Closed Seeking Something Exciting

Elara Chatelain

🎪 Artistic Director | Traveling Asia and Oceania
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Zay)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 8 1/2 Inch Swishy Cypress Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
23 (4/2041)
Elara had been rather disappointed by Gryffindor's loss; she knew it wasn't anyone's fault and that the younger seeker just had a stroke of luck. However, she was determined to work on his seeker skills. She took off on her broom as she waited for Zay to show up, pushing the few stray curls out of her face (she definitely did not curl her hair for quidditch practice.)
Isaiah had been bummed out by Gryffindor losing the game, especially since he had been in awe of the older beaters' performance. It almost felt unfair that they could do so well and still lose. One small advantage of their loss was that El had been keen on getting in some practice to which he happily obliged. Especially since it would be just them. Not that it hadn't been just them before but lately things had been.. different. "Sup!" Zay called out when he reached the pitch, hopping onto his broom and quickly pushing himself off into the air. "So what's this new super awesome special technique you were talking about?"
Elara noticed someone join her in the air and grinned at Zay. "Hiya!" Elara slowed down and pulled in front of the Gryffindor, hovering. "I don't know if it's really super awesome, but I was reading a book that talked about a spiral dive, and apparently, it can help you gain speed, which would benefit a seeker, of course. And I wanna be prepared if I ever get a chance to play!" The thought of playing made Elara nervous and excited, probably because she did admire Flynn and her fellow teammates. At the same time, she knew she had a long way to go to really match up to some of the other seekers. Plus, doing tricks on brooms was not the same as flinging yourself through the air.
Isaiah listened as El explained something she had read about, trying not to make a face when she mentioned reading. This was good reading after all. Quidditch was important. "Dude, that sounds like.. serious business." He nodded, impressed that she wanted to try that. He shouldn't really be surprised though, he knew El had probably done crazier stuff. "So where do I come in exactly?" He grinned, a little lost as to what she would need him for. Unless he was just there to save the day when things went sour, which was something he could certainly manage.
Elara realized that she hadn't really thought through inviting Isaiah to join her in her practice. While, yes, it would be probably be good to have somone around if she were continually hurling herself through the air. But really, she had just kind of wanted to hang out with Isaiah without all the extra stuff. "Umm, well, you could watch and tell me if you think I'm doing it right," she said not very confidently, something that felt kind of unnatural to her. She flew a little ways away from Zay, as to not hurt him, and tried to focus on just diving but also twisting. She wondered if the more twists you have, the more speed you gain. Elara took time to gain speed and then quickly dove, only getting a partial spin in before pulling up quickly so she didn't dive into the grass. "Umm, I don't think that was right," Elara called.
Isaiah grinned when El seemed to lack her usual confidence when she explained why he was there since it didn't sound like the new technique she wanted to practice was something she really needed another person for. He watched as she flew off to attempt the spiral dive without hesitation. As tough as he liked to think he was he wasn't sure whether he would ever just dive straight for the ground like she did. Then again, he wasn't a seeker so there was a slim possibility of him even having to. "I think it needs some more.. spiralling." Zay offered. "But y'know, I'm not great with advice. Figured I was just here for my looks." He added jokingly, although he really didn't think he would be any help to El figuring out how to get the hang of the spiral dive.
Elara frowned and then looked down at the ground again. "Yeah... gotta pull in my elbows, I think," she started, thinking about her technique again before being drawn closer to Zay after his comment. "You think highly of yourself, huh?" she joked, knowing full well she did enjoy Isaiah's looks. And that may have contributed to her asking him here. "I actually did want your help, but if we're talking about looks, what about me? Do you think I could dazzle another seeker away with my beauty?" she laughed.
Isaiah nodded when El mentioned pulling in her elbows, trying his best to act as if he could totally be helpful here. Which he couldn't. With everything El could do he was sure she was way better in doing any type of broom manoeuvre than he would ever be. "Aw c'mon, don't tell me you don't." He pushed a hand through his hair as he laughed in response to El's joke, although he couldn't help but to wonder what she did think of him. "For sure." Zay responded perhaps a little too quickly. "I mean.. yeah, no, that's exactly what I meant." He grinned sheepishly when he realized there was no way to save himself from his quick reaction. He couldn't help it though. He liked El. And apparently that meant slightly losing grip on his usual cool self.
Elara's eyes widened for a moment before she felt her cheeks turn hot. She liked to pretend that she kept her cool pretty well, but for some reason, this boy seemed to interfere with that. Even though he hadn't directly said it, he had just said she was beautiful, right? The Gryffindor cracked her neck for a moment after giving a little laugh. Looking at Zay with squinted eyes, she finally mustered up the courage to speak. "You wanna go to the dance with me?" she questioned. They had been friends for years now, and what she interpreted as flirting had definitely amped up. It only seemed appropriate to just break the ice and see if what she was feeling was actually happening.
Isaiah would almost admit he got a little nervous when El stayed quiet for a moment after his response, relieved when she let out a small laugh. "I-" He choked out when she suddenly asked him to the dance. In all honesty, he had been thinking of asking her for a while now and he'd hate to say it but this had been the perfect moment. Yet while he normally was as impulsive as they come somehow she had beaten him to it. "Heck yeah I do." Zay eventually laughed.
Elara grinned, trying to hide how excited she was Isaiah had said yes. They had gone before, but this felt... different. Even though the sun was still out, Elara felt a few drops of water suddenly hit her head. She didn't realize it was supposed to rain today. "I think the pitch is kicking us out," she said, heading closer to the ground. "I'll see you at the ball, Zay."

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