Seventh Years, Lesson Four

"Morning Seventh years, How is everyone?" He asked with his usual smile. "Today, we are focusing on the spell Deprimo, and for this we are heading outside." Misha ushered the class out of the room, and down to the lawn so that they could have some space to preform the spells. Well, that and he had once again gotten permission to corner off a part of the great lawn for the purposes of Charms. There he had set up large blocks of wood, that were a little smaller than him.

The Charms professor did not waste any time as he instructed the students to stand in front of their own block of wood. "Deprimo blasts a hole through the target object. You can use this spell on the floor, the wall- well, on pretty much anything." With that, Misha turned to his own block of wood, and cast the spell quickly, smiling happily as he did so. The spell blasted a hole through the wood. Which he thought was pretty impressive. "Practice as ever is the key to this spell, however once you feel you've got it, then you may leave. I'll be around to observe and answer any questions."

- RP the Lesson, attendance post is fine
Aurora was still in some shock about what she’d learnt, but it was funny how life just continued. Her dad didn’t seem too annoyed by it, and was at least around to be able to help Rosie whenever Aurora couldn’t. She knew she was being over-protective, but Aurora couldn’t help it. She came in from the quidditch pitch and began getting herself ready for the day ahead, making sure she had her notes and books, and homework, everything that she would need for the day ahead and then she headed out of the dorm and to her first class of the day.

Aurora walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. Her gaze moved to the professor at the front of the room as they got started and then were taken outside. The gryffindor followed the professor and the rest of the class until they got to a part of the lawn and the professor demonstrated the spell. She went to her block of wood, and then began practicing. Doing the spell over and over until it work and until she was good at it. She was pretty pleased with herself when she managed the spell and then was able to head back into the castle, though she waited for Rosie before doing so.
Rosie followed her sister into the charms classroom. She was still having pretty rough morning sickness but she at least now knew what it was a could be a little reassured of that. She wasn’t sitting in the charms classroom long, the professor guided them outside and then showed them the spell they’d be working on. It seemed fairly destructive, and Rosie was sure she was not going to manage this spell particularly well. She moved to where she needed to, to practice and then began trying to do the spell. It took her most of the lesson to get anything, and it remained much weaker than other people’s attempts at the spell. But she did mostly manage it and joined Aurora before heading back to the school.
Demetrius showed up to class, ready for the next lesson. Charms was going okay so far. It was a bit less challenging than transfiguration, he noted, but most things weren't as challenging as transfiguration. If he was worried about any of his NEWTs it was that one. Demetrius followed the professor outside where the professor demonstrated the spell. It seemed an interesting one to teach, but it'd probably come in handy some day. Probably. Demetrius gave it a shot, using the incantation and managing at first to only create a small hole. With effort, however, he managed to get a decent-sized hole and he felt strangely pleased with himself - something he hadn't been feeling much of lately. Once done, he left, hoping to get some study in before dinner.
Monday Weeks trudged into Charms class, his mental exhaustion evident in his movements. As Professor Haden ushered them outside, Monday felt a small surge of relief. The fresh air and open space might help him stay awake and focused. He followed the class to the great lawn, where large blocks of wood were set up for their practice. Monday found his place in front of one of the blocks, trying to shake off the fog in his mind. The professor demonstrated the spell on his own block of wood. The impressive blast left a clean hole, and Monday couldn't help but feel a bit daunted by the task ahead.

He took a deep breath, raised his wand, and focused on his block of wood. He intoned the spell, trying to channel what little energy he had left into the spell. A small puff of dust emerged from the block, but no hole. Monday frowned, feeling a wave of frustration mix with his exhaustion. As he practiced, Monday's mind wandered to the many things he had to do: study for his NEWTs, finish his homework, and somehow get some rest. The weight of his responsibilities felt overwhelming, but he tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on the task at hand. He cast the spell once more. The spell finally blasted a small hole through the block, and Monday felt a flicker of satisfaction. He knew it wasn't perfect, but it was progress. Whatever, he was done. He left with a mental note to try again.

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