Seventh Years, Lesson Six

"Good Morning, Seventh years!" Misha called, waving his wand at the door so that it shut quietly. "I hope you have all thought about your happiest memory and brought it with you to class today. It was be essential for what we are about to do." With that being said, he briefly looked at each student in turn, hoping they realized how important it was.

"If you remember to last week, we discussed the Patronus Charm, and I even demonstrated mine. So today, with your happiest thought, you will be attempting it yourself. Each one of you will no doubt have a different patronus, so it will be interesting to see what form they take."Misha walked around to the front of his desk, wand still in hand.

"Before you all start, I'd like to go over the incantation again. Everybody, say it with my, I want no mistakes with this charm. Say, 'Expecto Patronum'. One more time, 'Expecto Patronum'. Very good, I think everyone's saying it correctly." He said pleasantly, before stating the charm himself and once again conjuring up his patronus, exactly like last lesson. "You won't all get it the first time, but keep trying, and make sure you focus on your happy memory. I expect no less than a silvery coloured wisp. Wands out, and off you go!"

- RP the Lesson, attendance is fine
As Monday Weeks, sat in Charms class, he paid close attention to Professor Haden's instructions. His wand was held firmly in his hand, ready for the challenge ahead. He had indeed thought about his happiest memory. When Professor Haden emphasized the importance of their happiest memories for casting the Patronus Charm, Monday nodded thoughtfully, ensuring he was mentally prepared. He appreciated the professor's meticulous approach and understood the significance of mastering such a defensive spell. As the lesson progressed, Monday joined in with the class in practicing the incantation. His enunciation was precise, each syllable clear and intentional. He watched attentively as Professor Haden demonstrated once more, conjuring a brilliant patronus.

When it was time for the students to attempt the charm themselves, Monday took a deep breath, recalling his chosen memory vividly. With focused determination, he raised his wand and spoke the incantation confidently. At first, there was a flicker of silver light at the tip of his wand, but it quickly dissipated. Undeterred, Monday tried again, channeling more of his happiest memory into the spell. This time, a faint, silvery wisp emerged, hovering briefly before fading away. He frowned slightly, realizing it wasn't yet strong enough. He repeated the charm several more times, each attempt refining his focus and connection to his happiest memory. On his fifth try, a more defined shape began to form, an owl, fitting. It fluttered gently in the air before dispersing, leaving Monday with a sense of accomplishment tinged with determination to improve further.

After what seemed like an intense session of practice, Professor Haden called an end to the practical exercise. Monday smiled as the professor gave feedback and encouragement to the class, emphasizing the need for continued practice and concentration. Gathering his things at the end of the lesson, Monday felt a mix of satisfaction and eagerness to perfect the Patronus Charm.
Aurora felt torn a little, between being there for her sister and soon to be niece or nephew, but she also needed to focus on her exams and on doing well enough to be a healer. It was just a lot and Aurora was having a hard time trying to balance it. She knew that it was just that they were at the crunch point, that the end of her schooling and thus the NEWTs were just so close. She gathered the different things she needed for the day and was vowing to try and study wherever Rosie was. She knew that Rosie didn’t love the over-protectiveness, but she couldn’t help it. Aurora headed of the dorm and to class.

Aurora walked into the charms classroom and took a spot in the room with her sister. She was very very eager to finally be able to try and cast the patronus charm. She knew it was definitely one of the best spells ever. She watched the professor as the man demonstrated it again as he had in the previous lesson but then just let them get one with it. Aurora grabbed ehr wand and began thinking about happy memories. Picking out memories with her sister, her family with Soren. She cast, ”Expecto Patronum,” but didn’t manage anything more than a wisp. She knew she just needed more practice. With that she was able to pack up and leave the room.
Rosie couldn’t believe she was almost six months pregnant. The exams were going to be pretty hellish, with the little baby kicking away and pressing down on her bladder. But she was so looking forward to meeting them. The little pieces of her and Xinyi together in one baby. She had a little bump, certainly most people would notice it now, though she did think over the next little while it would grow a lot. She had found the second trimester to be better than the first, but still not amazing. She was tired all of the time, but she knew that with Accio and the wild patch and her exams, that it was probably all adding, but she wasn’t going to drop out when she was so close. Instead she just gathered what she needed and headed out of the dorm.

Rosie walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. Her gaze moved towards the professor at the front of the class as the man went over what they were to do. The patronus spell. For ROsie it was easy, she knew that the life inside of her, growing slowly, that she could feel move was the best thing and with it was her love her Xinyi. Her desire to always be around him and to spend their whole lives together. She held out her wand and cast, ”Expecto Patronum,” and after a few attempts Rosie had a solid silvery wisp, it didn’t quite take a shape but it was pretty close. She then was able to pack up and leave the room.
Demetrius was sort of prepared for today's lesson. He had been thinking about his happiest memory, but he felt a bit embarrassed by it. It felt silly. He shuffled into class, taking his seat. He repeated the incantation after the professor, making sure he was saying it right. Then it was time to actually do the spell. "Expecto patronum!" Demetrius said, and unremarkably nothing happened. He tried to think about the happy memory of him and his brother but nothing was happening. Feeling frustrated, he tried once more. A thin wisp emerged, but nothing much. Demetrius was getting a bit of a headache from concentrating but it wasn't working out for whatever reason. Was his memory not happy enough? Was that insult to the memory, or was Demetrius just not doing his best? He felt like he was, but by the end of class all he managed to produce was a silvery wisp. Deciding he had to be satisfied with that, Demetrius left once the lesson ended. He really needed to practice more, especially if this ended up on the exam.

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