Seventh Years: Lesson Four

Professor Nakamura was always excited to teach astronomy, but he was a bit more excited that evening. He thought they were finally getting to the true depths of astronomy and its fascinations. He greeted the students as they entered, giving them each a friendly smile. He knew in his schooling teachers weren’t often friendly, and he had the opinion that it made a difference. “The edge of the universe,” Professor Nakamura began, speaking in a serious tone, “is something we know little about. Is the universe still expanding? How will the universe end? In a reverse big bang? These are questions posed, but we have no clear answers.” Professor Nakamura paused dramatically, then continued on.

“Galaxies - massive collections of dust, gas, planets, and stars – seem to be formed in groups or clusters. They come in a variety of forms and tend to have a larger cluster of celestial bodies in the centre. These centres often have solar systems, including planets and stars. During the planet’s orbits we often get eclipses. Does anyone remember the difference between solar and lunar eclipses?” Professor Nakamura asked, checking if the class was still paying attention. He chose a student who raised their hand, then nodded when they got the answer right. “Moving on, it’s interesting to note that hundreds of years ago, as previously mentioned, the earth was thought to be the centre of the universe. Something to think about, to consider what we still have to learn about our universe.”

“Now, that’s us for this evening but please, next week, remember to bring your wands. No homework, but keep revising. It’s important if you want to pass your NEWTs,”
Professor Nakamura told them all, dismissing them for the evening.

Roleplay the lesson for full marks.
First to answer the question gets additional house points
They were steadily moving closer to the end of the year, Hogwarts Monthly was ramping up, duelling was ongoing, the Valentine’s dance was over, Theo would be going back to Scotland (honestly good riddance) and Elio would be graduating which would mean he would have to actually start being responsible for himself. Merlin, have mercy. He didn’t think he’d ever be ready for that if he was honest. So he slouched in Nakamura’s class, listening to him talk about the edge of the universe. Elio wasn’t sure of the universe could actually have an edge, it seemed like it was infinite, but he also wasn’t sure if that could be a truth either. He took down some notes to make sure he had it straight in his head underlining some of the more interesting points, like reverse big bang because that sounded really dramatic. When the professor asked about solar and lunar eclipses, his hand shot up, because he did actually remember this. “A solar eclipse is when the moon blocks the sun, and a lunar eclipse is when the Earth casts a shadow on the moon.” Nice, extra housepoints. The rest of the lesson passed quickly after that, and Elio was eager to get out of there so he could go and find Mikael. Though he did wonder what they would be doing with their wands in next lesson as it wasn’t the class they typically used them in.​
Roo was glad that she was halfway through the semester. It was getting a little tiring, and the Ravenclaw just couldn't wait for the classes to be over. Whilst she felt content with all of her classes, she just wanted to be out exploring the castle before her time at Hogwarts inevitably ended, and that time was becoming uncomfortably closer. The prefect packed all of her belongings into her backpack and headed to her classes.

Roo entered the Astronomy classroom and took her usual seat near the front of the room. The professor started the lesson quickly, deciding to lecture them again. Roo took out her writing equipment so she could take notes. At least they were able to see something great last week through the telescope. As the professor asked a question, Roo raised her hand to answer it however a Gryffindor was called upon. Soon enough, the lesson ended and Roo promptly left the classroom once dismissed.
Savannah walked into the astronomy classroom and took her usual spot in the classroom. Her gaze moved to the professor at the front of the room as the man got started telling them about the universe. She made sure that she was taking notes from what the professor was saying on it. Eventually the lecture was wrapped up with a few questions and then they were dismissed without homework. Savannah packed up her things and then headed out of the room.
The seventh year prefect was ready to just leave the school by now, but he still had several weeks left. Cassius Styx got ready in his dorm room and had his bag ready for the day. Cass wondered what Aubrie was up to right now, and hoped that she was thinking of him too. It would have been better if he had just gone out to Beauxbatons, but oh well. Cass looked at his schedule to make sure that he was heading to the right class. He did have several after all. Almost all of them. He dropped some over the years, but he lost interest in most of them. Cass still had some interest in the ones he had currently. That is why he grabbed his things and left the dorm to head to class without wasting time.

Cass walked in the Astronomy classroom and found his spot once more. They were talking about the edge of the universe, which he doubted that there was such thing. Didn't it just go on to infinity, infinite darkness and beyond? It wasn't like there was a wall there, was there? The thought gave him a headache. He took notes over it though, and galaxies. He swore that they went over this before. But after the know-it-all answered the question, they were free to leave. He got up and left.

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