Seven little girls in two stright lines

Dympna Bella-Donna

Well-Known Member
At last her test collection was complete. She was calling this trial Soul. She found it interesting because lack of a soul that the girls have shown under her potions and spells. Still there was always that off child. She hoped that this time she got her training right. "Here we are darling." She said as she ran a hand through Lavender's hair. "Girls I have someone for you to meet." She called but not to loudly. The house was charmed so that her voice could be heard without her having to yell. That and she didn't want to hurt the new little girl's ears. "You will be very happy here my darling." She said with a gentle smile that hid that madness that dwelled within Dympna's heart.
Naomi had been with Violet when her mommy called. The two of them had gotten rather close since Jasper left the manor and the others had begun picking on Naomi as well when she stuck up for Violet. The only reason she had stuck up for Violet was because the young girl was only beginning to realise the power that her quiet sister had inside her, which had attracted Dympna to Violet. Naomi knew that her power probably was around the same level, and if all of the girls powers were at that same level, than mommy could have an army of powerful girls who wanted the world at their feet like she and Violet did. She and Violet had made an alliance, and when they had the world at their feet, they would make sure mommy was in power as well for making them so powerful.

'Come on.' Naomi whispered to Violet, running to where her mommy was with the new girl. Everyone in the house knew that when mommy called, they had to go immediately or were in danger. As she reached the entrance part of the house and saw her mommy, Naomi couldn't help but smile beatifically at it. 'Mommy!' She called out excitedly, rushing forward into her mommy's arms.
Surprisingly Violet and Naomi had been getting on rather well since Naomi began sticking up for her. At first she had been shocked when Naomi did, but then was gratified to her, and the two of them had became, well, not friends, but more alliances. They were going to be the ones in power, not the other sisters, and they would make sure that their mommy was in a position of power as well for making her and Naomi so powerful and successful. Little did Violet know what her mommy was truly doing, none of the girls did. They all thought their mommy was perfect, and had no idea what she was doing to them. For those that had been kidnapped from their home, like she and Naomi, they didn't even remember, thinking that Dympna had always been there for them.

When Naomi had ran off, Violet followed, walking, but at a fast pace. When Naomi had ran into mommy's arms, Violet stopped and leaning against the wall, she gazed curiously at the new girl, her eyes not friendly, as she gave her a once over. She didn't appear very powerful, but she knew that looks could be deceiving. 'Hi mommy.' She said simply, smiling as well at her mommy. She was glad that she and Naomi were closer, and was sure that her mommy would be as well as they were the two most powerful in the house. It was obvious to her and Naomi at least, and she was sure it would be to her mommy as well.
Rosemary stood separate to the other girls, watching with cold eyes and a sweet smile on her face as she sized them up, trying to work out who was competition, and who she could control or manipulate easily. She got the feeling that Dympna would see through any attempts to frame others, but she also understood that she would encourage such lying and trickery. She had finally found a place she felt at home.

Rosemary stepped forward and tugged at her new mother's sleeve gently, trying to catch her attention. "Who is this?" she asked in her heavily accented voice, pointing at the new girl. Maybe she would be worth an alliance? Rosemary needed more power if she was going to be any competition to Naomi and Violet, and to do that she would recruit the other children. Temporarily, of course. Then, after they were no longer any use, she would turn and stab them in the back. The thought made her laugh, a pretty, tinkling sound, which had always worked in her favour when convincing people she was completely innocent.
Two of her best works showed up first. Dympna couldn't be happier with Violet and Poppy (Naomi). They where growing into such beautiful girls that Dympna had to comment about calling them after flowers. Rosemary was next. She was a beautiful girl with a wicked heart which only needed a little conditioning to unlock her powers. Dympna was already making preparations for her in the basement. "My sweets, this is Lavender. She will be a Soul sister from now on. Welcome her and make her feel at home. Remember that kindness is extended to our family but others are not so lucky." She said very wisely. She had been teaching them the propitiates of life like the purity of blood and why half breeds where a crime against nature. Dympna was kind to her beloved girls though. At night they where treated to stories. Not just any stories though. The true versions of them The warning tails that where made to ready children for the cold world.

"Though there are those even in our family that are not as perfect as my sweet Souls." She said making a side remark to the unbelievable fail that the Clow trial had been. Jasper had been saved by William even though Dympna knew that she had allowed him to become to powerful for his own good. Dympna was already thinking of ways to dispose of that entire half breed family and take their girl for herself. Zeal had inspired this trial of her experiments so it was only natural that she take his sister too. The Clow sisters that remained had housing until they where seventeen then they where expected to find a place of their own and leave forever. Dympna let go of Lavender's hand and wrapped her sweeping arms around Poppy in a tight hug.
Zeal heard his mother call and was slow to leave and see her. he walked up the hidden passage from his room to the front door. he could see all the girls, his "sisters" and he did not trust the girls. " hello mother, what is it you want?" he looked at her as he walked out from behind the picture in the main hall. "hello girls. why are you all beauiful?" he walked over and grabbed dympna's hand and try to get to talk to her alone to tell her whats been happening.

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