no telling for sure. Freya made sure to have her wand at her side in case she needed to use it against this stranger, she doubted she would but it was better to be safe than sorry. As much as she didn't want to, she was going to have to find out why this guy knew her name, and what he wanted as well.

"Why do you know my name? Do we know each other?" Freya breathed out, hoping she would actually get an answer. It was creepy to have someone follow her, someone who seemingly knew her on top of it. Was it necessary for them to be so sketchy about it? "Did you want something from me?" Freya tried to be as nice as she possibly could about this whole thing, mostly because she didn't want this guy to try and fight her if she were to make him mad. In her defense though, she didn't like people who were suspicious and creepy. Her father taught her better than to overlook those kinds of people. If anything, Freya was hoping and praying that this man wasn't an enemy of her father's. She wasn't anywhere close to being ready to deal with people like them. They were trained in combat, and had every intention to kill. Freya didn't want to wind up as bait, or worse, dead because of this stranger. "It's really rude to follow people around you know." Freya wished she weren't alone right now. Even if it was someone simple like Lucius or Jarrett by her side, she knew she would feel like she was in less danger than she did right now. Freya was taught to use magic to defend herself, but when it came to physically being able to, well she was a cheerleader for a Quidditch team if that explained anything. Silence took over as she waited for the stranger to say something to her.
Austin gave the woman an odd expression when she said that she knew it. That was not what normal people said when they were being followed. Something along the lines of "I'm calling the Aurors!" or "Get away from me, creep!" were appropriate. Not "Ha! I knew it!", and with that in mind, Austin had to wonder what the hell type of a woman was she. However he would have to brush it off, and think of what was going on here. As a Quidditch beater, he often knew if there was something going on that he did not know about. "Okay..." muttered Austin in turn of what she had said about her discovery of him. Well, not discovery really. He revealed himself. Austin had no idea what he needed to do by this point. He was just ordered to follow her, and then what? He did not need to kill her or anything like that. No violence, just watching. That seemed a little boring. He would need to do something else, but that was something that Axel wanted, and apparently, he had to listen to the Viscount or face the consequences. That was lovely, was it not. He narrowed his green eyes a bit more at Freya, and wondered what she was thinking. Was the darkness behind his eyes horrifying? Probably not so much. Was the wild hair and his eyes combined make him look like a predator. More than likely. If he were to chop his hair off, then he would look like a civilized being. But since his hair was long and untamed, he did not. Austin embraced the new look, since it truly made him feel like he belonged in the family instead of an outcast. It was bad enough that he was not a pure-blood in the family, and that was rare.

She asked why he knew her name and if they knew each other. His green eyes rolled obviously, and he shook his head. "I was told your name, and no we do not know each other." He was telling the truth there. Sometimes it was still hard for him to lie, but now, it was actually truthful. They did not know each other, but he did know of her, and how she had to be kept on watch. Then she asked if he wanted something from her. He shook his head in response, wondering why he was conversing with her anyway. Wait, she continued this conversation, so it was not his fault, and he was simply confused. She seemed too relaxed and it was making him get a little suspicious of her. For all he knew, she was going to curse him into oblivious. His hand went to his forehead when she stated that it was rude to follow people around. Was she serious? There was no possible way she could be serious. He removed his hand and folded his arms across his chest. "Look, I am not really concerned with what is considered rude or not. I am just doing what I am told." She should be concerned with the fact that she got lucky. Hades would have messed with her mind, probably even try to kill her on occasion, but not him. He just wanted to be able to get this done, so that he could go back to being alone and playing Quidditch. It was the only thing he knew.
When the boy became confused with her reaction, Freya suddenly became confused. Why was he confused? Was he thrown off by her reaction or did he sudden realize that he was following the wrong person? "Why do you suddenly look confused?" He wasn't a very good stalker if he was thrown off by something she had done. they were supposed to account for the unexpected. Freya suddenly smirked at the boy, as if she had discovered some lifelong secret about him. The funny part was, Freya had no idea why she was smiling. This guy was kind of annoying not to mention a little bit creepy. The blonde brought a hand up to her lips, as if she were trying to keep from laughing about something. The whole situation was just kind of funny. Instead of running and getting away to safety, or using some pepper spray to save herself, she was standing here laughing at the stalker. Almost anyone willing to waste their time stalking her, needed to find themselves a better hobby. If they wanted to get back at her dad that bad, there were many other ways. Most of them all being a lot more efficient and easier than this. "Sorry. I honestly have no idea why I'm laughing right now." Freya confessed as she breathed out softly. Trying to get the little giggles that wanted to escape out of her system before it got her into trouble. This poor guy chose the wrong female to follow if he wanted to see someone get scared or frightened. Although he looked like he could be intimidating himself, he wasn't pulling off the look quite as well as he had probably intended to. Sadly, he was fairly cute too. Freya was kind of depressed by the fact that she could only attract stalkers and weirdos.

"Who told you my name, then?" Freya questioned, her arms gingerly crossing over her chest. Though just minutes before she was amused by the man, she was beginning to become irritated with him. Who was he and why was he told her name? Freya wasn't sure if she should be mad at the one following her or she should be mad at the one who told this guy to follow her? Freya wondered if it was another situation that had to do with her father, and this guy only wound up being the messenger. "Look who told you to follow me? Was it someone who's got beef with my father? I'm freaking sick and tired of you people following my family around, because of him! Get lost before I get annoyed." Freya rolled her eyes and stalked off. Maybe if she was the one to leave, he would get the idea that she didn't want people to follow her around because of her dad. It made Freya feel like her life was being controlled and decided because of her dad. Freya turned around the corner and prayed that he wouldn't follow her. She didn't want to have to actually fight or struggle. How long had they been following her this time? Freya usually took time to notice things like this, so she wasn't sure exactly how long he had been following her before she noticed him. How much had they uncovered about her life whole they followed her? Freya knew right then and there that she needed to be more careful when she was around people.
When Freya asked why he suddenly looked confused, he looked at her like she had grown another head. Austin did not know much about her, but she was starting to seem like the creepy one. "You aren't supposed to greet a stalker like that, so that's why I am so confused." And now she was seeming like she was trying to stop from laughing. What sort of sick person did Axel set him up with to follow? Austin looked down at his hands before he hid them within his robes, as she continued to laugh. She was really making him uncomfortable, and he wished that there was something else to do right now. He wanted to turn and run away since she had to be some sort of psychotic killer. And then she even said that she had no idea why she was laughing right now. He slowly cocked his head to the side and he inquired, "Do you need to go to a mental hospital? I know a few that could cure whatever it is wrong with you and your random laughing fits." There had to be something up with her. Just his luck, he had to pick to stalk a weirdo. Well, at least it was not as bad as his break up with Arianna, where they were engaged and set to be married, but then it all went downhill. Austin gave in to the voice in his mind telling him to just embrace the darkness, and he had.

Freya asked who told him her name, and Austin bit his lip at that. He said simply, "I can't tell you that. I'm just doing as I was told." And she was starting to get mad and whatnot, and asked if it was someone who had beef with her dad. Like he knew why Axel wanted him to follow her. He did not ask why and did not really want to. He did not know anything like that. So when she started to walk off, Austin of course started to follow. He was like a soldier, a good little soldier that did everything that he was ordered to. Except by this girl. She couldn't tell him what to do. "Afraid I won't be getting lost. I just have to follow you around to keep an eye on you. I don't know jack with your dad, or anything." Austin would love to be enlightened over what he was doing, and for what reason. It would really be nice. Maybe Freya could enlighten him on the situation since it was obvious what he was feeling.
Freya cocked her head to the side and raised her eyebrows at the boy. "So you admit that you've been stalking me as opposed to just following me? Awesome, I feel super safe right now." Freya replied sarcastically. This boy hadn't just been following her for the past couple of moments, in fact the way he spoke, he could have been following her for awhile. Did he know where she lived and stuff? Freya mentally screamed at her father as she knew that somehow he was the cause of this. Even if this boy couldn't tell her anything, she didn't need him to. Freya didn't think that it was fair that she should have to suffer because of the things her dad did. Wasn't she allowed to have her own life? "Well forget doing what you're told, can't you just tell them that I got away, or I was killed or something?" Freya asked. She turned to leave and maybe find some place she could run, but to her surprise and her horror, she saw that she was pretty much cornered. There were places that she could run, but none where she could hide from the stranger that was following her.

"Fine, if you won't listen to reason and let me be, I guess I'll just have to get rid you myself then. Stupefy!" Freya wasn't playing around anymore. Pulling out her wand she cast a simple spell, not wanting to really hurt him but wanting to stun him or distract him. That way she could possibly get away. Freya turned at that point and booked it as fast as she could in the opposite direction of where the boy was, then she turned a corner. Once she got around the corner though, she failed to pay to where she was truly going. When she ran into a dead end, Freya paused and cursed under her breath. Her eyes darted around as she tried to search for something she could use to help her out. A hole, door, window, anything that could keep her from running into that boy once he caught up with her again. He probably didn't even intend to hurt her, but she didn't want to take the chance of being killed because she didn't defend herself properly.
Austin sincerely wondered why the family wanted him to keep a close eye on her and follow her around. Normally, he did not question such demands but this time, he had to. She did not seem like a threat at all. So, why did his family want him to stalk her? "Following or stalking, both provide an essence of danger. One is not greater than the other, Freya." It was almost like educating a little girl at most. Austin could not believe his luck when he had to come here and get things done. If anything, he would take care of the problem himself, if he had known what the problem was. This was incredibly frustrating, but he did not show it. He did not want to show a sliver of emotion around this girl except confusion. It would not be something she could later turn against him. Austin knew of women and how their tricks were. Especially with the last one he was with. He never saw that one coming. "I cannot lie to my family. I have to do what I am told." Austin surprised himself somewhat with how robotic he sounded. He was truly just a small soldier.

The moment Freya mentioned that he would not listen to reason, and said that she would have to get rid of him herself, Austin did not see what was coming at him until she pulled out her wand. Barely deflecting the spell so that it hit a wall behind him, Austin looked in the direction that she was going in, before smirking to himself. "Now, things just got a little more fun." Austin turned and followed Freya until he managed to see that she just turned a corner, and ran into a dead end. Austin pulled out his wand and darted in that direction until he saw that she was at a dead end. Even he looked around for a means to escape. Casting a spell that would not allow apparation, he wondered what else she had planned up her sleeve. "Do you plan on shooting another spell at someone who is not prepared, or are you going to try to escape through a wall? I am curious to see what you are planning right now, since I have no plans to actually hurt you." Well, as of yet, but that was all on her.
Freya couldn't believe that this was a freaking dead end! "This always worked in the freaking movies!" Whenever someone escaped within a movie, they always seemed to be of trouble so easily. Even if there was a dead end, they always managed to find something that they could use! There wasn't even a single box that she could climb on top of! Freya flinched and turned her body around once she heard that Austin had caught up with her. How the hell was she going to explain this crap? She didn't think that this was going to happen, thus why she had attacked him. Freya rubbed the side of her head and glanced around the alleyway carefully. Nope, definitely nothing she could use. It would appear as if she was going to have to talk her way out of this one. "I didn't really think this plan through before I executed it, there was supposed to be a way for me to escape. But no, I don't plan to shoot another spell at you just yet." If he started to act anymore flaky, Freya would change her mind in a heartbeat though. The last thing she wanted was to let down her guard too much. She'd be an easy target if she did that.

Blue eyes fixed their eyes on the figure following her as Freya made a point to put her wand away so that the man would see that she meant what she had said. Freya was never too talented when it came to dueling, so challenging him could result in her actually getting hurt. "You don't plan to hurt me, but merely do as your family says and keep an eye on me." Freya practically restated the entire situation, making sure that she understood exactly what was going on. "Do you know if you'e being told to follow me, because your family plans to do something to my dad? You come from one of those families don't you? One of those bad families that hurts people different from you." Freya was starting to connect the dots. Maybe Austin belonged to a family that hated her dad because he used to be an Auror, and then a Hit Wizard. He had been responsible for locking away a lot of criminals back in his day. Even today, he did his best to lock others away. Freya was getting the feeling that Austin belonged to one of the families that used to cause a lot of trouble back in the day. But why must they watch her too? Were they afraid that she would follow in her father's footsteps?
Austin heard her mention movies and he shook his head. She was such a muggle. Muggles were bad news, even though he had no idea why they were. He was just comfortable with not knowing as much. He would figure it out one day, when he felt like it. Right now, he would have to do what he needed to do and that was watch this girl but he didn't know what could be so dangerous about her. She mentioned on how she did not think this plan through and thought that there had to be a way for her to escape. But she didn't plan to shoot another spell, which made him feel a little more at ease. "I can see that you didn't think it through. Comparing real life to movies... You can't be doing that." Austin felt like he was lecturing her now, but whatever it was, she was lucky that it was him following her and not some other freak. Since his failed engagement, Austin had been on edge for a long time. The only comfort he had was with his family, which was why he did what they told him to do every single moment of every day. His life was not a fairy tale, and it had been about time that he recognized this fact and applying it to his every day life.

He nodded and said, "That's what I said." He didn't like it when she was repeating it, but maybe it was to help herself out. He would never understand women now. They were another species to him. If it weren't for the looks and the personalities, he would never be interested in them. When she asked if he knew if he was being told to follow her because of her dad, he did not know the answer to that and remained still. Then she asked if he came from one of those bad families that hurt different people. Well, that was true. "Well, I don't know why I am watching you. I just am. But my family can be like that. I'm not one of those that hurts people different from me. I'm not a pure-blood. And I am still living so, do whatever you want with that information." His mother was dead, but she was a b*tch so, he did not really care. But, he was a mixed-blood. Uncommon in his family, but he was still alive.
Freya was a bit surprised to hear Austin speak again, especially about movies this time. A guy that cold and stoic looking didn't seem like the type who would even know what a movie was. "Why not? A lot of movies are based off of real life events, so it could work if one really put in the effort. Or the damned scenery was right." The last part was mostly said under Freya's breath, though she was sure that Austin could hear her. If the scenery had been more suitable for escaping, she probably would've had an easier time getting away. But as usual, life decided to throw a few lemons her way. Freya wasn't very good at making lemonade either so it wasn't like she was good at problem solving. Then again, if she played her cards right, she might not need to escape. If Austin really didn't have any intentions on hurting her, then she might just have a shot on getting away without any harm. As long as she didn't have her wand out, he shouldn't have any reason to have his out either. Call it a truce of sorts, only they weren't exactly on equal terms, because Freya was clearly the weaker of the two.

"This is weird. I haven't done anything that would constitute me needing to be watched." Although her dad was involved in some risky business, it wasn't like she assisted him with anything he did. Nor did she try to protect her dad from danger. He often did a pretty good job at keeping the family out of his affairs. So why did this boy insist that his family wanted to keep an eye on her? Freya was pretty sure that they wouldn't find any information by watching her either, so they were practically wasting their time. "Do you have to watch me all of the time? Like day and night, every day? Or is it only when they feel like I need to be watched? I'm just curious because I don't want some peeping tom watching me while I shower or sleep." Freya was joking with this one. But at the same time, a part of her prayed that he didn't need to watch her every second of her life. Not only would that become awkward, but it would also mean that other people could be watching her family while they thought they were safe at home.
Austin raised an eyebrow as she said that a lot of movies are based off of real life events. Then the whole part about the scenery made him smirk and laugh, which lasted only a few seconds. "You have got to be joking. Very few movies are based off of real life events. The rest is heavily dramatized because that's what the audience loves. Especially when it comes to the horror and slasher films which normally include an alley. But the victim dies in the end." He shrugs, knowing that he wouldn't harm her unless it was out of self defense. He didn't want to murder her either. That made him wonder what house she was in when she was in Hogwarts, well, if she even went to Hogwarts. He didn't know who Freya was, but he already regretted ever having to watch over her. Why even made him do this? Was it because he was not a pure-blood? It wasn't exactly fair for him. Austin wondered if she would even try to escape. With the spell that he cast to prevent apparation, it was doubtful. Austin looked to the ground with his green eyes momentarily, as he reflected over the the events that occurred this evening.

Austin shrugged those shoulders of his as she said that she had not done anything that would constitute her needing to be watched. "I wouldn't know. You don't seem like you'd bring a threat. You seem rather dense, to be honest." Austin was blunt there, perhaps a little rude, but he was throwing his opinion out there. She did not seem like she would be a threat to the family, so why watch her? Axel had his reasons, but he did not care. Austin heard the next question, and then he narrowed his eyes in thought. Did he really need to watch her all the time like the family said? Well, maybe not when she was in the bathroom, doing things. But the rest, he probably did. "My family stated that you needed to be watched, and to report to them daily. So, all the time. Probably not while you sleep or in the shower. I assume that does not need an audience." Austin would not want to watch her sleep or shower. Why the hell would he? Austin found that to be the line that he would draw. He refused to watch that happen.
Were they really arguing about the reality of horror movies at a time like this? If this was how Freya was going to meet her demise, she was going to be very disappointed. The blonde shook her head at his statement. "You'd be surprised with how realistic some of those movies are. People do some f*cked up things in this world. Also, are we really arguing about the reality of horror movies in the middle of a damned alley?" He wasn't a very good stalker was he? Chances were high that he wasn't even supposed to be talking to her to begin with, yet here they were arguing. Maybe it wasn't that he was so much of a bad stalker as she was just a bad victim. As much as she told herself that she should be scared of this man and get away as fast as possible, for some reason she was still here and not as afraid as she probably should have been. Either way if this was a movie it would probably get the worst ratings possible because nothing even good and juicy was happening right now. Oh well, at least Freya was alive and likely around to still tell the tale. Lucius and Jarrett would love this.

"I'm not dense as much as I am just open to discussion." Freya could be smart when she wanted to be. Although ninety percent of the time that required her to actually put some energy into thinking, and these days Freya felt like she was to busy to put her energy into anything other than working or trying to keep up with her dad. It would appear as if she now had this guy to deal with as well. At least he was slightly cute. "I just hope you know that your reports are going to come back very dry, I'm not a very exciting person." He was sort of dense too. The whole part about needing as audience had nothing to do with what his family wanted, but more or less the fact that he could be a major peeping tom for all she knew. Guess no, either he was very much not interested or despite his growing creeper status, somewhere deep inside he was still a gentleman of sorts. With that knowledge looming within her mind, Freya felt a bit more at ease. Sure having someone watch her was frightening, but at least he wasn't going to be gross about it.
Austin listened as she claimed that he would be surprised over how realistic some of those movies were. And then she asked if they were really arguing over the reality of horror movies in the alley, after he followed her. Austin started to chuckle before he said, "I guess we are arguing about horror movies, in an alley, after I told you that I have to follow you. But, to be fair, it does let me know on how gullible you really are." It was strange. He didn't have anything better to to then. Austin shifted his posture as he debated on why he was here, and if he was even allowed to let her know that he was keeping an eye on her. What Axel really should have ordered was not Austin, but Hades, to get the job done. He could stalk for years and not get caught. Austin could stalk for thirty seconds and still get caught. The woman did not seem as afraid anymore, and she had no reason to be. He was definitely not going to hurt someone like her. He likely would not hurt someone unless the situation really called for it. He was a logical person.

She claimed that she was not dense, but just open. "I don't get a Ravenclaw vibe from you, so I'm not really believing that claim. But, perhaps being open is a good thing, but not always." Now it just felt like he was giving her advice on being open. Well, whatever it was. Austin said that she was not a very exciting person, and he nodded. He almost agreed. She wasn't too exciting, but she was definitely different. "To be fair, I'm not very exciting either. In fact, growing up, one could say that I was exceedingly boring." Yes, he was. He loved his studies. He was Quidditch captain. He made prefect. He had a great girlfriend at the time. Everything seemed perfect. But now, the girlfriend part was definitely gone. And he had nothing going for him. So, watching her was the only exciting thing in his life. "So, this is awkward. I feel the need for some coffee. Since we are both kind of stuck in this weird situation, I'll get you one too, if you want." Austin shrugged his shoulders lightly. Asking someone to come get a cup of coffee was a little on the awkward side for him. He was just too used to being alone nowadays.
"I'm sure even if I said no, you'd follow me anyways." Freya shrugged her shoulders. Although she didn't say anything, she decided to call him shadow as secret nickname. He was practically like a shadow with the way he followed her around anyways. Glancing at the watch on her wrist, she figured she had a decent amount of time before her dad wondered where she was, so she might as well go get some coffee. No matter where she went she figured this boy would follow her regardless, so it wasn't like going somewhere else would get him off of her case. "Come on, let's go. I'm getting kind of hungry too." Freya waved and figured that he would follow along, she knew of the perfect coffee shop, one that had the best fries. At least this time she'd have some company too.


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