Setting the standards

Robert Kain

father 🎉 live for the experiences
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Sturdy Cedar Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
9/2009 (54)
After Professor Kains classes had mainly gone according to plan, he was pleased with the majority of his students. What he didn’t appreciate though was when a student walked out mid way through without any explaination and he very much wanted to get to bottom as to why. After helping to raise seven of his nieces and nephews he felt as though he was in a good position to talk directly to the first years, and so had sent a message to the young Gryffindor to meet him in his office.

His office was still reasonably bare as he’d not had the position for too long, but the usual desk and chairs were ready and prepared, and the Charms Professor was in the middle of writing to his new girlfriend. It was certainly strange to finally be able to call Elly that after a year of dating her, but he had been more than ready to take things to a more official level. He looked up when the charm on the door began to chime, indicating that someone was outside, and with a wave of his wand he opened the door as he lay down his quill. “Please, come in,” he requested to the student, eager to discuss what was going on in her mind.
Bear, whom was dressed in an extremely vintage looking tie-dye dress, was not happy to come in as the professor asked, and her dull brown eyes expressed the fact deeply. The curly haired girl knew that this was going to be about his very silly take on why she left his class without saying anything. In truth Bear didn't understand what the big deal was. She'd gotten her wand to light up - and of course an older student helped her put it out as she hadn't stuck around to find out how - so why was she being punished. Crossing her arms she did not bother to sit, as she didn't figure the conversation would be for long. After all, if anything distracted him this outsider would throw her to the side - just as she had been told. They were all selfish, and only looked for personal gain rather than the gain of the community, or so Bear believed.
As far as Professor Kain could the, Bear had simple come to the lesson, decided it wasn’t for her, and left without saying a word. He was therefore pleased when she decided to turn up to his office, even if he quietly had an inkling she wouldn’t do that either. “Sit wherever you like, there’s no rules in here,” he mentioned, hoping he wasn’t going to come to regret saying so. “How have you found your first week?” He asked, leaning on the side of his desk and crossing his arms over his chest. It was always better to get to the root of an issue as quickly as you could, to save farting around things that would waste time.

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