🌹 Rose Giving Seeking Roses

Ryan Fisk

Odd Duck | Silver Snake Assitant |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
03/2039 (23)
Yellow Rose for @Elara Chatelain

While Ryan had enjoyed doing rose deliveries in the past he was less keen this year if solely because Nicole had strong armed him into it. He might have done whatever she said when she was younger but not anymore. At least not as easily. Still, it was satisfying to track someone down with just a name and Ryan was fairly sure Elara Chatelain was on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Checking around the locker rooms, he hesitated at the entrance, unsure if he was technically allowed to go in there, rose or not rose. "Is Elara Chatelain in here?" He called, content with the way his voice echoed.
Elara was taking off her padding after a quick strength training exercise with some bludgers. It kept her on her toes. It took her a moment to register someone had called her name and wobbled out with her shin pads still attached around the ankles. "That's me," she said with a smile.
Ryan took a breath moment to glance down at the pads still stuck around Elara's legs, shaking the questions already forming about bludgers and quidditch so he could grab her rose to pass it over. "Here, rose for you," he said simply, passing it over before being unable to help himself. "Does the padding actually help? Isn't it better for a seeker to be fast? Seems like it'd weigh you down."

Love you lots!!!! Help me out with my back handspring?
Love Maggi!
Elara took the note from the boy and read it quickly, smiling at how she and her friends were so nice to each other. The boy's comment made her laugh as she finished taking off her gear. "Sure, but I'd also like not to be killed by a bludger, right?" It did make sense, but safety was always very important.
Ryan considered Elara's counter with a shrug. He didn't have much practical experience with quidditch, so he supposed he could defer to her, but he was sure he could also just as easily logic out the answer too. "Easier to dodge them if you're not weighed down by so much," he pointed out. How bad could a bludger even hurt anyway.

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