Seventh Years, Lesson Three

"Morning Seventh year, now, this lesson will not be as amazing as the last, but it is quite interesting, and you'll enjoy it." Misha placed the cup down on the table he was sat upon, before he got up and went to the board, writing in chalk what they were doing, it read, Geminio "Geminio is from the latin word, 'Geminare', which means, to double." He paused, making his way back to his desk, and picked up a small blank notebook, placing it flat in the palm of his hand. A muggle one, a christmas gift he had yet to use, he took out his wand and pointed his wand at it, "Geminio" He spoke clearly, and in the blink of an eye, an exact replica of the empty notebook sat upon the first. He put away his wand and held the two up for the class to see, "If you do it correctly, Geminio will give you an exact duplicate of the object you are casting a spell on." He held them up a moment longer, taking a few steps closer so that the students could be sure that they were in fact the mirror image of one another.

"While I made this spell look easy, it isn't. It's not a NEWT spell for nothing." He moved to his desk and picked up a box, which held an assortment of children's toys that the previous professor had left. While he wondered at times if maybe the previous professor had maybe wanted to keep them, for the time being his Seventh years could happily practice making more of them. With a flick of his wand, that he had picked back up, the toys flew out, one landing in front of each student. "Right, begin practicing, don't worry if you don't get it first time. Once you are sure that the two are a perfect match, bring them up to me. And before you hurry away to practice, or to the next class, remember to read the next chapter in your charms book, the one on the Deprimo spell." And with that he motioned the students to begin.

- RP the Lesson
Aurora was a little in shock really. Rosie was pregnant. Aurora was sure it had to be fake, but the healer and Rosie seemed pretty certain. She just was sure that her sister knew better, but in the same breath, she could tell that Rosie was happy about it. Happy to be pregnant. She had never thought that she would want it while still pretty young, but she knew there was no changing it now. It was taking up space in Aurora’s mind and really she needed to try to focus. There were her NEWTs coming up, she needed to do well on those. The gryffindor was grabbing her things, helping Rosie with hers and then waited till rosie was ready before heading out of the dorm room.

Aurora walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room, bringing Rosie to sit with her. Making sure her sister was okay and settled before focusing on the professor and what the professor was saying. She put her wand out as the professor got started, going over what they would be doing. She nodded eagerly, and only grimaced a little as what they’d be working on were toys for young children. aurora looked at the one handed to her and then took her wand. She pointed it at it and then took a deep breath and said, ”Geminio,” she had to cast it a couple of times but she did get it and it was pretty cool when she had the exact copy. She waited until Rosie was done before heading out of the room.
Rosie walked into the charms classroom and took her spot in the room next to Aurora, batting her sister away as she was clearly trying to fuss over her. Rosie looked at the professor as the man got started and she just took her quill and began making notes about what the professor was saying. Making sure that she didn’t miss anything from what was being said about the spell. She glanced as the professor then had a set of toys come towards them, and Rosie smiled fondly at them, thinking of the baby growing in her, of little hands playing with such toys. The teen focused herself and took the wand, she had to do the spell a number of times before she got anything, fairly distracted by the thoughts in her mind. Eventually the lesson was wrapped up and Rosie packed up her things and left the room.
Demetrius was in a mood. Some days were just like that, at least they had been lately. He wasn't particularly excited about charms class but he supposed he should get it over and done with so he made his way to the classroom. He watched the professor with an unamused expression. It seemed like a strange spell; what was the point of buying more than one of anything if you already had one of it if this spell existed? He attempted the spell nonetheless, finding it actually quite difficult. By the end of the lesson he almost had the toy correctly copied but there were fine detailings of where the toy had worn that hadn't transferred. Really, you probably didn't even want those details. Once the lesson was over, Demetrius went on his way.
Monday Weeks trudged into Professor Haden's classroom, still feeling the effects of a restless night. He rubbed his eyes and tried to shake off the sleepiness as the professor greeted the class and introduced the lesson on the Geminio spell. Monday felt a pang of anxiety about trying a new spell in his current state. As Misha demonstrated the spell, Monday watched intently, hoping the clarity of the instruction would help him focus. The transformation of the single notebook into two identical ones was impressive, and Monday tried to push his tiredness aside to concentrate on the details of the casting.

When the toys landed in front of each student, Monday picked up the small wooden toy that had landed on his desk. This wasn't going to be easy, especially not today. He placed the toy flat in his palm, just as Misha had done with the notebook, and aimed his wand at it. "Geminio," he said clearly, trying to imbue his words with as much confidence as he could muster. A faint flicker of light emanated from his wand, but the toy remained singular. Monday sighed, frustrated but not surprised. He took another deep breath and tried again, focusing harder this time. This time, a second toy appeared beside the first. It looked...close. Not completely, but it was good enough. He packed up his things, making a mental note to read the next chapter on the Deprimo spell.

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